Chapter 27: Tteok Science Lab

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As the clock on the wall ticked by the second, so did Yongsun's throbbing of her heartbeat. With 5 minutes away to half past 10, she clenched her right fist tighter while pressing it against her chest. Suddenly, she felt a hand gently held on her fist, releasing it from any tension.

"Why are you so worried? Don't you have confidence in me?" asked Byulyi when she placed Yongsun's hand on her cheek.

"You're one to talk... Look." Yongsun held out Byulyi's other wrists with her index finger stuck out, "Whenever you're nervous, you always stick your index finger out like this. Are you not worried too?"

Byulyi scratched her forehead as she nervously answered, "Hehehe... You caught me. But seeing you worried, doesn't really help with my morale either." Before Yongsun could say another word, Byulyi's entourage arrived by two knocks on the door before coming in without any of their consent, "Byulyi... Aishh! Stop flirting, it's time."

"Curiosity kills the cat, jealousy kills the lion, huh? Hyejinie."

"Why should I? I have my own girlfriend and she's much hot- AHHH!!!" Hyejin's sentence was cut short by a wrenching fist of love inflicted on her back. She turned to find a grumpy looking cat, a look that can kill as if to say, 'say one more word and you die.'

Yongsun and Byulyi could only snicker at how whipped Hyejin is towards Wheein. When Eric held Wendy's hands together while entering the waiting room, there were choirs of wolf whistling directed to them which made them feel shy at first, but Eric is nevertheless proud.

Once the tension has died down thanks to the warm moments around them, Byulyi cleared her throat and faced Yongsun, "You know I have to go now, right?"

"Mhm... Go give them a good performance, Byul-ah." said Yongsun, while patting Byulyi's thigh re-assuring her that she has her complete support.

"Yea! Go beat him up to a pulp! You got this!" cheered Hyejin.

"Erm... Hyejin-ah... You do remember this is a cooking competition, yea? Not a boxing match." Wheein pinched the bridge of her nose followed by a sigh. The room turned into a gag hall to which Hyejin responded with a fake tear, "Awww... Wheeinie, you're supposed to be on my side!"

"Yes, I'm on your side, but the truth is the truth." replied Wheein. Eric and Wendy left the room, leading them towards the auditorium where the cooking contest will be held. Hyejin and Wheein followed right behind them but just before Byulyi leave the room, Yongsun lightly tugged Byulyi's shirt to stop her from progressing further.

Byulyi turned to face her wondering what's the hold up, but not until Yongsun peeked outside to make sure they've moved a little further away from the room, did she placed both her hands on Byulyi's cheeks and leaned forward, pressing their lips together.

The moment their lips parted after six Mississippi count, Yongsun stroke her cheek with her thumb, "I'd never see myself dating a minor and same gender. But I want our relationship to happen, because I love you not as a teacher, but a lover. So please, win this."

"I'll win this... For us. I promise you." Byulyi held her hand that was stroking her cheek and kissed the back of her hand. They walked together hand-in-hand, inside Byulyi's coat pocket.

The moment they stepped into the auditorium they were greeted with dazzling spotlight shone upon them. Inside, two kitchen tops are positioned next to each other facing the isolated audience stand where no one else except for the three judges are seated. At this time, Goong-Min has also entered from the other end of the room, slowly walking towards them until he reached the kitchen top on the left, nearest to him.

Although it's a simple setting, anxiousness has caused Byulyi to feel lost. Fortunately for her, she was saved by an emcee who tapped on the mic for audio check, "Mic test, one, two." As soon as she has everyone's attention on her, she began her opening speech, "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, chefs and judges, to this humble, private cooking contest sponsored by Min Bouche. I'm Kim Sook and I'll be your emcee for today, walking you through today's friendly competition."

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