Chapter 42 : Yong Tteok Byul Tteok

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Yongsun entered the driver's seat to switch on the caravan engine before asking Byulyi, "Where are we heading off to?" Byulyi on the other hand just got on to the passenger seat next to her, calmly replied, "Yongin."

The short reply was more than enough to make Yongsun batting her eye, feeling bewildered as she faced her to further clarify, "you're saying that just because it's punny, right? Yongsun, Yongin?"

"Pfft.... That's a good one, I didn't even think of that." Snickered Byulyi, masking part of her face until she saw the unimpressed look on her girlfriend's face that she stopped, pretending to clear her throat, "Ahem!... Yea we're going to Yongin."

"But that's in Gyeonggi-do province, like... 30-minutes' drive away!" whined Yongsun.

"Yep! So we better hurry, Yong... To pfft... Yongin."

"You're lucky because I love you." Said Yongsun while rolling her eyes, before plunging the key to start the caravan.

Once the engine has started, Yongsun drove them away from the bustling busy streets, entering the highway towards the suburbs where the traffic gradually diminishing. Since the beginning of the trip, Byulyi made sure to help her stay alert on the road by playing MAMAMOO songs, making an 'Aze Gag' which never fails to crack a smile on Yongsun's face. But all of that couldn't prepare for the incoming storm of hunger, *Groooooowl...*

The owner of the hunger storm felt flustered as she struggled to pinch her stomach with one hand while driving, "Oh no..." Byulyi pouted, "Last when I check the weather forecast, it was supposed to be a sunny day today. But I've been hearing thunderstorm."

Her comments made Yongsun blushed even more, but she eventually lashed out, "Aish... I'm hungry, okay? I told you this was a bad idea! We could've been home unpacking, having lunch-"

"Oh, the rest stop is 10 minutes' drive away." Said Byulyi, pointing to a GPS location on her phone. As if that statement sounded like winning a lottery, Yongsun had a strong determination in her eyes, "Alriiight!!! Let's go!!!" and with that she stepped on the gas.

Byulyi felt the sudden adrenaline from the car speeding up that she had to remind her, "Y-Yong... I know you're hungry, but the speed limit is only 80km/h. Plus, paying for a speeding fine is not cheap- *Groooooowl*" Despite her desperately trying to persuade, Byulyi's stomach has another opinion of its own.

"Heehee! Sounds like a storm is incoming alright." Yongsun giggled.

Instead of feeling flustered, Byulyi reached out to the backseat and retrieved a plastic bag revealing snacks, breads and some drinks. Yongsun who watched her taking the food out in the corner of her eyes had to blink twice and turned to confirm her vision, "W-What the fff-?! You mean you had food this whole time?! Why are you only taking it out now?"

With a calm expression, Byulyi replied, "You didn't ask."

"... You're sleeping outside tonight."


For the remaining distance from where they are at, till the rest stop, Byulyi had to feed Yongsun obediently, in hope of redeeming her rights to sleep in the caravan. While the trip may be filled with Byulyi's remorse, most importantly they managed to have their fill although it was only temporary. As soon as they arrived at the rest stop, Byulyi got off and stretched herself until she heard a scream from the driver seat, "EEEEEEK!!!"

"What's wrong Yong?! Are you okay?" asked Byulyi as she frantically rushed over to Yongsun, only to find her cradling a dog in her arms, "Aish... Seriously. You scared me there, Yong!" Said Byulyi, exhaling a heave of relief.

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