Chapter 32 : Get out of tteok way

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(Continuation from Chapter 19 – The day Mr. Lee chased Byulyi out of the house and Eric witness the horrible scene.)

With seconds away from the commencement of the baseball tournament, I lay down idly on the bench, tossing the ball in the air and catching it while my teammates were getting changed. Soon, the coach entered the locker room to nag at me, "Min! What are you doing? Aren't you getting changed?"

"Relax... It won't take long for me to change. What do you take me for? Miss Universe?"

"Don't get all cocky just because you're our Ace. Remember, this will be your final tournament as senior of high school."

"Yea, yea... Whatever." I replied lazily as I got up to change. Feeling a slight vibration as I reached out to my uniform, I saw an incoming call on my phone and slide to answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Hyung! I- We need your help." said Eric in frantic tone. I quickly removed my baseball glove and tossed it inside my locker, while drowning out the surrounding noises from my coach and teammates who called out to me, "Oi... Min! Nam Goong-Min! Where the hell do you think you're going? The tournament is about to begin!"

Screw that. For the usually calm and collected brother of mine to sound panic, it must've been an emergency, "Eric, where are you now? I'll be there as soon as I can."

I hop onto my scooter and rode it all the way to Lee household where I was stopped by Eric who ushered me towards the backyard. He lifted Byulyi's flushed head to rest on his arm while saying, "Hyung, she has a fever. We need to get her to the hospital quickly."

He proceeds to unravel the true colours of Mr. Lee which enraged me. What kind of monster would leave a frail little girl out in the cold like an infectious disease just because she has a fever? I placed my palm on her forehead to check her temperature. The fact that it could instantly warm my hands on a freezing day like this, is no brainer that she has a high fever.

"Byulyi... How are you feeling? I'm gonna get you to the hospital, okay?" I said to her, but she didn't respond which is definitely not a good sign since she seemed to pass out. I carried her in my arms and stood up to walk towards my scooter.

Once we stepped out of the backyard, a stern voice stopped us in our track, "Where do you think you're taking her, huh?" I looked back to find the owner of the voice crossing his arms smugly, "Ah... You're Mr. Nam's oldest son, aren't you?"

I bowed in respect towards an elder no matter what a human garbage he is, "Mr. Lee. Why don't I save you some trouble and take her to the hospital?" Without waiting for an answer, I hastened my pace to get us out of that place, but things won't work out the way I imagined when a number of security guards blocked our exit.

"Who said that you can take her? Mind your own business, son! Just who do you think you are? I can file a lawsuit against you for trespassing and kidnapping!" he threatened. Although I wasn't intimidated, I can't say the same for Eric whose trembling hands gripped my shirt.

"I can say the same for you, Mr. Lee. Feel free to sue me for trespassing and kidnapping, but I'm certain I can report you to the child services and adoption centre for what you are doing to us right now."

"You're bold, but don't forget that the Nam family business is at the mercy of Lee Enterprise. I can sink it with a mere call away, much less winning a trial for child abuse." Mr. Lee scoffed.

"Then you leave me no choice." I said with a scowl, barely managed to free my right arm while carrying Byulyi with the other, holding her closer to me. I took out my pocketknife and lunged forward, swiftly got behind Mr. Lee and pressed it against his neck. It all happened too quick for the guards to respond, but as they try to approach us, I applied more pressure to his neck, "Ah, ah! Take one more step closer and kiss your salary goodbye."

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