Chapter 20: Tteok Drunk to Walk Home

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Today is the start of winter break, the faculty is having an annual dinner organised by Principal Kim. He held his beer glass up high as he began his speech, "I'll keep it short. Thank you for everyone's effort to make MooMoo High the number one high school in Korea. To a better education, CHEERS!" Everyone in the faculty mirrored his actions by bringing their glasses together and clinked loudly.

Some of them took a sip, while others tried to showcase their drinking ability by chugging it all down in one-shot. But nothing can be compared to Yongsun who, instead of chugging on the beer glass, she held a bottle of soju and downed it in one go. Needless to say, everyone's attention turned to her with their mouths wide open. The minute she swallowed the last drop of soju, she slammed it on the tin metal table loudly, causing a major shock across the table.

"W-Wow... Ms. Kim, I didn't know you can hold your liquor that well." said Elijah who was seated next to her, looking really worried because this is the first time, she had seen Yongsun drink.

"Y-Yeah... I didn't know you had it in you all along." agreed Wheein who sat across her.

Principal Kim's eyes widened at the sight, but he didn't want others to know their relation, so he peered from a distance while calling out to her, "Yong- I mean, Ms. Kim... Are you alright? S-Slow down, now. We're just getting started."

Yongsun still remained in the same position – head drooping down, hands clinging on the empty bottle. When she looked up, they were even more surprised to see her face completely red! As though they're a choir, they exclaimed together:


That's right. Kim Yongsun who is a light drinker, downed a bottle of soju instead of a glass of beer like everyone else is now swaying her body sideway, grinning from ear to ear even starting to talk-drunk.

"Yeehhhshhh- We're... CHUST GEDDIN *SHARTED!!! HOO!!! (Translation: Yes. We're just getting started!)" she yelled, while repetitively tapping the bottle on the table.

"Ahjumma.... SHOOJU! SHOOJU! SHOOJU! (Translation: Ahjumma... Soju! Soju! Soju!)"

Other diners were clearly entertained and amused by her drunk behaviour while everyone else in the faculty dug their heads in hope that no one would recognise them. Why? They didn't want to be in the headline where it says, "Teacher of Korea's number one high school MooMoo High mispronounced started as *sharted"

Wheein face-palmed herself before whispering in much frustration to Elijah across her, "Psst... Ms. Lee! Why do you let her drink that much? She's just sitting next to you, so you're supposed to look out for her!" Deep down, Wheein knew all too well who would be easy or troublesome to deal with when drunk. In this case obviously, troublesome.

Elijah waved both her hands while shaking her head denying it, "No! I didn't know she would act this way. If I knew she's such a lightweight, I wouldn't have let her anywhere near the alcohol!"

Seeing her spiralling out of control, Principal Kim took the initiative to save the school some humility. He tapped his fingers on the table and called out to Elijah and Nurse Jung softly. When they look at him, he pointed his chin towards the exit to signal Elijah and Nurse Jung. They nodded in response, immediately understood his intention to take her home.

Elijah carried Yongsun's belonging on her left shoulder, while latching Yongsun's left arm around her neck so she can support her with her other shoulder. Wheein latched Yongsun's other arm around hers and the two escorted her out of the restaurant.

Initially, they tried to catch a cab but since it is holiday season, there is no chance for them to offload Yongsun anytime soon. Wheein sighed heavily, "Damn it... Great, just great. Here I thought I could finally get a long break from those brats yet here I am with a colleague who are equally troublesome."

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