Chapter 2: Tteok Tteok, who is it?

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"Yes, one second." Byulyi replied turning her head to identify which customer ordered it and she was not surprised it was the same lady who just got dumped. Soon, customers start leaving as the night gets darker and colder.

Byulyi looks at her watch and noticed it is time to close the shop and head home. She surveyed around and notices the same table who constantly orders soju every 30min doesn't seem ready to leave or rather, can't leave. The lady who got dumped was completely wasted and knocked out.

Sighing in resignation, she went over and gently nudged her, "Excuse me, Agasshi... It's time for me to close the shop, will you please pay up?"

"Mmmh... Nuh... I.... Huff..." She tried to speak but Byulyi couldn't understand a single word. Left with no choice, she rummages through her bag to find her phone – flat battery. Great. Just great. Now, what?

She resumed to retrieve her wallet hoping she has a driver's license showing her address – Another Dud. She doesn't drive... Aish!!!

"Agasshi... Can you tell me where you live?" Byulyi persist to shake her, hoping she will be sober soon, but it was no use. She proceeds to clean the kitchen, keeping all the tables and chairs except for one. After trying one last time, Byulyi was relieved when she muttered an address although she felt uneasy. The fact that she is so defenceless and mindlessly telling a stranger her address in a drunk state worries her a lot.

In a swift, Byulyi piggy-backed her, 'Aigo... She's so light. Does she even eat?' she thought to herself as they walk closer to the side of the street to hail a cab. She carefully places her inside the cab and intend to tell the cab driver the address and leave, but she eventually got on after remembering how careless she can be, giving away her address.

As they arrive, Byulyi continued to piggy-back her and press on the lift button. While waiting, she notices a sign and cussed after she reads the notice pasted on the door of the elevator, 'Lift out of service, please use the sta- Aish!!! Are you serious?!'

Minutes of panting and catching up her breath, they finally got up to 6th floor. She gently let her rest next to the door before pressing the doorbell. 'Please... let someone be home... don't tell me I have to ask this drunk ass the passcode too...'

The door played a tune and unlocked, revealing a young lady in a set of pyjamas rubbing her eyes and yawning as she answered, "Yes?" Silence instilled for a moment until she stopped rubbing her eyes and noticed the drunk lady on the floor, "Omo! Eonni! What happened to you? I thought you'll be staying at your boyfriend house tonight?"

"Ma... Ma... Moo..." she muttered under her breath.

"What are you saying eonni, you sound like a baby. What happened to you?" she asked while she struggled to carry her inside.

"I'll carry her inside, if you don't mind." Byulyi offered the poor girl who couldn't even move one single limb.

"T-Thank you and yes, please. Come inside."

Byulyi's back was finally freed after she remove the drunk lady from her back to rest on the sofa. She looks to the young lady and explains everything – from the damages inflicted, to unpaid bills and cab fare. The latter could only bow to apologise for all the troubles caused, "I'm sorry. But I don't have much cash right now and it's too late to withdraw money."

"That's okay. Here's my business card. I trust you will come by and pay for it."

"Yes. I'm sorry. Thank you." She bowed.

"Pa... Pai..." The drunkard resumed her nonsense.

"Mama and now Papa... Gosh eonni. Look what have you become. Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Pa... Paiii..."

"Have a good rest, agasshi." Byulyi bowed, intending to leave but she was grabbed by her shirt collar and the revolting smell emitted from the drunk's breath made her wince, fanning the smell away.

"A-Agasshi... You are home now. I'm gonna leave." She attempts to break free from her hold but to no avail as she chanted once again, "Pa... Paiii- Eurrgh- Blaargh......."

"Omo!!! EONNI!!!" The young lady behind Byulyi helplessly watched in horror as the drunk lady emptied her stomach that was previously filled with the chef's homemade masterpiece of tteok-bokki with a blend of soju and fishcake, returning everything back to the chef who just stood there dumbfounded.

After completely emptying her stomach, she wipes off the remnant on her mouth and turn her back towards the speechless hamster and muttered, "Mmm... Pail... I'm about to puke..."

'You already did...' Byulyi replied to her in her own mind. She was handed a towel and offered a shower, but she declined the second offer, taking the towel to wipe and left, not willing to participate in any potential madness to come.

She sighed after sniffing the awful stench on her clothes and looked back at the apartment, reading the family name label below the unit number 'KIM... The irony, she doesn't seem to have a golden time tonight.' Byulyi flicked the food remnants off as she walked down the staircase, leaving the apartment.




(End of Chapter 2)

Thank you for supporting this story by voting! Hope you enjoy- nevermind, please don't enjoy. I pity my bias Moonbyul ;A; I'm sorry... But what can I say? She looks whipped:

 But what can I say? She looks whipped:

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