Chapter 8: A Tteok M

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"ssaem, we've arrived." Byulyi set the brake pedal down turning around to look at Yongsun who is still hugging her back, "Erm... You may let go of me now." Yongsun seems flustered at the last sentence that she quickly withdrew her hands and hastily removed the helmet, returning it back to Byulyi.

"Ahem... Thank you for sending me home, but you still have a lot of explaining to do. How did you know my address?" Yongsun asked.

Byulyi looked at her watch confirming she still have a lot of time to spare before she opens up her shop before replying, "Sure. Why don't we go upstairs? I'm sure your sister can help me explain everything."

"Wait... You know So-Hyun? Ya, what makes you think I'm letting you in my house?"

"Let's go." Byulyi didn't bother to answer and walked right through the door which made the latter puzzled following behind her, "Byul-ah, wait for me. Let's go together. This is my apartment why is she leading me instead sheesh." She whispered the last part not realising she was thinking out loud.

"ssaem you are too slow, and you talk too much."

Upon entering they were greeted by two men in construction coat, "Ah, you ladies are in luck. We've just repaired the lift so it's good to go now."

Both heaved a sigh of relief seemingly understood the pain of taking the staircase. As they arrive inside of the house, So-Hyun walked out of her room yawning and stretching her arms, "Eonni, you're home? Did you buy dinner?"

Yongsun face-palm herself, "Ah! I totally forgot. My student drove me back home, I didn't manage to go and buy, sorry. This is my student Moon Byul Yi, say hello."

"Oh? It's you. Hello again." So-Hyun bowed to Byulyi while Yongsun stood between them flicking her head left to right cluelessly while her sister explained, "Eonni, you were busy this morning I wanted to tell you Byulyi-sshi send you home last night."

Yongsun's eyes widened and pulled So-Hyun to her room while yelling out, "Byul-ah, make yourself at home. I need to have a word with my sister." Byulyi nodded and shift the pile of paper mess on the sofa, making space for herself to sit.

Meanwhile, Yongsun interrogated her sister in her room, "tell me everything from the top." She ordered her sister. So-Hyun took a deep breath and chanted monotonously in one single breath, "She is the owner of the shop where you were dining in last night, you were drunk, she carried you home, you puked on her, we didn't have money to pay her. The end."

"Y-Y-You mean she carried me all the way to 6th floor?!"


"A-A-And I puked... I puked on her?!"

"Mhm... Aaand... Surprise, surprise. She turned out to be your student. Yay!"

"NAY!" Yongsun knocked her sister's head which made her wince in pain, "Ow, why did you hit me?"

"Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner? And why don't we have money to pay?"

"You paid the rent deposit in cash remember? Where can I find cash lying around here?"

"Aish... But still! It's so embarrassing, kya!!! I'm going to die of shame. This is bad, this is very very bad. She is going to tell the whole school and I'll be laughingstock."

"Well, how was your first day? Did anyone talk about it?"

Yongsun and her sister eventually came out of the room, only to find their messy living room are all tidied up – no more used empty cups in sight, piles of letters and brochures are all sorted out, neatly stacked on the table and there's Byulyi who is now folding their laundry on the sofa.

She was approached by Yongsun with heavy footstep getting closer and closer towards Byulyi, which made her retreat further inside the sofa while the homeowner thrust her fist on her hips questioning, "Byulyi hak seng... what do you think you are doing?".

"You said to make yourself at home. My home wouldn't look like a post-war pigsty farm." So-Hyun giggled which made Yongsun glared at her sister for not cleaning up.

"Don't touch anything." She pointed her index finger in between Byulyi's eyebrows which made the latter sigh, setting aside the laundry she was folding before answering, "Yes ma'am, you're welcome. Sheesh."

She withdrew her pointing finger and turned around for a second letting her catch one second of breath before she turn back again and pointed the same way which made Byulyi froze in place as Yongsun said, "And don't you dare tell a soul about what happened last night."

"Okay." She answered without any hesitation, "You have my word, but can I have my money back now?"

Byulyi was then handed a ₩50,000 bill, "Here you go. I'm sure its more than enough and for all that trouble, you may keep the change." The creditor tilted her head looking puzzled as she took the money and looked at it for a while, flicking the bill with her finger to count that one single bill before answering, "ssaem, is there something wrong with my eyes or did you glue the bills together?"

"Amazing, isn't it? A high schooler like you would never dream of holding a ₩50,000 bill." Yongsun crossed her arms proudly.

"You owe me ₩111,000."

"W-What?! Are you robbing me? How can that be?"

Byulyi rummage her back pocket and handed her a neatly folded stack of receipt while she recited the contents, "10 bottles of soju ₩50,000, 2 servings of tteokbokki ₩4,000, 2 servings of sundae ₩15,000, cab fare ₩30,000 because its 3AM and only *Mobeom cab was available, laundry and dry-cleaning fees ₩12,000."

The two sisters did a mental calculation trying to keep up with Byulyi and when they finally had the sum in their heads So-Hyun scoffed, "Heol... Eonni you just ate a week worth of food."

"Anyway! I'll pay you back, let's go to the ATM." Yongsun said firmly.

"Why don't you work for me instead? I could certainly use an extra helping hand tonight." Byulyi suggested, So-Hyun hopped and clapped her hands in excitement, "Daebak! I get to work? Eonni, let's do it!"

Yongsun shushed her sister, "No! You're only a middle-schooler, don't even think about it. Ya, you're making me look bad that I can't even afford to pay a high-schooler." So-Hyun drooped her head in disappointment as the trio quietly made their way to a nearest ATM machine next to a convenience store.

*beep beep beep beep* ... "Huh?! Wrong pin? No way, this can't be right." Yongsun typed again, this time slower and more careful.

*beep beep beep beep* ... "No way... You're kidding me, COME ON!" She typed in one last time, this time squashing on each button before the same outcome resulted in her card being 'consumed' by the machine, "No, NO! DON'T! GIVE ME BACK MY CARD!" she turned to violence, smashing the number pad while her legs grew weak as she limped on the floor.

"Shh... Eonni. Let's go, you're embarrassing us." So-Hyun had to drag her away with Byulyi while avoiding the public eye who was clearly entertained by her actions.

"Bank! That's right, let's go to the bank instead." Yongsun suggested but Byulyi had to pour a harsh cold water over her plan, "ssaem, it's almost 6 PM the bank has closed for the day."

"... Moon Byul Yi..."

"Yes, ssaem?"

"You will not tell a soul about last night AND tonight..."

"You have my word." 




(End of Chapter 8)

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