Chapter 49 : Love You tteok the Moon & Back

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I could feel Byulyi's hand trembling from trying to balance the tray in her hands, but I'm not letting some breakfast ruin our moment right now. Though as much as I wished this moment would last, we're unfortunately interrupted by a voice I recognise, "Oi lovebird, get a room."

Parting my lips gently away from Byulyi's, I looked over her shoulder to see Changsub's head sticking out. Unimpressed, I told him off for ruining it, "Ya, Lee Changsub! We are in a room. MY room."

"Ahem... OUR room you mean?" said Krystal and Amber harmoniously. I turned to see my roommates who looked like they hadn't slept for countless nights, "S-Sorry, did we wake you up? See! Changsub it's all your fault!"

"Ya, you ungrateful-" Changsub's was cut mid-sentence by Minhyuk who appeared behind him and smack him aside, "Changsub, you're blocking the way." As Minhyuk lightly pushed Changsub aside, I notice there are actually two more people behind, one of whom I could recognise instantly, "ELIJAH?!"

Although I couldn't believe my eyes, but there she was, standing before me smiling like she always does when she used to sit next to me. Next to her, however, is a lady I don't think I've ever met. Byulyi exchanged looks between me and her, then sets down the tray on the table before introducing her to me, "Yongsun ssaem, allow me to introduce. Director of SNU Hospital, Lee's first daughter, eonni to both Elijah eonni and myself, Lee Da Hee."

Da Hee sticks her hand out for me to shake which I did with a slight bow, "I'm Kim Yong Sun. Nice to meet-" before I could even complete my sentence, she knelt on both knees on the floor which shocked me, "W-Why... Is everything okay, Da Hee-sshi?"

Silence filled the room for a brief moment, although her head is looking downward, she started to speak up, "I'm sorry about last night. I was drunk, causing Byulyi trouble. While she was helping me, she dropped her phone and one way or another, accidentally dialled your number. Whatever you hear, it's not what you think it is. It's all a misunderstanding."

"Yea, Yongsun-sshi. I was there in the room with Byulyi and Da Hee eonni. It's not what you think. Byulyi went to get a glass of water I'm the one who changed her." Said Elijah with a calm and assuring smile.

I'm feeling unsure of how to respond to these. Part of me felt relieved that it was all just a misunderstanding, another part of me also felt guilty for not trusting Byulyi in the first place. Since I've been silent for a while, Byulyi knelt next to Da Hee, also apologising, "Sorry, Yongsun ssaem... It's partly my fault too, I shouldn't have acted that way."

Da Hee then looked up to me with tears in her eyes. She moved towards me with her knees and held my hand, pleading, "Please, forgive me, forgive us." I helped Da Hee up, then Byulyi as I shook my head, "No, we're all partly at fault here. Please don't apologise."

Once we've all settled down, clearing up all the misunderstandings, I took the initiative to introduce one another, until we got to Changsub and Minhyuk which, in return, surprised me, "Wait... YOU'RE COUSINS?!"

"Yea... I told you, it's not what you think it is. I'm not jealous about you hanging out with my cousins, in fact I feel it's safer since they'll be looking out for you. I'm just upset that we're spending less time together."  Said Byulyi.

"And you guys didn't tell me?" I glared at Changsub and Minhyuk.

"You didn't ask." They replied cheekily, sticking their tongues out like a child.

We spent the morning recounting the story from last night, bickering, chattering, but above all else, I get to hold Byulyi's hand throughout. After we finished our breakfast, we had to part with everyone else, since they want to leave us to spend our precious time together. As we walked out of the dorm, there lies our obstacle – Won Seok is standing right in front of the school gate waving at us.

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