Chapter 29 : Cheese in Tteok Trap

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At the earliest phase of dawn, crew members were bustling back and forth for the preparation to start recording in under 10 minutes. Rustling pages of script on their hands, checking on the focus of camera, switching on the spotlight and directing it towards two food trucks right before their eyes, with the final countdown from 3... 2... 1... *snap* the film slate is cut, and cameras are finally rolling.

Taking a deep breath, she began her opening statement, "Good morning, Republic of Korea. It's finally D-Day! The cook-off between Min Bouche and Tteok Tokki is now open to public. I'm Kim Sook, your emcee for this event, taking you through the program."

The camera followed her as she walked towards the food truck, "As you can see here, we're now in the hearts of Korea's richest district, Gangnam-Gu. On my left here is the food truck run by the nation's sexy Chef Min!" Goong-Min entered into the frame with a bow as soon as he is being introduced, "Chef Min, how are you feeling today?" she asked while placing a mic in front of him.

"I'm actually feeling great, thank you for asking." he replied politely with a smile towards the camera.

"Chef Min, before we proceed, would you take us through your food truck please? Because we did mention it's going to be a food truck but clearly, it doesn't look like one."

"Ah... Hahaha... Sook-nim you're amusing." He forced a fake smile to mask his annoyance towards her ignorance as he introduced, "This here is a double-decker food truck, it can accommodate more people who came all the way here to try my food, it's the least I can do."

Amazement is clearly painted on her face when she gasped at the design that resembles a restaurant even though it's supposed to be a food truck. Regardless, she remained professional and resumed her interview, "Chef Min, for you to hire a double-decker, it must mean you're very confident that you'll have a lot of customers coming, right?"

"Of course. Safe to say I'm in my top form today, I've put in my maximum effort so I'm confident to win this."

"Ah... yes, Chef Min is very passionate. I wish you best of luck." MC Sook bowed to him and walked across his food truck towards a smaller, cozy, commonly seen Tteokbokki food truck. Compared to what was shown earlier, Tteok Tokki's architecture is plain simple, like there's not much effort put into designing.

MC Sook had an unbiased look on her face and proceeded with her job to interview Byulyi. She walked closely towards the front of the window where Byulyi was standing, continuing, "We're now right in front of Min Bouche food truck where the formidable rival would face the 3 Michelin Star chef. Please join me to welcome the owner of Tteok Tokki, nation's taste of home, Chef Byulyi!"

When the camera panned towards her direction, she was stone cold stiff because it's her first time being on camera. Standing behind the camera, MC Sook flapped her hand in front of her chest up and down, hinting her to take a deep breath and calm down which she did.

Giving her a little more time, MC Sook did more of the talking to warm her up, "Aigoo... Our poor Chef Byulyi. It must not have been easy standing there. If I were to face Chef Min here today, I'd just run away. But Chef Byulyi is here instead! Please tell us about the secret behind your courage."

Her trembling hand suddenly came to a standstill. Not because she has finally calmed down, but it was a hand holding onto it firmly, "I think I can answer that." said the owner of the assuring hand, "She's courageous to face any challenges... Because I'm here with her, always has and always will."

Byulyi looked dumbfounded seeing Yongsun answering on her behalf while smiling brightly to the camera, who later turned to her with a wink. Her look as if to say, "Calm down, Byul-ah. You got this, you have me."

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