Chapter 48 : Dreams Come Tteok

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I've been keeping myself occupied after Yongsun ssaem didn't want to reply to my texts nor answer any of my calls. Since I can't help feeling anxious and worried, I just worked to keep my mind off her for a while, giving her the so-called space that she desires. I couldn't understand what went through her mind but seeing how distant we've become I felt equally responsible and regretted my action for being too overbearing.

Although the night feels long when we're apart, I managed to get through a successful business at Tteok Tokki. As I was clearing the table ready to call it a night, I heard a rustle of the plastic door, meaning a customer has entered, "Sorry... We're close for the night-... Da Hee eonni?"

The customer standing by the door is none other than Da Hee eonni who looked like she had too much to drink. I helped her to take a seat, but I didn't want to ask her what happened. After moments of silence as she swayed her tipsy body, she opened up to me, "Byuuul...ah... Tell me, am I that hard to date?"

"No... No, I don't think so." I shook my head in disagreement, because the truth is she's someone who'd laugh at my joke no matter how silly it was. She can easily laugh, so I can't imagine how hard would it be to impress her.

"Theeen... Tell meee... Why does my boyfriend dump meee?" her voice slurred as she swayed.

"I think... You've had too much to drink. Let me take you home." I offered. Now, she's not any easier to deal with when drunk as compared to my fiancé. They both can't hold their liquor well but still drink alcohol like its water. I pulled her arms around my neck to support her as we walked out of the tent bar, taking the cab to Lee household.

Once we've arrived in front of Lee residence, Elijah eonni stood in front of the gate to welcome us, "Byul-ah, is she alright? Do you need help?" I shook my head, assuring her that I've got this since I've had experience dealing with drunk ladies. Nevertheless, Elijah eonni latched Da Hee eonni's other arm around her neck and we carried her inside.

We managed to lay her on the bed and Elijah eonni starts to remove her high heels while I'm about to get her a glass of water to sober her up. Seconds after I turned my back against her, she pulled my hand swiftly making me lose my balance, almost falling on top of her. Fortunately, my good reflexes managed to support myself as I put my hand to keep a safe space between us, but our lips are so close to each other.

I tried to get up and away from her, but she latched both arms around my neck, flirting, "Ahhh... Hahhh... Byul-ah... Take off my clothes... I'm so hot right now." I blushed uncontrollably because how could anyone not think of that in this situation?!

"Aish... Eonni! Lee Da Hee! Get a hold of yourself!" yelled Elijah eonni, smacking Da Hee eonni's cheeks repetitively, but Da Hee eonni swatted her hands away while mumbling something in her sleep. The minute she finally settled down, we both exhaled in relief.

"Sorry, Byul-ah for troubling you. I just heard about her boyfriend dumped her because he felt like he's no match for her in career. So, he feels like being a househusband which didn't sit in well with him."

"Ah... That's okay, Elijah eonni. I understand." I bowed, ready to bid farewell until I felt something is missing in my pocket. I start to do the pocket dance rummaging through and panicked when I couldn't feel it.

"Your phone? It's next to Da Hee, over there." Elijah eonni pointed at my phone on the bed. I'm glad that I didn't misplace it. I checked my phone to see if Yongsun ssaem called me, yet I was greeted with 2 horrifying notifications. One, it seems that I've dropped my phone and accidentally pressed the call button and two, I have a voicemail from her.

Listening to the messages she left for me, I feel weak on my knees and started sobbing helplessly. Elijah eonni sat next to me to comfort me while I explain in between my tears about how she might've misunderstood the situation and now she might be sleeping with another guy as we speak.

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