Chapter 46 : Tteokppelganger

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Byulyi was wheeling the luggage with one hand while holding my hand on the other, as we walked towards the check-in counter. Once the airline agent checked my passport, she prompted Byulyi to load the baggage into the carousel. Before I could give her a hand, she carried it with ease, "Isn't it heavy?" I asked.

"My heart feels heavier compared to this." Said Byulyi as she showed me a weakly, forced smile of hers. After we've returned from the Hong Kong vacation, we're rarely apart from each other, because we want to make the best of every moment together. She's been staying over at my place, helping me to pack, make meals, go on a date until today where I had to leave for Harvard in the United States.

Arriving at the gate, Byulyi didn't want to face me at all, so I had to hold her face up as I assure her, "I'll be back soon, okay?" she nodded in silence. Although it was difficult for her, she still managed to look me in the eyes and we kissed goodbye, ignoring the on-lookers.

"Keep in touch, Yong."

"I will, Byul-ah."

We waved each other goodbye as I turned my back, heading in for departure. I'd be lying if I said I didn't shed any tears at all, in fact I bawled my eyes out throughout the whole flight. I wouldn't be surprised if other passengers think there are babies on board crying from the beginning of the flight till the end.

As soon as I've arrived, messages had already flooded in, mainly from Byulyi asking who, what, where and when. I quickly replied to all her messages to pacify her worries. Being all alone in a foreign country does scare me because I've never been overseas since I've always been in Korea my whole life. Thankfully, Elijah has drilled me an English crash course, just about enough for me to make daily conversations here.

Arriving on campus, I was guided by one of the school administrators who worked closely with my mom before. The whole campus is huge that one would've mistaken it for a suburb of its own. We ended the tour with her handing me a key to the dorm room where I'd be sharing a room with 2 other girls.

Anxiety fills my heart almost instantly as I wonder what they'll be like, so I took a deep breath before opening the room where I get shocked by sudden bursts of party poppers, followed by an enthusiastic greeting, "Welcome!!!" exclaimed the 2 girls. One of the girls have a noticeably short hair, sticks her hand out first and introduced herself, "I'm Amber, and this is Krystal with a K, my girlfriend." She pointed to the girl with a long hair next to her.

"Not just girlfriend, girlfriend. We're dating." Krystal clarified, clasping their hands together. They looked at me as if they're expecting some sort of reaction, then Krystal's expression looked concerned as she enquires further, "Is that... Okay? You're speechless. If you're not comfortable sharing a room with us being a lesbian couple, you can switch-"

I finally understood what they meant and immediately explain myself, "No, no. I'm sorry. You've misunderstood. I'm perfectly fine sharing a room with you couple. In fact,... Well, I am dating a girl at the moment, too."

Krystal gasped, covering her mouth and shrieked, "Whoa, for real?! Daebak... Such jackpot. We heard the new girl is from Korea, just like us. Who'd have thought? Same country, same sexuality, same... whoa daebak... I'm beyond words."

"Calm down, babe." Snickered Amber, patting her girlfriend's head, "Sorry, she can get really excited when meeting another LGBTQ+ members. We're just feeling blessed to have someone who has a lot in common, joining our roommate."

"Oh no, not at all. I'm the lucky one. It's my first time overseas, please take care of me." I said, bowing my head. In a way, they're considered my sunbaenim. Amber and Krystal are friendly and helpful that I felt bad for being anxious earlier, it seems that I don't have anything to worry about after all.

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