Chapter 47 : Intoxicatteok

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In the beginning, it was all sweet and caring until recently, where it starts to get overbearing, "How many times must I explain myself I HAVE CLASS I CAN'T REPLY YOU!" Yes, I did raise my voice because I'm at my limit. It all started with how my day was, then it escalated to where I am, who I'm with and what am I doing at the moment. If I didn't reply to her as quick as she expected it to be, she'd think I had been kidnapped.

"Then at least reply to my messages after your class."

"I have club activities after, I said I'll reply to you when I return to the dorm!"

"Why did you even join 2 clubs anyway? You rarely have time for me these days."

"Well SORRY for having a social life!"

"Yong, I'm worried about you. I mean well."

"Yea, as if! I feel so suffocated! I have to report to you often or otherwise you'd think of every negative scenario possible! Rape, Kidnap, Murder, just what is going on in your head I don't get you at all!!!"

"You're in a foreign country all by yourself, if anything happens to you, I can't just take a taxi to get to you."

"Don't you worry, there's Amber, Krystal, Changsub and Minhyuk... Wait." It finally occurred to me that this excessive behaviour of hers started when I told her about Changsub and Minhyuk, so I interrogated her, "Ah... I see... That's it. That explains so much, it all makes perfect sense now."

"What do you mean?"

"You are jealous. Now that I have guy friends, you feel insecure. No wonder you didn't want me to go to club activities."

"It's not what you think... I-"

"I'm not having another minute of this conversation. Until you repent on your mistake, do not call me at all, got it?"

"I don't think I'm in the wrong here... Is it wrong of me to be worried about you?"

"I'm hanging up. I'm heading to class now."

"Yong wait!" I paused, waiting for her to apologise but instead she disappointed me with her respond, "Can you at least give me your roommates number, if anything happens-" I ended the call abruptly and threw my phone on the bed.

I sighed loudly while brushing my hands against my face in frustration, then I peek through my fingers realising I wasn't alone in the room this whole time, "Sorry... For disturbing your rest. I know you both have afternoon classes."

"It's okay, you're not bothering us at all." Said Krystal, shaking her head, "Are you okay?... I can hear that you've both been quarrelling on the phone a lot lately."

I nodded in silent. Amber then slowly gets up from the bed and took a seat next to me, "You know... I may be out of line saying this but Byulyi in a way, isn't wrong. US is a beautiful country, but every country has its own share of danger. When I first came here, I remember calling like 10 times a day to my family."

"Yea me too!" Krystal backed her words, "Besides, we don't mind giving Byulyi our numbers if that puts her mind at ease."

"Thank you... But no, I don't intend to give her just to satisfy her negativity. It'll just be an encouragement if I give in. What next? Share my location 24/7?" I declined their kind offer, and they seemed to finally understand my stubborn personality, so they let it slide and handed me a flyer, "What's this?" I asked.

"You look like you need a drink. There's an orientation party tonight at the school yard, if you're free why don't you drop by?"

"Hm... I certainly could use a drink or two... But I can't hold my liquor well... Thank you, I'd have to think about it." I took a quick glance at my phone showing it's almost time for class and thus I ended our conversation short, "Sorry, I have to go now."

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