Chapter 10: Tteok Past

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"Good morning..." I greeted my surrounding half-heartedly, not even giving any eye contact to anyone. Elijah pulled her chair out to sit with files on her other hand soon dropped it all into a paper mess on the floor the moment she saw me.

"O-Omo... Morning. Doesn't seem to be a 'good' morning. Is everything okay, Yongsun-sshi? You look like a zombie." She pats her chest to calm the shock.

"Yes... Just had a terrible night-"

"Good morning, Ms. Lee. Here is the English homework from my class." I saw gleaming smiles on her face when she greeted Elijah but when she saw me, I thought her anger had simmered down overnight but I get instant frown.

'What's with that face, huh? I was just trying to help, I was worried about her, wasn't she worried about me? That ungrateful brat! So, what? You are high-schooler with a business, have lots of money, big deal!' I was having conversation in my head without realising I had rolled my eyes in the process.

She didn't even greet me and bent down to pick-up the piles of paper mess Elijah created thanks to my zombified face. They were all chummy together smiling and laughing spring flowers blooming vibe but as soon as she handed the paperwork she collected to Elijah, she was corrected, "Thank you, Byulyi hak seng. But those papers are meant for Ms. Kim there."

"Ah, I see." she smiled to her before turning towards me with a frown on her face, "Here." she said, flicking the stack in front of my face which prompted me to take it from her. Before I could finish my sentence, "Thank-"

"Good day, Ms. Lee." said Byulyi and left the faculty room.

Elijah tilted her head aside tapping her finger on her crossed arm, seemingly in thought for a moment before she asked, "Did something happen between you and Byulyi hak seng?"

"Nothing. She's just a rude student."

"Really...? She's the best student every teacher could ever wish for."

"Heol... Are you hearing yourself? Didn't you see that just now? She didn't even greet me!" I scoffed in disbelief.

"Knowing Byulyi hak seng, she must have her reasons."

"How do you know?"

"Because she's my adopted sister."

"Your WHAT?!" I jolted up now gaining everyone's attention, Elijah placed her index finger on her lips while waving her other hand downwards which made me settle back down. I briefly told her what happened last night and she nodded at the end of every sentences.

She took a sip of her coffee and placed it down before she told me her fair share of knowledge about Byulyi, "I can understand why Byulyi did that, I wouldn't blame her for being rude. After all, she did it to protect you. The same incident happened few months back when our older sister Da Hee visited the tent and intended to help her out. Just like you, she was harassed by the rogue looking men and the whole tent bar were in chaos and she almost served juvenile correction facility for single-handedly beating up all of them and scarred one of the men's faces by bobbing his head inside the tteokbokki cooking tray."

I listened intently while Elijah placed her hands on my knee assuring me, "I know how you feel, she may be harsh, but its her way to keep people whom she cared about safe. Since then, both Da Hee and I were never allowed in Tteok Tokki... Yongsun-sshi, I do apologise for her hostile behaviour. I'm sorry."

"Why... Is she running a tent as a high-schooler?" I asked.

"She lost her parents at a very young age and one of our annual visits to an orphanage was the beginning of how her life turned around. Our grandmother insisted on adopting her into the family despite her resilient in keeping the Moon family name. Our dad of course wasn't too happy with that, but grandmother's words are absolute. They spent so much time together that grandmother passed down the family tteokbokki recipe and Byulyi decided to continue that legacy after her passing."

"Does your dad-"

"That heartless man cut off every living expense off Byulyi. Mom, Da Hee eonni and I are the only family she has left."

"That explains... But still! That's no way to speak to her elders!" I slammed my hands on the table, "I was worried about her, y'know? She didn't even ask me 'are you okay?' she just scolded me and fired me."

Elijah covered her giggle with her fist, "Do you really think she doesn't care for you?"

"Did you not see how she treated me earlier?"

"Yongsun-sshi, the last bus near our campus is midnight." Elijah said, raising an eyebrow while I jogged down my memory lane recalling the liar who told me the last bust just left at 6PM, insisted to drive me home. My face seemed obvious that I had finally pieced the puzzle together that she just winked at me as if she's implying, 'Right?'.

Right my ass, that was before it all happened. I packed my things and get ready for class, but felt exhausted when I see the class, I'm heading to is Byulyi's class. I saw the door to the classroom were wide open as if someone had just entered and was about to close it, so I called out, "hold that door!" while I sprint towards it only to be faced by the person I want to see the least right now – yes, none other than Ms. Moon Byulyi.

Guess what happens next? She opened the half-opened door for me to enter and greet me good morning? Yea right, I wish. She slammed the door right in my face upon seeing it – Rude! I opened the door again and glared towards her direction, but she yawned and faced towards the window as if she is innocent.




(End of Chapter 10)

Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now