Chapter 17: Fight Tteok Death

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The bright chandelier shining down illuminating the vast establishment of fine dining restaurant. Sophisticated soprano singer accompanied by a mini orchestra at the centre of attention and all tables are laid out with various utensils which gives Alien the impression that human are all octopus with at least 8 limbs. The menu with hardcover leather with no prices displayed would make one's jaw dropped upon receiving the credit card bills.

Every little thing seen here emitted the scent of 'wealthy', and so are the guest who arrived in limos. The seating arrangement could either be mistaken as a royalty feast or simply a gangster facing off each other with one row seated by the Nam family and Lee family seated opposite of them.

"Omo! Byulyi? Long time no see, you grew up to be such a fine young lady!" A high-pitched voice exclaimed.

"Thank you, Mrs. Nam." Byulyi slightly nodded as she adjusted the short length of her dress to cover more of her thighs, clearly feeling uncomfortable. She was relieved when there were no one seating across her, since Mr. Nam sat facing her Dad, Mrs. Nam sat facing Da Hee and Eric sat facing Elijah.

"Eric grew up to be a fine gentleman himself." Mr. Lee commented as he took a sip of the wine, "Well? Where's the groom-to-be?"

"Huh?... Isn't Eric..." Byulyi looked puzzled when she exchanged look with Eric who quickly averted his eye away from her as if he is guilty conscious of what is about to happen. Soon, a man with wide sturdy shoulders wearing a head chef attire entered the dining area greeting everyone with a bow, "Good evening, I hope the food that I've prepared tonight suits your palate?"

Mr. Lee responded with a chef's kiss, showing his satisfaction while Mr. Nam pat him on the back, "Ah... There he is! The male lead of tonight! I expect no less from you, son. After all, you're the owner of Korea's one and only 3 Michelin Star restaurant." He responded with a shy smile as he bowed modestly to the guests before making his way towards the empty seat in front of Byulyi.

As he approached her from afar, his appearance looks familiar but remain uncertain. The moment he stood in front of the chair, that's when the lightbulb sparked on Byulyi's memory, but his identity became more certain when he spoke up, "Whoa... Byulyi? Is that you? You've grown up so much I almost couldn't recognise you. Do you remember me?"





(10 years ago – a year after Byulyi was adopted into the Lee family)

"Byul-ah! Come help me knead the tteok."

"네! (Yes!)"

8-years-old Byulyi used to spend time with Grandmother Lee who adopted her into the family. She taught her how to make tteokbokki from scratch and share her secret recipe that has been passed down for generations in the family.

"Byulyiii! I challenge you to tteokbokki eating contest! Today I shall win!" a young boy around her age barged in, thrusting both hands on his hip in confidence while Byulyi was busy kneading the rice cake.

"Give up, Eric. The last time you tried, you poop in your pants!" Byulyi scoffed.

"I-I did not!" His face went red, clearly embarrassed after recalling the incident. Their conversation was soon cut short when a tall senior high-school student entered the tent.

"Hyung!" Eric called out, "Ha! This time you're going to lose, Moon Byul Yi! I have hyung-nim with me today!"

"That's not fair! Fight your own battles you coward!" Byulyi retorted.

"Alright, alright. I'm not fighting anyone, neither am I fighting for Eric. Let's not fight, okay?" he smiled, "Halmoni, do you need any help?" Without further instruction required, he sprung into action pulling his sleeves up to wash his hands and starts to knead next to Byulyi.

"Aigoo, Goong-Min ya. Don't do that, you're going to get your hands dirty." Grandmother Lee would comment as she always does, but still allow him to do it anyway since the strength of an 8-year-old couldn't be compared to him. Byulyi watches him in awe as he kneaded enthusiastically with passion, and that charm has successfully captured the heart of the young girl.

After he finished kneading the rice cake, he noticed Byulyi staring at him in a daze. He took this chance to tease her by booping her nose with a dollop of the rice cake mixture, that instantly snapped her out of the fan-girl trance. She frantically brushes it off angrily while Eric is having a time of his life mocking her, "Ha! Ha! Byulyi the white nose monkey~"

"Shut up, Eric you poopy-pants!" she yelled at Eric, but switched into aegyo tone towards Goong-Min, "Ahhh... Oppa! Why did you do that?" He responded by flashing a smile before he knelt down to her height level before pulling up his apron, carefully cleaning her nose, "I'm sorry, you look so cute staring at me I just can't help it."

Strike One. Byulyi felt her heart leaped like a kangaroo jumping over fences when their faces are close to each other. Although stuttering and failing to mask her feelings, she still managed to say, "W-Who said I was staring? I-I'm not cute!"

Goong-Min removed his apron from her face to reveal a tomato-faced hamster. He then got up and ruffle her hair lightly, "Okay, okay. But next time, try not to let me catch you. I can't work when a cute girl is staring at me." Strike Two, out! Byulyi's on the brink of passing out from blushing but she was quickly saved by Grandmother Lee, "Ya! Don't play with food!"

Byulyi, Eric, Goong-Min and Grandmother Lee all had a good time preparing the tteokbokki, but she would always chase the Nam brothers out before she starts making the sauce. "Ah... Halmoni, I've been helping around for years, isn't it about time you tell me your secret recipe?" Goong-Min expressed his irresistible aegyo no matter their age, but it has never worked on Grandmother Lee.

"Ya! Did I ever tell you to help me? I'm never going to give away my recipe!" was always her firm answer.

"Not even Byulyi?" asked Goong-Min as he stared intently, monitoring her response.

"One day... Maybe." At that moment, there was an invincible force between them as if there were sparks of magnetic force causing them to repel each other. Grandmother Lee then showed a stern side of hers that no one has ever seen when she warned him, "I may be thankful for your charity work here, but if you even think about getting near Byulyi for the recipe, I will never forgive you. Over my dead body, and even after I die, I'd be a ghost to chase you down to the depths of hell!"

The cut-throat silence that pierced the air has turned the whole atmosphere sullen, but Goong-Min didn't want to ruin the relationship he treasures at that time, so he quickly mends his ways, "Aih... Halmoni... I'm kidding, I won't do anything to upset you or your family. You have my word." As soon as he finished his sentence, he shushed his younger brother out of the tent bar to head home.




(End of Chapter 17)

A/N: Thanks for reading, in case you wonder who is Nam Goong-Min, allow me to reveal:

A/N: Thanks for reading, in case you wonder who is Nam Goong-Min, allow me to reveal:

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(Drama: The Girl Who Sees Scent)

Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now