Chapter 7: You Tteok Too Much

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Yongsun's POV

The long-awaited bell had finally rung to call it a day, with students looking forward to club activities or a much-needed rest. But for me, it is a pain reliever to know that I could finally take my heels off in the faculty room.

"Done for today?" I turn to face the owner of the voice and saw the English teacher Ms. Lee Elijah smiling at me, trailing down her vision to my feet which made her wince in pain on my behalf, "Ouch. That blister doesn't look good, I feel for you."

"Tell me about it, had it on all day." I sighed.

"I must say, your choice of band-aid is certainly unique." She covered up her smile and I realised I didn't pay much attention to the student who pasted it this morning. I face-palmed in embarrassment to see it is a shape of tteokbokki,

"It's okay, your secret is safe with me." She winked, "But you really should change your band-aid."

"No, you don't understand... It's not mine, I don't have any with me."

"If that's the case, why not go to the school infirmary? Just go down the hall on your right."

"Thanks, I'll do that." I dragged myself along the corridor enduring the pain until I finally arrive at the sign that reads 'Infirmary' above the door. I was about to step in until I was startled by the sudden rage coming from the room.

"Get out! You're not sick, please get out you're bothering me." The voice seemed to be in distress, but I had to ration my mind, 'Wait a minute, why am I afraid of? I'm not doing anything wrong?' I pushed the door aside to open and saw a lady in glasses and a white lab coat which I assume is the school nurse scolding my student, Ahn Hyejin.

I slowly approached them and asked, "Hyejin-ah, is something wrong? Are you okay?"

"O-Oh, ssaem. Yes, I'm in pain but the school nurse here insists there's nothing wrong with me." She replied. I scanned her from up to down she doesn't seem to be physically hurt but she kept on punching her chest, eventually revealing the truth, "ssaem... I am lovesick. My chest feels painful if I don't see our beautiful school nurse." She grinned.

"GET OUT!" The school nurse yelled once more which made us jump at her shrieking high-pitched voice.

Just then another student of mine Byulyi came in to grab Hyejin by the collar, dragging her away while apologising, "Sorry, Nurse Jung. We'll leave." she bowed and stopped mid-way before the exit and turned towards me, "ssaem, are you okay? Does your feet still hurt?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Run along now." I said, she bowed and turned to leave with Hyejin who was tossing around complaining, "Nooooooo... Don't take me away. My heart, my poor poor heart can't take the pain."

After she close the door, the school nurse sighed in frustration which puts her in a foul mood when tending to me, "Yes? And what do you want?"

"I-I just need a band-aid."

"Right. You're the new teacher, Ms Kim. Sorry, that was rude of me. Let me introduce myself properly, I am the school nurse Jung Wheein, you can call me Nurse or Nurse Jung. If you see me outside school, you can drop the formalities and call me Wheein."

"Nurse Jung. Got it. No worries, I should apologise for the trouble my student has caused." I bowed.

"No, it's not your fault. That student Ahn Hyejin has been visiting the nurse office for all the poor excuses ever written in a book." She rolled her eyes and pat the seat in front of her. I sat down and she took a bottle of iodine, added a few drops to a gauze and plaster it on the blister. I winced a little and she looked worried, "Do you drive to school?" she asked.

Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now