Chapter 19: Ttéokjà Vu (Déjà vu)

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"Min oppa said she's jealous... Does that mean she is interested in me too? Argh... That disappointed look on her face haunted me. Ever since that day I've been replaying the same scenario in my head thinking if I could've done it differently. Would I side with her? Or take no sides at all... Ah fuck it. I'm almost late for school."

Byulyi drove her bike waiting for Yongsun below her apartment as usual. As she checked the time, Yongsun is later than usual and if they don't leave soon, they'll definitely be late. Worried that she might be unwell, she texted So-Hyun.

(Byulyi: "Is ssaem okay? She's not downstairs yet.")

(So-Hyun: "Oh? Didn't you meet her? She left already.")

Once she read So-Hyun's text message, she saw Yongsun walking out of the apartment. She hurriedly gets off the bike and handed her a helmet and in response, she walked past her as if she's invincible. Byulyi felt her throat so hard to swallow, it feels like there's a deep cut in her chest it pains her heart.

She shrugged off that feeling and ride her bike slowly, matching Yongsun's walking pace while continuously calling out to her,

"Ssaem, aren't you getting on?"

"Ssaem... Are you still mad about the other day?"

"Ssaem, I'm sorry I wasn't in the right mind, I didn't mean to side with Min oppa."

"Ssaem, can you tutor me again?"

"Ssaem... Ssaem... Ssaem..."

Yongsun came to a sudden halt and Byulyi felt relieved, handing her a helmet. She reached out her hand not to take the helmet, but to wave for an incoming taxi which she gets on and left the hamster standing while holding a helmet in the air.

When they arrive in school Byulyi saw Yongsun approaching her in the hallway. She put on her brightest smile, bowing her head 90 degrees, "Good morning, ssaem!" When she felt the response was a little too long, she lifted her head up to see her vanish, so she turned around and whoosh! Yongsun completely ignored her and walked past her.

Byulyi chased after her, then saw her turn towards the classroom so she called out, "Hold that door!" But the moment her face came close to the door, it was slammed right on her face. She felt *déjà vu, except the role was switched this time. (*Ref to Chapter 10)




(Later that evening...)

"Ready... Set... EAT!" two contestants buried their heads to dig in ferociously. Both hands were fully occupied – one was holding up the plate while the other was busy holding a spoon to whisk the plate, and shoving food into their mouth. When the food is completely emptied into their mouth, they stared into each other as they chew like their life depended on it. It's now a matter of who could swallow the food and open their mouth to show its empty first before they are deemed the winner.

Both contestant's actions mirror each other as they gulped almost at the same time and only by a difference of split second. They opened their empty mouth, sticking their tongues out to show the judge, anticipating on the outcome of this competition.

However, instead of announcing the winner, the listless-looking judge was stirring a tray full of tteokbokki while staring into space, until one of the contestants yelled while her tongue is still out, "Hya! Membyeyi! Heu Wen?" (Translation: Ya! Moonbyulyi! Who win?")

"O-Oh... I'm sorry Hyejin-ah, I wasn't watching." said Byulyi who just snapped out of trance.

"Aiiiishh... We just stick our tongue out looking like an idiot." said Eric, who swung his fist in the air, "Ya, are you okay? You've been so out of it since the day hyung gave you a ride home from school. Did something happen?"

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