Chapter 5: Canatteok 🍁

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A polished white Aston Martin pulled over right in front of MooMoo High, causing a number of students to drop their jaw in awe and envy. They've seen it countless times before, but one can never get tired of the sight.

Eric stepped out of the car then turned behind his back and said, "Ya... We made it on time. Aren't you lucky you get into my car?" Byulyi stepped out from the other side of the door and walked towards him, "Yes, yes. Thanks to the almighty Mr. Eric Nam that I'm not late."

"Ahem! Good that you know." He grinned proudly. A number of students, mainly girls crowded around him and greeted, "Good morning, Eric. Here is your morning duty attire for today." He bowed and thanked them politely, receiving fangirls shrieking in return.

"Eric, I'll take a short nap. See you in class." Byulyi walked away covering her yawn with one fist while stretching the other. Eric set his bag aside and proceeded to put on the vest with the wording 'DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE' printed on the back.

He looked at his watch '8:00 AM' then took a deep breath and blow the whistle, prompting the security guard to close the school gate. A group of students wearing the same vest as his stood in front of the gate forming a human barrier to prevent the late students from entering the school.

Folding his hand behind his back, Eric walked out of the school gate to see a number of students who arrived late, putting their heads down feeling ashamed. He shook his head and flipped open a stack of 'Late Detention Slip', handing it to every single student followed by a flick in the head. He did this to every student unbiased, regardless of gender, his strength of execution have always been consistent, leaving a stinging red mark for the rest of the day.

As he was about to hand down the final punishment, a girl covered her forehead and shut her eyes tightly. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "come on, let's get this over with." The girl kept her eyes shut and said, "B-But this is my first day..."

"Then this will be a first lesson to you for being late."

"B-B-But... I just returned from Canada, there is a daylight saving on the day of my flight. S-So I forgot to adjust the clock a-and-"

"The daylight saving, the time difference, none of it is your fault?" He asked, she nodded with her eyes still shut.

"So is the watch supposed to turn itself correctly?" she paused but shook her head.

"So is the school's fault for starting the same time every day?" she shook again.

"So... whose fault is it then?"

"Mine..." she resigned, relaxing her hands down and opened her eyes, but looking downwards, unable to face him. He then walked closer to her and whispered, "can you act? At least pretend it hurts." She smiled and nodded.

"Right, new student is no exceptional, you hear?!" He was about to flick his palm but the audience in front of the line took a glimpse to witness how he discipline the new student, "Face the front! Or do you want another detention slip, huh? Do you think this is a show? Do you want a popcorn?"

They turned back immediately, and he proceeded to flick his palm, creating a replica of the sound effect when he flicks other's forehead. At the exact moment, the new student screamed and covered her forehead, "Ow!!!" while releasing crocodile tears that bought the audience sympathy.

"Now get lost." He cussed. The students walked through the school gate and a few girls walked over to Wendy asking if she is alright then noticed there weren't any red marks evident in her forehead. Eric also realised this and yelled out, "Ya hak seng! I forgot to mention, no make-up in school! Does your dad own BB Cream company? Why do you put on so much, my fingers are covered with it, eugh!"

Other students giggled while she put her head down in embarrassment. He walked over to them and said, "ladies, get back to your classroom please." The other girls bowed at him and left her with him as he turns his focus back to her, "You're a new student. Come with me to the principal's office."

As they were about to walk through the school gate, a woman walked past them and Eric called out, "Excuse me, ahjumma. Class is starting, you may not enter."

"A-A-Ah-Ahju-Ahjumma?!" she glared at him, but he looked unfazed.

"Ahjumma, did you also have trouble hearing? I said, Class. Is. Starting. No. Visitor. Look, I don't care if your son or daughter forgot their homework, PE attire, underwear, tampons or whatever reason, you may not enter the school premises after 8AM."

"O-Omo? Hak seng, what did you just call me? Ahjumma?"

"What's wrong with calling Ahjumma, an Ahjumma. What do you want me to call? Noona? I don't lie, it's a sin I'll go to hell." He scoffed arrogantly.

"Hak seng, be respectful. I'm neither an ahjumma nor a parent visiting. I'm the new teacher starting here today."

"Yah... What a morning. A late student who blames daylight savings and now a pretentious ahjumma disguising as a teacher trying to get in delivering tampons to her daughter. Aish... I should get paid for all these." He scratched his hair in frustration.

"Ya?! What?! Why I oughta-" The woman went fuming mad and was about to grab his hair, but Byulyi's sudden presence interrupted the moment, "Oi, Eric. What's the hold up? Homeroom has started minutes ago, sseam wants me to find you- Oh. It's you. Hello, Agasshi." She bowed to her.

"Look, look! Listen to her, she calls me Agasshi. How could you call me Ahjumma?!"

"Byulyi, you know her?" Eric asked.

"Yea, remember this morning-"

"Oh! The bike thief?! Wait, isn't that your bike?" Eric pointed to a familiar worn-out bike parked next to the school gate, "Security! Call the police, drag her out of here right now!"

"What?! Me?! Wait, wait... It's a misunderstanding, It's all a misunderstanding!!! I'm no thief I'm a teacher, today is my first day-" The guard wasted no time holding her by the arms, forcefully escorting her while she fights desperately to be heard, "Let me go, you don't understand! It's all a misunderstanding! Y-You, hak seng, I left you a note that I'd return you, please explain to theeem...!"

Byulyi stepped forward reaching out her hand attempting to stop the security guards, but Eric took her hand instead, "Let's go. Don't bother yourself with some lunatic ahjumma."

"Do you think she's going to be okay? I mean, she did return the bike after all. What if she is telling the truth? Let's not make a big fuss out of this."

The distance between them grew further and further as the guard escorted her out while Eric pulled Byulyi towards the school ground. Just then, the principal marched towards the gate and scolded, "What is all this ruckus about?!" He then adjusted his spectacles, squinting his eyes trying to identify the woman, "Ms. Kim? Is that you?"

"Sir! Principal, it's all a misunderstanding really." She plead. He glanced at the mess in front of the school gate and shook his head, "And I'm guessing you are the new student?" he pointed towards the girl behind Eric, she nodded.

"Will the new student and Ms. Kim follow me, please. Eric, Byulyi, head back to your classroom, class is starting. And guards, shut the gate now, the fuss is gaining public attention its embarrassing for me." He turned his back, and everyone obliged.




(End of Chapter 5)

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