Chapter 9: The Waitteok

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The beautiful sunset shone its final moments before it completely dissipates into the night, but unfortunately the trio – Byulyi, Yongsun and So-Hyun missed the moment to prep for tonight's tent bar 'Tteok Tokki'.

Although Byulyi mentioned about "hiring" the sisters as a payment for all that trouble yesterday, they barely break a sweat and hardly lift a finger. As soon as Yongsun carry the chairs, Byulyi would run over and took over that job, "It's too heavy, let me get this ssaem. You can help out with other thing."

Yongsun then took a rag and run it on tap water before wringing it dry and it barely touched the table before Byulyi intercepted her once again, "I'll take care of this, you do other things."

"What thing?" she thrust her fist on her hips with a puffy cheek, which made Byulyi smile at her action.

"Later. Take a seat with So-Hyun over there, I'll let you know." Said Byulyi.

The sisters took a seat in front of the tteokbokki cooking tray as they watch Byulyi singlehandedly prep everything around them. Sure, she needed help, but she is much of a perfectionist, one could tell by the way she arranges the tables and chairs aligned neatly like rubix cube dimension, 4 by 4.

Their eyes lingered around until she finished the table arrangement and started to pour boiling hot water on the tray. She then added anchovies and laver to make the broth, then took out a stainless-steel strainer to set it aside before putting in a generous serving of homemade special gochujang paste stirring it in to make a thick tteokbokki broth.

Both sisters watched in awe as Byulyi made a live demonstration right before their eyes. So-Hyun shriek in excitement upon seeing the bunny shaped tteokbokki being added into the broth, "Oh my god, they are so cute! Is that why your shop is called tteok tokki?" asked So-Hyun as she clapped her hands excitedly.

"Indeed, you are a smart one you caught on fast." Said Byulyi with a wink as she continued to add fishcake, boiled egg, spring onion and other vegetables. After a while, she scooped two generous servings of tteokbokki and serve it to both sisters.

"Eat." said Byulyi, handing them each a pair of wooden chopsticks.

"It's okay, we haven't paid you the other night." Yongsun declined politely.

"You are hired, as quality controller. Taste these and let me know." Byulyi explained.

"Hm...! This smells so good I can't wait to dig in, thank you for the food!" So-Hyun wasted no time to split the wooden chopsticks into two and tapped it on the table to straighten it before diving into the piping freshly made tteokbokki.

She chewed for one-two bites before her eyes widened and her action speak louder than words pulling out a thumbs up.

"ssaem, aren't you going to eat?" asked Byulyi.

"No, I'm not hungry-"

*Groooooowl* The sound of thunder in Yongsun's stomach states the otherwise. Byulyi looked away to mask her laughter before she returns, struggling to keep a straight face when she said, "Erm... First, it's your job. Second, you need the energy to work, so please eat up."

Yongsun face was full-on red like the colour of tteokbokki she was about to eat. One bite is all it took before she dives in for second bite and third until there was none left on the plate. Byulyi looked satisfied at the empty plate and soon they were joined by a number of patrons that starts to fill the tent bar into a bustling peak hour as it is the weekend and many office-workers would loosen their tie to unwind.

So-Hyun realised the situation and sprung into action, taking order and calling it out loud enough for Byulyi to hear. The boss is pleased, giving her thumbs up and immediately returned to prepare the orders.

Unwilling to feel useless in this situation, Yongsun attempted to take order, but it was the worst decision ever. She took the order from a group of shady looking men who filled their table with soju first without any food.

"Byulyi, you didn't tell us you have such a cute waitress." One of the thugs commented.

"Agasshi, how old are you? You look old enough to drink, why not drink with us? We'll take care of you hahaha!" another remarked. In that moment, Byulyi was already glaring towards their reaction. However, they broke the last straw when one of them casually caressed Yongsun's butt which made her scream.

Byulyi rushed over and grabbed his wrist, twisting it outward, inflicting enough pain for him to scream in agony. His friends got up from their seat and watched her next course of action as she took out a bottle of soju from her other hand and placed it on his twisted hand, "Ahjusshi, this one is on the house, please do not bother other patron." said Byulyi with a smile.

She leaned towards his ear and whispered, "Ahjusshi, be nice. Unless you want your face to have a taste of fresh tteokbokki over there." She pointed towards the cooking tray and he gulped while touching the scar on his face, recalling the nightmare.

"A-Ahh... Hahaha. Byulyi, you sure know how to joke. I'm sorry, I thought you have a waitress. I'm sorry agasshi." The thug said nervously, sweat dripping down his face. Byulyi eventually let go of his hand and he shook it as if he were drying his hands. Byulyi's face now turn solemn when she took Yongsun by her hands and stepped out of the tent bar for a while.

"B-Byul-ah, I'm sorry I-"

"You're fired. You may go home now."

"I'm sorry, really. I'll do a good job next time, let me-"

"Did I tell YOU to take orders? What did I say your role was?"

"Quality controller... But that's-"

"Leave. I don't need an employee who can't even listen to simple instruction."

Byulyi turned her back against her, heading back inside the tent bar but Yongsun pulled the end of her T-shirt, "Byul-ah, I'm worried about you. Do you need me to call the police? Is that what you are dealing with every night?"

"I said, leave. Before I call the police on you for obstructing my business. Don't ever show up here anymore, you're not welcome." She coldly replied. Yongsun gave up while watching her enter the tent bar and minutes later, So-Hyun showed up.

"Eonni, is everything okay?" asked So-Hyun, "Eonni, are you... crying?"

"Let's just go home, So-Hyunah." said Yongsun, wiping the tears she didn't realise had trailed down her cheeks.




(End of Chapter 9)

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