Chapter 39 : Tteokilet

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(Author's Note: In this chapter, whenever you see the sentences or paragraphs in italics, written within a bracket like this note, it means Byulyi is having a flashback.)

It's Monday. A beautiful start of the week for some, Monday blues for the others and then there's special category for my target that I've been observing from the adjacent building through a binocular – a shitty day where anything that could possibly go wrong, will go wrong. I was interrupted by Eric who almost scalded my arm with the cup of coffee he pressed against my skin, "Ow! That hurt!"

"Ha! You call that hurt? Coming from someone who devised such a plan, Principal Kim would be in for one hell of a ride." He scoffed, sipping on his own cup of coffee, "Any movements yet?"

"Nope..." I replied while checking the time on my watch that reads 7.30AM, "It's about time..."

("Secretary Kwon... I have a favour to ask...")

("I'm sorry, Byul hak seng. I'm afraid I can't help you sneak out the young misses.")

("No, it's not that... Would it be possible for you to share with me Principal Kim's daily schedule, habits, everything about him and his behaviour?")

(Ah... That, I can do...)

I read through the piece of paper I've obtained from Secretary Kwon the very night after we left the Kim's residence. He thoroughly wrote everything in detail from his allergy to the frequency of his fart daily. This is literally a cheat sheet on how to kill Principal Kim.

(7.30AM Principal Kim would take his morning vitamin...)

Back to observing his office through my binoculars, I saw him taking out his pill organiser and popped the content into his mouth, which puts a smile to my face, "Hehehe... That's right... Take a dose of Karma and let the fun begins." Eric on the other hand responded by shivering, "Kindly remind me not to piss you off."

"What better ways to start off the asshole's day by pissing him off? Literally." I grinned, "He swallowed it, so now we wait. Let's go, I don't wanna miss the front row seats of the show."

Eric and I entered the school ground to attend the first period of our classes as per normal. In the short interval before the next class commence, I felt a slight vibration from my phone notification inside my pocket. I read the text message from Secretary Kwon, "nature's call." a signal for us to proceed with the next stage.

Tapping my fingers on the table loudly to attract Eric's attention, the minute he looked towards my direction, I gave him a nod to initiate the role he was assigned to. Being in the disciplinary committee, his vast connections are the most useful in this situation. Since everyone looked up to him, almost every student in MooMoo High is at his beck and call.

It merely took him a few seconds to send out a single text message that disseminates and sent to various phones, thanks to Wendy's intelligence resources. The next minute or so involves various students moving towards their designated positions, clearing the hallway and corridors completely empty.

"Everyone's in position. Ready." I read the message sent by Eric and opened up the spy camera application on my phone. It was all thanks to Superintendent Son that I get to witness and listen to Principal Kim's pain and agony, as he ran a marathon around the school.

To make things worse, he's already struggling to even walk with his knees tightly pinched together to hold his bladder, let alone running while knocking on every single door to the gents only to find it either locked or occupied.

Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now