Chapter 4: Tteok Tokki🐇(떡토끼)

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(A/N: Tteok as we all know means rice cake, today I'm introducing the word 토끼Tokki it means bunny / rabbit.)

The pain finally registered into her brain, causing her to wince and carefully removes her high heel, revealing a nasty blister. She rummages through her bag for a band aid but wasn't surprised for not finding anything.

Feeling helpless, she squats down and began to bawl in frustration, "Aaagh so unlucky! What is this, what is wrong with my life? All I ask is for them to stay and they leave me, first my boyfriend now even the bus won't wait for meee...!"

"Um... Agasshi..."

"What?! Just leave me, I won't ask you to wait!"

The biker kicked the brake pedal down to get off the motorbike and removed the helmet, revealing a charming girl who ruffles her hair loose, catching Yongsun off guard. The girl calmly pulled out a few sheets of band aid from her back pocket and knelt on one foot in front of her then pats her own shoulder while instructing, "Hold my shoulder."

Yongsun was hesitant at first, she feels strange for a girl to do chivalrous act such as this, prompts her to decline the generous offer, "It's okay. I can do it myself."

"I know you do. Didn't you say you are unlucky? Why don't we fix that now and take my offer as a good luck coming your way?" she replied.

Everything she said makes perfect sense that Yongsun has no room for argument, no reason to decline that offer. Ignoring any negative thoughts, she self-assured 'Meh, what can it possibly go wrong?' and finally did as instruct.

The girl proceeds to lift one of her feet, removing the heel and gently placing it on her bent knee. She then unsealed the band aid and patched it on Yongsun's blister before carefully placing her heels back on. Yongsun watches her while subconsciously comparing the girl before her with her ex-boyfriends 'has any of my exes done this to me before?... I guess not. Chivalry is dead... She's just a kind girl. Yep. That's what she is nothing more.'

Their eyes met for a moment and Yongsun felt a little puppy leaping on her heart to chase after a butterfly in her stomach. The girl smiled to her and said, "I know I look handsome since I've been told that many times. Now can you give me your other leg please?"

Flushed Yongsun diverts her attention away while she complied. Looking around the neighbourhood, she noticed the bike where the girl was on looks pretty worn out, but similar model to what she used to ride back in high school.

'Eureka!' an idea sparked. All she needed was a distraction, even for a split second will do. Glancing around, she noticed a radish keychain on the bike's key that is still latched onto the start engine.

"By the way, Agasshi. You look familiar... Have we met before?" she asked.

"Ah... Hah hah hah. I doubt that" Yongsun laughs nervously, "I was told that I look like the leader of Mamamoo."

"Oh? I was told that I look like the rapper of Mamamoo. I'm a huge fan you see, I even have the radish keychain."

'That's it! Mamamoo. Sorry, not sorry. You shall be the distraction.' Yongsun thought and commenced her master plan, "O-Omo! Mamamoo, over there!" She pointed to a direction behind her. The girl hastily but carefully placed her other foot on the ground after dressing it with heels and looked towards the pointed direction but it's only the same brown cat yawning and walking away. As she turns back she asked, "Where-"

But she received the same 'fart' exhaust from her own bike, as Yongsun drives away with it. Despite all that happened, she noticed a post-it note next to an electric pole and took it off to read, "Sorry, It's my first day on the job. I'll return the bike to you later, please meet me at this place 7pm tonight. I'll buy you dinner to make up for it." as she reaches the bottom of the note, there's a name card stapled below 'Tteok Tokki'.

'Cute. I knew I've seen her somewhere before. Agasshi... It seems that we're fated to meet.' She smiled. A car pulled over next to her with a boy sticking his head out of the car window calling out to her, "Oi, Byulyi! Why are you standing here smiling like an idiot? You're gonna be late!"

"Oh. Erm... Someone just took my motorbike, haha."

"Whaaat? Someone stole your bike and you just stand there smiling? Hop on! Let's chase after them!"

"Let's not. She promised to return it later when we meet tonight. But... I'm worried."

"For the thief? Why?"

"Because I was supposed to fill the gas on the way to school so... Wherever she is going I hope it's enough to cover that distance."

"You're strange and gullible. Anyway, get in the car and we'll deal with that later."

"Yea... Thanks Eric."




(Somewhere on the road...)

The bike exhaust starts to gag and stutter, Yongsun carefully drove it to the side before it completely gave up on her, "AISH...! SHI***" ... And the cursing continues.




(End of Chapter 4)

-Bonus Bike Scene-

-Bonus Bike Scene-

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Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now