Chapter 15: Tteok Leave Me

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"The train in platform M is departing in one minute. The next train bound for Yongin will arrive in one hour."

"Byul-ah! That's our train, RUN!" I pulled out our hands that were kept warm in her pocket as we make a dash towards the platform. The door was beeping to alarm passengers of its closure, and I took the chance leaping forward with Byul following closely behind me. I thought for once I could've been a gold medallist for long-distance jump in Olympic, except for the fact I tripped on the gap between the train and the platform and fell – well almost.

In that split second that happened very quickly, I felt my hands being tugged backward and my whole body was sprung backwards by Byulyi who took my place by falling inside the train on her back. As the doors are close to sandwich me in between, she pulled me down to make me trip inside the train and I fell right on top with her acting as my cushion.

We're breathing heavily, panting, but most importantly, I could feel our heartbeat throbs violently as our chest are next to each other. I really need to get back to my exercising routine, how can my heart beats so fast just by a short run?

"For your own safety, please do not run in the platform" said the announcement that got us both embarrassed with other commuters now giggling, clearly it was meant for us. I slowly got up and Byulyi did the same.

The train stops at every station, more people started to crowd the train and soon we were sardined in a pack of commuters. I suddenly felt a set of hand grazing my butt and I froze in fear as I turn to look around to spot the guy who smiled at me and mouthed an apology, so I assume it was an accident.

But when it happened the second time, I was about to slap the soul out of his body when Byulyi started scolding. Not at him, but at the innocent young girl in front of the molester, "agasshi! You are very impolite. There is a blind man standing before you, you should give him your seat!" Everyone's attention naturally turned towards her with her voice resounding throughout the train.

The girl looked at her in confusion as the said man wasn't holding any stick nor wearing a sunglass, until Byulyi stated the obvious, "can't you tell? He's so blind he thought this agasshi's ass is his walking stick that he's been grabbing on it."

Gasps of horror and disgusts from commuters are evident as they started to take out their smartphones to record him. He dodged the cameras and covered his face attempting to snake his way out the moment the train came to a halt at a station. Byulyi grabbed him by his arm, "Oh no, you are blind sir let me help you get off. MAKE WAY FOR THE BLIND MAN IF YOU DO NOT WISH YOUR ASS TO BE GRABBED!"

Roars of laughter and giggles could be heard in every corner that the video went viral enough for a train conductor and a few officers to wait for the "blind man" leave the train to be arrested. Everyone cheered for Byulyi and I rewarded my heroine with a peck on her cheek, "gomawo, Byul-ah." which she scratches her hair in shy response.

I would be lying if I said I was not worried what would happen for the remaining stops before we arrive at our destination. However, that worries quickly went away when Byulyi made her way through the crowds and stood behind me. She is taller than me and tall enough to stand and hold the handrail with her right hand while hugging me from the back with her other hand.

Byulyi's POV

"Two tickets, please. One adult one student." she told the ticket administrator as soon as we arrive at Everland Theme Park. The lady behind the counter took a glance at us before asking her, "hak seng, do you have a student ID with you?"

She looked dumbfounded while I was having a time of my life laughing behind her, which made her glare at me grumpily in respond. I gulped like a hard pill to swallow, quietly handing in my student ID to correct the lady who later apologises for the misunderstanding.

"Hm... Now I'm offended. Do I look old, or does she look young?" I teased her which she intellectually replied, "she looks young." She then resumed her work printing the receipt and handing it to her, "The total comes to ₩100,000 would you like to pay by cash or card?"

She seems to have frozen in place, I could only guess she doesn't have enough. Which reminds me, Elijah eonni did mention about her being on a tight budget. I quickly come up with an excuse asking, "Is it busy today?"

"Yes, it's the weekend after all." The lady replied.

"Ahhh... I have zero patience I don't like to queue up and wait." I commented as I lean closer to the counter with a wink, "We'll come next time when it's less busy, okay?" I held Yongsun's hand dragging her away from the lengthy line behind us, away from the crowd. I'm relieved that she didn't comment anything and just followed behind me, well although her silence is not for long when she asked, "Byul-ah... Where are we-"

"Almost there." I answered. We walked towards a park, and I rented us a couple bike. I pat the empty seat behind me, urging her to get on. I masked my laugh when I heard her ranting with a cute pout on her face, "She just do whatever she wants... I'm supposed to be the one leading this date?"

We cycled around the park in harmony, if you haven't tried riding in a couple bike, you wouldn't know how difficult it is to cycle unless you are in sync with the person cycling behind you. The breeze blowing against us feels nice and refreshing. Soon, we stopped next to a huge tree with a shade to rest.

"Wait here." I instructed while I return with a cold beverage and of course, my coffee. I quietly walked up to her who is still in a daze and gently placed the cold can of drink on her cheek which made her jump. I laughed at her reaction, but she yanked my ears in return, making me wince in pain, "You are so naughty!!!" she commented as she attacked my ears.

We settled down to enjoy our drink and I notice she had been stealing a few glances at me, "Is there something on my face? Why do you keep staring at me? I'm handsome?"

"Byul-ah... Are you okay? I mean... The Theme Park, I know you've always wanted-"

"I hate crowds, hot places, long queue."

"Are you sure this is enough?" she enquired.

"No, of course not."

"Then-" before she could finish her sentence, I rested my head on her folded thighs, "Now, this is more than enough." I completed her sentence while I turn my head towards her. She was fidgeting at first, but I lean my head nearer towards her stomach breathing in the soft perfume she was wearing, "Please, stay this way for a bit. Let me take a nap, I had been staying up countless nights to be top in class."

"Heol... I heard you have scholarship... Seems like I don't have to come and tutor you anymore." She said, lightly stroking my hair, making me feel sleepier even though I just had coffee.

I held the same hand that was stroking my hair, placing it on my face, "ssaem... Please don't leave me. I don't need you to take me to expensive date or coffee, just stay..."

"I won't leave you, Byul-ah... I promise" she assured me, while I didn't realise, I had fallen asleep, not even realising the red lipstick mark on my cheek until I got home. Why wonder people have been staring at me on the way home.




(End of Chapter 15)

(End of Chapter 15)

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