Chapter 12: Tutteok

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"Aaack!!! I'm laaaaaaate!" Yongsun dressed hurriedly with So-Hyun rolled her eyes watching her hopping around the house to get ready, "I told you eonni, change the alarm ringtone. No one can ever get up with 'Morning' by Mamamoo its too soothing it makes anyone want to sleep more."

Yongsun paused in the process of wearing her blazer and stared at her sister, "then what do you expect me to change it to? Good Night? Eclipse?" her sister giggled in return masking her amusement with her fist.

Sprinting out of her house once again, the lift opened just in time for her to leap in. On the way down, she formulated the distance and time she had left before she sniffs the gas exhaust of the bus. As soon as the lift door reopened at ground floor, she was greeted by Byulyi who leisurely leaned on her bike sipping on a cup of hot drink watching her panting.

"Did you wake up late again?" she teased.

"Byul-ah! Are you feeling better now?" completely forgetting about the bus that was about to leave, Yongsun place her hand on Byulyi's forehead to check her body temperature. After feeling assured, Byulyi removed Yongsun's hand and handed her the same cup she was sipping earlier.

"Hold this." Byulyi instructed, but Yongsun instinctively took a sip only to spit out instantly, "Aish...! I told you to hold it, not drink it!"

"Bleh! What is this stuff? How many espresso shots are there, it tastes so bitter!"

She pondered while counting with her fingers before answering, "Hm... 6?" While Yongsun was busy sticking her tongue out in hope the falling snow would somehow melt away the bitter taste on her mouth, Byulyi took a helmet and put it on her, "you are silly... I just recovered from fever, what if you caught my illness?"

"Aw... Are you worried about me now?"

Upon tightening Yongsun's helmet on her chin, Byulyi pulled the strap making their face close to each other, "Yes... I'm worried. More worried that you might fall for me, I drank from that cup you see... Indirect kiss doesn't sound bad, but I prefer to do it directly, hm?"

This made Yongsun's face reddened and lightly push Byulyi to create a gap between them, "Y-Ya! Don't say such strange things, I'm still your teacher."

"Right, right." Byulyi reclaimed her cup and took out another hot drink from the compartment behind her bike and handed it to Yongsun, "Hold this and drink it."

"Oh! Thank you. What is this?" Yongsun receive the hot drink with both hands and took a sip, closing her eyes before letting out a fog of breath in satisfaction, "hm... Hot chocolate. This is nice." she commented.

"I figured you haven't had anything in the morning. Drink that and we'll go to school on my bike, this time, together. No more stealing bike, missy." said Byulyi while booping Yongsun's nose which made the latter stick her tongue out, "I borrowed not steal."

"Right, right. Whatever you say, ssaem."

They sip in silence with Yongsun constantly stealing a glance towards Byulyi, but it didn't go unnoticed when Byulyi spoke up breaking the silence, "Is there something on my face or I'm simply suave? Why do you keep staring at me like that?"

"I've been thinking... You might have overworked yourself, so can I-"

"No, you are still banned from manning Tteok Tokki." Byulyi immediately cuts her off knowing what the next few sentences are to come.

"But Byul-ah, I'm worried and you live by yourself too."

"That's why you should let me sleep in class sometimes, ssaem."

"You know that's not the point." said Yongsun with a frown.

"Fine... Oh! How about you let me sleep in your class and you tutor me after school?" suggested Byulyi.

"Hm... Sounds plausible, but I'd have to speak to the principal first for his approval."

"Sounds like a plan. Stop worrying about me now, I'm not your lover or anything." said Byulyi with a smirk, now wiping a cocoa print next to Yongsun's lips with her thumb and tasted it, "Hm... Too sweet."

"Y-Ya, isanghae! Don't do that it's dirty!" Yongsun stepped back in shock while Byulyi laughed in amusement at her reaction, "Besides! I'm your teacher, it's normal for a teacher to worry about their students?"

"Let's go now, hop on. We're going to be late." Byulyi pats on the empty gap behind her, enough for a slender lady like Yongsun to sit. Unlike the other time when Byulyi took her home, Yongsun sat sideway which made Byulyi wondered as she trailed her eyes at her attire from the top to the bottom, finally noticing she is wearing a long skirt.

Byulyi immediately removed her outer layer of coat and covered Yongsun's thigh, then securing it by tying the sleeves together on her back like an apron. Yongsun was surprised at her gesture as she felt her cold legs all warmed by the thick coat while asking with genuine concern, "What about you? At this rate you will get sick again."

She took the seat in front and turned to her with a smile, "You can take care of me again ssaem." Yongsun pouted, feeling displeased with her answer, "You think I have all the time in the world to care only for you?"

Byulyi took both Yongsun's hands to wrap around her back, "You keep me warm then. Hang on tight."

"Isanghaeeeeeee-" Yongsun screamed when Byulyi just took off without any warning, making her hang on tightly at the light speed of the bike.




(End of Chapter 12)


Isanghae 이상해 - an informal way to say 'strange'. In many MoonSun interactions, Solar often says this phrase whenever Moonbyul is acting cheesy/greasy around her.

P.S. Any coffee lover here? Author-nim's morning always starts with at least 6 shots of espresso ☕☕☕☕☕☕:3

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