Chapter 13: Tteok in Class

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"Wow." Byulyi commented, "Did I came at the right place?"

"Rude! What do you mean, huh?" Yongsun nudged her lightly.

"It's just... so neat and tidy unlike the other day when I visit." Byulyi glanced around the apartment emitting a completely different vibe like a show room presentable for a property to be sold.

So-Hyun returned from the kitchen with a tray of drinks and serving it to both of them, "Heung... Of course, it looks great we took the whole weekend to clean up after eonni told me you will be having tutoring lessons after school here."

Byulyi receive the drink with a light bow and pat her head lightly, "must've been tough on you, well done." So-Hyun blushed as she retreated, now leaving them both alone. As the clock ticked away, so does Byulyi's eyelashes droop lower and lower. Yongsun took this chance and flicked her finger on Byulyi's forehead which made her victim flinched in pain.

"Moon Byul Yi! You had 6 shots of coffee this morning and that's not enough to last you through the day?" complained Yongsun.

"I usually had another 2 in the afternoon... Can I get it downstairs? I'll be right back." Byulyi replied while rubbing the reddened skin on her forehead. She got up from her seat, about to turn towards the door but Yongsun got up from her seat as well now tugging on her arm, clearly dissatisfied with that idea.

"No! That's too much caffeine, you will ruin your health."

"How so?"

"Hm... It will affect your growth!"

Byulyi now turned to face Yongsun with a cheeky smile, she placed her palm flat on the crown of her head and 'scanned' it over their heights to compare, downright proving Yongsun's height that didn't even reach her hand, "affect my growth huh?"

Yongsun pouted and yanked her ears, which made her bent down to match their height, "what were you saying?"

"Ow, ow, ow. Okay, no coffee, you're taller. I give up!" Byulyi tapped out the hand that was yanking her ears out.

"Good. I guess pain is the new caffeine." Yongsun finally let go of her hand.

"I guess ssaem is an s" Byulyi attempted to whisper but it didn't go unheard.

"What did you say?" Yongsun pointed Byulyi's chin feeling as if she had just pointed a gun.

"S!... Strict! That's right, strict!"

Minutes that felt like Millenniums for Byulyi finally concluded today's lesson. She was stretching herself, cracking a few bones and rested her head on her table. Yongsun smiled as she exits the room and returned with a can of cold coffee pressed against Byulyi's cheek, instantly springing her back to life, "Coffee!"

If tails exist as part of human's body, one could definitely see Byulyi's excitement, "Aigoo, you're a like an addict, a caffeine addict." Yongsun commented as she watches her downing the can like a water flushing down the drain, emptying the content, "If only you were this enthusiastic with our lesson... Oh! I have an idea. Score the highest mark in class and I'll reward you with something."

"You'll buy me coffee? Boooring..." Byulyi sticked her tongue out to ridicule the prize.

"No, even better!"

"Hm... You'll buy me a coffee machine?" she watches her pout as a reaction and continued to sip on the empty can, "never mind... I guess you're too broke for that... So, what is it?"

"Ahem! Glad you asked. If you pass, well you get a can of coffee. If you get in top 5 in class, you get a meal in a café of your choice. Aaand... If you score the highest in class, you get... to go on a date with me! Yay~" Yongsun flags her 'peace' sign in front of speechless Byulyi who simply answered, "just fail me already."

Byulyi rolled her eyes at the silly ideas and was about to leave but Yongsun left a single comment that changes her mind, "if you fail, you must let me help you at Tteok Tokki." Yongsun gulped thinking to herself she must have lost her mind recalling how sensitive of a topic that was.

"B-Byul-ah... I-I mean..."

"I'll at least pass, okay? happy?"

"Y-Ya! Is dating me that bad?! C'mooon... Tell me you can be top in class plsplsplspls..."




"Ya... Did you see what Ms Kim is wearing?"

"I know... That skirt was so tight I could see her butt lining whew!"

"You dirty fuck, did you think she'll date you? Hahahaha!"

"You never know! I'm going to score the highest in class and ask her to go out with me."

"Like hell you are, maybe you will if you stop watching porn every night."

"Say, what? You f-... wait. Is the door locked? Hey! Is there anyone out there?! Help!"

Eric walked along the hallway and saw Byulyi leaning on a wall next to the men's washroom with a sinister smile on her face as she tosses and catches a set of keys in her hand. He felt chills as if there is a killing intent emitted from her, though scary as it could be, he still approached her carefully, "Y-Yo, Byul. What's up?"

"Nothing, Eric. Just trapping dirty rats from wandering and tainting our school."

"Is anyone out there? Hello? We're locked inside!" the voice behind the men's washroom continued to bang on the door and clicking the door handle restlessly.

"Erm... Did you..." Eric gulped.

"Let them out tomorrow morning. If they go free before then, I'll make sure you take their place instead. Got it?" Byulyi handed him the set of keys she was playing with, glaring at him as he nodded in fear. Despite being the disciplinary committee, Eric knows well his power is deem useless against Byulyi.

The hallway was filled with her heavy footsteps as she approaches the faculty room where Yongsun just came out from. Without any warnings, Byulyi took her hand and guided her while she complained along the way, "Byul-ah? Is something wrong? I can walk, you're hurting me."

Byulyi eventually let go of her hand and she realised they're now in the ladies washroom. Glancing her surrounding to make sure there isn't other students, Byulyi 'accidentally' spilled her cup of coffee on Yongsun skirt which made her scream, "Ya Moon Byul Yi! What do you think you're doing?"

"Ah. My bad, my hand slipped." said Byulyi in a monotonous tone.

"You're doing this intentionally aren't you?!"

"Well get changed, I have spare trousers that you can wear. Clearly, this is better than catching a cold wearing that." Byulyi handed her plain black trousers like she usually wears when she was working at Tteok Tokki.

Yongsun sighed in defeat, taking the trouser and went inside one of the cubicles to change. Byulyi leaned against the door wile tapping on her left toe waiting for her to get changed, taking this opportunity to ask, "ssaem?"

"Hm?" replied Yongsun, still changing.

"Does your offer still stand?"

"What off- Oh. Of course! So does that mean you have decided to be top in class?" just then, Yongsun finished changing and opened the cubicle door excitedly, almost making Byulyi fall back, but she managed to balance herself and stood before her, nodding but her eyes seemed determined. She trailed her eyes down to the skirt and took it from her, leaving her behind.

"W-Wait, Byul-ah! Where are you going?"

"I'll wash this skirt for you... and besides... I have to hit the books."

Yongsun punched her fist in the air, dancing a victorious dance as if she had won the lottery, "Byul-ah! Hwaiting!!!"




(End of Chapter 13)

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