Chapter 44 : Gontteokla

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After checking into The Venetian Macau, they waste no time to hop unto a taxi to their next destination. Language barrier isn't much of an issue because all Byulyi had to do was using a Google translate or showing the address searched on Google. Several minutes elapsed, they arrived at what seems like a typical Korean Traditional Market.

Similarly, the market is equally lively, bustling of people bargaining, hawker calling out their best offers, and of course it was all accompanied by the enticing smell of food filling the air. Yongsun linked arms with Byulyi as they walked through aisles of street food. Wonton Noodles, Dim Sum, Egg Tarts, Curry Fish balls, Pineapple Bun and Macau's Signature Pork Chop Bun paired with Dalgona Coffee, as Macau is the origin where it all began.

Byulyi had no difficulties in ordering, as she skilfully used hand signals – point at food, show the number of fingers for quantity and paid without much verbal communication. Yongsun was impressed at the sight. While they were waiting for the Pork Chop Bun and Dalgona Coffee, the opposite stall owner who seemed to be in her middle-age called out to them, "歡迎! 哇,靚女! 你想嘗試一些嗎?"

Not understanding what she meant, Byulyi formed a cross with her arms to show she doesn't speak the language. Nevertheless, it didn't stop her from trying to communicate, "Sorry, we no speak Cantonese. Is English, okay?"

"Ahhh! Okay! Okay!" replied the ahjumma while putting both of her thumbs up, "I say, you pretty girls. Try? It's very good!" Confused at first, but she held out both hands revealing two cups of piping hot freshly baked egg-tarts. They walked over to receive it and thanked her for the hospitality. Enjoying the tart, the ahjumma continued to ask them, "You... sisters?"

"No, no." said Byulyi shaking her head, "She... is my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?... Ah! Gay?" the ahjumma's voice was slightly louder that passers-by are beginning to turn their attention towards them. The couple blushed but still nodded. Fortunately, she didn't look disturbed by that fact, rather she complimented, "Don't worry. Gay is good. Nothing wrong!"

Only then they felt like the weight has lifted off their chests. Their order numbers were called out and Byulyi went to pick-up while Yongsun bought some egg tarts, as a way of thanks. They sat on a bench facing the park as they indulge in the local cuisines. Then, they covered the remaining aisles until they encounter a rather distinctive smell, effectively pinching their noses to block the scent.

"Ohh... I didn't know Hong Kong sells Hongeo too..." said Yongsun, pinching her nose.

"I doubt it's Hongeo, I think it's that..." said Byulyi, doing the same while pointing her other hand towards a stall with huge print '臭豆腐STINKY TOFU.'

Despite the reluctance in approaching that business, their curiosity got the best of them. Apart from being greeted warmly, there's a group of teenage girls gasping upon seeing them, "Oh! I know you. Oh my god! You're Chef Moon Byul Yi, aren't you?"

Confused, Byulyi simply nodded as they continued to shriek in excitement, "OH MY GOD, It's really you!!! I watched the cooking competition where you go up against Min Bouche. You're so cool, I'm a huge fan! Can I have your autograph please?" As much as Byulyi wants to interact with her fan, the smell is just unbearable to her, so she only agreed by nodding and signed it on a paper the fan provided.

While Byulyi was signing, Yongsun's presence didn't go unnoticed too. The fan covered her mouth in shock, gasping, "Whoa... You must be Chef Moon's girlfriend. You both are the perfect couple! I love seeing you two together."

"Thank you." Said Yongsun with a smile. After handing the signed paper back to the fan, they were about to bid farewell, but the fan quickly rummaged through her bag and handed to Byulyi a pack of what seemed like a snack as she explained, "Chef Moon, I want you to try this. It's Hong Kong's most favourite snack, enjoy!!!"

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