Closing Notes & Credits

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Thank you all for walking through this journey with me from the beginning till the end. I've enjoyed writing because of all the love & support I've received; Wholesome, amusing & enjoyable comments I've read.

I've strayed a little off from the main story about a teacher-student relationship for my first story 'Against All Odds'. Hopefully, Tteok to my Heart has compensated that shortfall. We've explored and embraced the journey of Byulyi & Yongsun's relationship. It started with a classic cold attitude, then conflict, later realisation hits their feelings for each other and facing obstacles of all kinds (discrimination, homophobic, long distance relationship and harassment).

As you've noticed, I didn't make my antagonists (there are three: Principal Kim, Goong-Min and Won-Seok) into an entirely unlikeable characters. They're initially bad at first, but later turn over a new leaf, supporting our main leads.

Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to some of the notable characters:

- Kim Family -

- Moon's Older Siblings Squad -

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- Moon's Older Siblings Squad -

- Moon's Older Siblings Squad -

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- Other Relationships -

- Other Relationships -

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- The Harvard Squad -

- Miscellaneous, Special Guests -

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- Miscellaneous, Special Guests -

Thank you all once again for your support

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Thank you all once again for your support.

I am where I am now, because of my readers, my supporters. I love you all. Tteok Care!

- FIN -

Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now