Chapter 6: Tteok Popular Girl

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We followed the principal behind solemnly to his office. Upon entering, the interior makes one feel like they had entered the President's Office in The Blue House. "Have a seat, both of you." He sighed.

After we took our seats, he took out a file and began to flip a few pages and stopped at one to read, "Son...Seung-Wan. Preferred name, Wendy?" he looked at the new student, she nodded in response as he continued reading to her, "Transferred from Canada's best high school... Resuming final third year senior high in Seoul... Why?"

"My sister had been dispatched back to Seoul after her language interpretation training in Canada... I'm an orphan and she is my only guardian now." She replied.

"Hm... I see, I'm sorry to hear that. But you do realise it's still not a good excuse to be late on your first day, yes?"

"Yes, Principal. I'm sorry for being late, it will not happen again." She put her head down. He nodded with a light smile, "In any case, you will be in Class 301 and your homeroom teacher is... Oh! Well, what do you know? She's just right next to you." He smirked at me but one could tell the eerie vibes behind that smile, "Wendy, could you step outside for a moment? I'll bring you both upstairs in a moment."

Wendy got up and bowed, leaving the two of us alone. I felt anxious and could only gulp. He cleared his throat and scoffed, "Funny, isn't it? One transferred here from a prestigious school in Canada, another chose to teach here than Harvard. Yet, both elites manage to be late on their first day."

"I'm sorry. No excuses, it is my fault." I stood up and bowed. He run his fingers along the files behind him and picked one out. He turned towards me and read, "Ms. Kim Yongsun... It's a surprise indeed that you turn down a job offer at Harvard to teach here. You seem to have something holding you back here, yet you look unhappy. Why is that?"

"Excuse me, but I believe that's-"

"Personal?... Fine. I won't ask you as a principal. As your grandfather, I'd like to know why you would turn them down and remain here."

"That's because..." I fidget and fiddled my fingers around trying to explain every messed up thing that happened, but instead I use his weak point to avoid the question, "Did you not want me here then? Why, can't a granddaughter opt to help out her family?"

"I know you since you were a child, Yongsun-ah... I know it's that boyfriend of yours."

"Ex." I blurted out rolling my eyes. He mouthed a tiny circle on his lips, "Oh... Why wonder, yet it's too late now that you're stuck with me. Do you regret it? Shall I call the director of Harvard to accept you back?"

"It doesn't matter where I teach. Let's just... Let's not talk about this anymore." I faced away from him. He knew that is a clear indication that our conversation has ended and nothing will be heard from here on out. As much as I regret not taking up his last offer to teach in Harvard, I hate the fact that my ex-boyfriend is the reason why I'm teaching Seoul even more.

He got up from his seat and walk towards me then pat me on the shoulder, "Well, since you're here why not enjoy it. If future opportunity arises, it's not too late to go there. Hm... Let's just say yes, I'm the reason why you're here. Thank you, Yongsun-ah." We hugged for a moment and left his office while he briefly toured us around the school before showing us to the classroom.

As soon as he stepped into Class 301, the bustling students hustled to return to their seat. The rude boy from this morning got up and signaled everyone to greet. The look on his face when he saw me entering with the principal was priceless.

The principal proceeded to make an announcement, "Good morning, students. As you know your homeroom teacher is on maternity leave, Ms. Kim will be here to replace her. Now, please give her your warmest welcome and utmost respect, she gave up going to Harvard just to teach all of you."

If I could document his face right now I would, 'That's right, I'm your new teacher. Now recall your wrongdoing and suffer! Muwahahaha...'

"Are you sure not because she has a criminal record?" the rude boy said, he really has a bone to pick with me. Before I could make any comments, the principal hold me back and replied on my behalf, "Eric, I appreciate your excellent morning duties and I trust you will execute the same excellence in respecting your teacher, yes?"

"Psh... Fine, whatever." He rolled his eyes, but I noticed he kept stealing a glance towards my direction – No, it was her, the new student. 'Ha! I see. Rude Romeo has found his Juliet.' The principal also wasted no time to introduce the new student and I could see most boys couldn't keep their eyes off her.

The principal finally left and I had to do a roll call. I'm good at recognising faces and memorising names that it only took me one round of roll call to identify all my students. I read every single one of the students' attendances, while receiving a response – except for one.

"Moon Byul Yi?" Dead silence. Let's try that again, "Moon Byul Yi? Is Byul Yi hak seng present today?" I notice the rude boy nudging a student next to him who put her head down, I'd assume it's the student whom I called a few times. I walked towards the table and knocked on it, "Byul Yi hak seng?"

"Mmm...?" She slowly lift her face up and I was startled at first because it was the girl I borrowed the bike from (I didn't steal it okay?! I borrowed!).

"Byul Yi hak seng, did you not hear me calling your name?"

"Oh... I'm sorry, ssaem." She got up and bowed.

"Go and wash your face." I commanded and she bowed at me once again, leaving the classroom. I suddenly sensed hostility as soon as she left, I thought I was imagining it but when I noticed a few glares from the class I had to ask, "Why are you looking at me that way?"

"Be nice to our new teacher. I'd have more work to do if you don't." Eric spoke up and the staring contest died down. He then looked to me, "Sonsaengnim, please try to be kind and understanding towards Byulyi from now on."

I don't know what he meant but later understood when Byulyi seems to be idolised by many students, evident from a few students offering her facial wipe or towel when she returns from the bathroom with a damp face, but still looking sleepy. I wonder what time does she sleep at night? Probably staying up online.




(End of Chapter 6)

Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now