Chapter 37 : Ministry of Etteokcation

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The next afternoon after school, I went to buy the ingredients for Tteok, from the traditional market because the meeting with Kim's family is tomorrow. As always, I'm surrounded by the aunties who looked after me. Except in this visit, I told them about my adoption into the Nam household, "Omo! That's so good, Byulyi hak seng! We're so happy for you, but please promise you'll still visit us frequently."

"Of course!" I replied, we talked merrily until our voices were drowned by an angry tone coming from the owner of Hotteok, "Ya, this isn't right! For women like you who dressed so well, I'd have expected someone who is more educated and cultured. You can't do this!"

We all turned our attention to her and noticed a customer who was indeed dressed like several million won on her. From the fine silky-smooth dress to her heavily jaded diamond high heel, it's hard not to think she's from a high society, "You've misunderstood me, ajumeoni. I've explained it to you earlier, I've recently returned from the US, I don't have any Korean won with me. Let me go exchange it and I'll return to pay you back."

"Heol... Samonim, you look like a million won, but don't even have 1,000 won in your wallet? I bet your clothing still has a tag on it, is that how you scam small businesses like me? Ya, I've eaten more salt than you eat my Hotteok!" yelled the owner.

I walked over in attempt to calm the situation down because we're gaining more attention as the owner's volume increased over time, "Emo... I'll pay for it." I said, handing a 1,000 bill to the owner, but she pushed it back to me, "No way, Byulyi hak seng! Why should you? For you, it's on the house, but why would you pay for a total stranger?... Ya, someone call the police."

Shaking my head, I shoved the bill into her apron pocket, "Emo, it's not worth it. Let's not make a scene over 1,000 won. You and I both know how it feels to be hungry, don't we?" She stood there in silence.

I felt guilty for making her remember an ugly past when she had nowhere to go after escaping from her abusive husband. It was halmeoni Lee who taught her how to make Hotteok that she can make a living for herself now.

"Ahhh, Emo... Please, please, please? Do it for me, please?" I pouted while pulling an aegyo on her which worked every single time, "Ahhh, okay, okay! Samonim, consider yourself lucky today. If it wasn't for Byulyi hak seng, you'd be in big trouble!"

Bowing to the owner of Hotteok in thanks for sparing her, I turned to walk away but the woman caught up right in front of me and bowed, "Thank you, hak seng. You really shouldn't have. I feed bad and ashamed as an adult because I let a child pay for me. I'll pay you back, so please tell me your phone number or home address."

She lifted her head to look at me and part of my heart leapt a little. For a woman at her age which I'm guessing to be mid-40s, she is rather charming. Not that I'm a MILF, mind you. I scratched my head and blushed, 'Sorry, Yongsun-ssaem if this counts as cheating. But this woman is indeed attractive!'

The beautiful woman proceeds to place her hand on my forehead and pondered, "Hm... Doesn't seem like a fever, why is your face red? Are you okay, hak seng?" I took a few steps back while waving my hands to assure her, "I-I'm okay, samonim... And you don't have to pay me back, it's really fine."

"But why?... Why would you do that? I'm a total stranger... Young lady, 1,000 won is still money. You're a student, aren't you? You can't take your parents money lightly."

"I'm an orphan who's recently adopted..." I muttered which made her all flustered, "Omo... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it that way, what I meant-"

"It's okay, samonim. It's not your fault that you didn't know." I smiled as I see her heaved a sigh of relief, while I further justified my actions, "I'm saying not to worry about the money because I'm an owner of Tteokbokki place, so I understand the weight and worth of every single won. Being an orphan, I also understand how it feels to be hungry."

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