Chapter 25: Molecular Gastteoknomy

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The car drove smoothly on a nearly empty road as it gradually moves away from the bustling street into a secluded suburb. Every plot of land they passed by is owned by high society families, but notably, the largest plot of land is owned by the Nam family.

Wendy drew a blank on her face as she looks out the window, her mind is clearly occupied because Eric has been trying to strike a conversation with her, but she hasn't responded nor said a word since they left Tteok Tokki together.

His patience finally ran out and he placed his hand on her shoulder, "Hey... Are you listening to a word I said?"

"Please don't touch me." said Wendy coldly, as she threw his hands off her shoulder.

"What's wrong with you? What did I ever do to you? Why are you acting this way?"

"Your brother is dangerous... And I don't know if you are the same or siding with him. After all, blood is thicker than water." replied Wendy monotonously, she turned back towards the window view to avoid any eye contact with Eric.

"Oh, so now you're just assuming that I'm like him?"

"I don't know much about you. So, I can't say for sure what type of person you are."

"Ha!" he scoffed while he turned away from her, "I can't believe this. Just yesterday this idiot is asking me to show her around Seoul and now she's treating me like a criminal who just murdered her whole family."

"If I knew you were this type of person, I wouldn't have asked."

"This... THIS type of person? What do you mean by THAT?" he baffled in disbelief, then threw his head back while grabbing the back of his neck to calm down, "Heol... this girl. AIGOO! You're so frustrating!" Responded with silent treatment, the car soon came to a halt and the chauffeur turned to them, "Young Master, we've arrived."

Wendy opened the car door to exit the vehicle, he reached out in attempt to grab her arm, but she got off and slammed the door right in his face. Seeing her walking into his residence, he quickly leaves the vehicle and ran to catch up to her. When he did, he managed to hold her arm this time, "W-Wait. Are you just going to barge in there? Are you crazy? Do you even have a plan?"

She flicked her arms away to break free from his hold and continued walking without saying another word. Once the door to Nam residence was pried open by the family butler, they were greeted warmly by the rows of maids and butlers.

The first person who emerged in between the rows is none other than Nam Goong-Min who casually approached them while wiping his hands on the apron he was wearing, "Oh, Eric you're home... And who is this beautiful lady? Your girlfriend?"

Eric generated a whole lot of idea to explain but before he does, Wendy put on a smile and introduced herself, "Hi Chef Min, I'm Wendy, a huge fan of yours. I'm so lucky that Eric and I are classmate because I heard that Min Bouche has live orchestra playing every night. So, I asked if I can be part of that. But he said I should ask you directly."

"Ah... Hello, Wendy. Nice to meet you. So, which instrument do you play?"

"Oh, I sing."

Eric could feel his heart thumping loudly, nervous as he couldn't read his brother whether he buys her story or not. At first Goong-Min squinted his eyes looking at her from top to bottom, seemingly sceptical on her claims, so he suggested, "Oh... Sing, huh? Why don't you sing something for me right now?"

"R-Right here?" asked Wendy, growing wary of her surrounding and when she turned back, the butler has closed the door behind her. There's no way out and even Eric attempted to help, "Hyung, there's no orchestra, no music, what will she sing to?"

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