Chapter 14: Tteok-Day

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Unaware of my heavy footsteps being tread across the hallway, I dreaded towards the faculty room with a fat stack of papers to grade. As I arrived, my colleagues were already digging their heads in their respective desks with piles of test papers.

I settled my pile right before my eyes and gulped. Why am I feeling nervous? The students should be the one feeling nervous while I'm supposed to be the 'boogeyman.' It's a teacher's gradings that determines if they will go home with an ass whooping or a rewarding meal.

Suddenly, a hand crept up on my shoulder which jolted me up until I saw the owner of the hand who gave me her daily dose of assuring smile, "Relax, I've never seen anyone feeling tense just by grading the student's test paper."

"Ms Lee... You don't understand it's about a bet-"

"Have you decided where to go on a date with Byul?"

Clearly surprised, I covered up her mouth feeling cautious of what others may think when they hear it. I looked around to see they are still digging their heads which allows me to breath a sigh of relief. Elijah gently removed my hands and whispered, "I know all about it."

"Ms Lee, what makes you think she'll be top in class?"

"Oh... You didn't know?" she giggled and wheeled her chair back to her seat next to me, resuming her grading while humming a happy tune. I slapped myself to focus and get cracking. Seconds to minutes has passed and I've finally on to the last paper, the one paper that I look forward to mark but yet feeling nervous. What is this uneasy feeling?

First question... Correct. Second... Correct... This went on for what felt like hours but it's only a few seconds when I have finished. Reason? Not a single mistake to cross out. All I do is one swing after the other ticking it all away. I stoned at the graded pile with Elijah's giggling as the background music behind my ears, "Didn't I tell you?"

"But... She-"

"Sleeps in class, works till dawn and yes, she also doesn't have to pay the pricey school fees because she receives scholarship."

"You're kidding me... Did I just get cheated?"

I stayed stoned while Elijah wrote something on a post it notes before she detaches it and handed it to me. I took it and read, "Amusement Park... Café ... Cycling..." I looked up and saw her grip her fist next to her face with her usual "hwaiting!" pose. I rolled my eyes and dug my face on my folded arms. What have I got myself into? I'm broke with shitload of bills to pay for this month. I'm certain I'm going to be eating grass for the rest of the year.




I checked myself in the mirror one last time that I've been telling myself countless time until So-Hyun had to barge into my room nagging at me like our mom, "Eugh... You look great. Hurry up now, don't keep your date waiting!"

"I know! I just want to-"

"Check! Yes! Perfect make-up, perfect dress, perfect, perfect, perfect. Now go!" She shoved me out of the room to wear my high heel before she completely evicted me out of the house as she yells out, "ENJOY YOUR DATE!" I shushed her which made her laugh and shut the door behind me.

I took the lift downstairs, again unconsciously checking myself in the mirror. I'm actually really impressed with myself, because I don't think I've ever dolled myself this well even when I was dating that bastard. Feeling confident, I stepped out of the lift and saw Byulyi leaning on her bike with her usual pose.

"Byul-ah... Did you wait long?" I approached her and I could've sworn I saw her blush and gasped with glimmering smile as she scanned me vertically, "W-Why are you looking at me like that? How do I look? Never seen a pretty-"

"You look horrible. Go change." Her smile disappeared, turning 180 degrees around to frown.

"W-What?! I've spent HOURS!-"

"Go change or we're not going, and you owe me another date."

"Ugh, fine! Wait here."




(So-Hyun's POV)

After eonni left, I reclined on the sofa and breathe in the fresh, crisp air of an early winter. I then hopped up to make myself a cup of hot drink to awaken my senses, but it appears that I no longer need it when eonni returned with a huff and puffing her cheeks.

"Well, that was quick-" I shouldn't have said that, I regretted it instantly. She went on to rant for a solid minute until I felt my phone vibrates and I went to check the message, it was from Byulyi. I opened the messenger app and reads her message in my mind with eonni's ranting as background music.

(Byulyi: "It's cold outside. Make sure she wears something warmer.")

I smiled at the message and understood her intention. I'm actually pleased that there is someone out there who would look after eonni this way, I wouldn't mind if they date for real. I styled eonni with warm stocking underneath her skinny jeans and long coat, finishing off with boots. After bidding our goodbyes, I quickly texted her date, "Better?"

(Byulyi: "Perfect :)")




(Byulyi's POV)

"Can we go now?" she pouted, I clicked my phone to lock after I had replied So-Hyun then nodded with a smile. I was about to put on the helmet on her, but she stopped me, "Wait, let's go on a subway instead."

I tilted my head looking confused, but she was insistent that I gave up when she said, "Hey, I went through all that trouble getting ready, DOUBLE READY for you. So, you listen to me now." I gave her a nod and she returned an excited smile that I could only guess she must have planned this for a long time.

As we walk towards the subway, I noticed she was breathing into her hands and rubbing it together. I instinctively held one of her hands and put it in my pocket, but all I see was her reddened face in response which I find it cute. She seems uncomfortable walking with one hand stuck in my pocket so when we passed a convenience store, I asked her to wait while I return with a cup of hot chocolate, "hold this. It'll keep your hands warm."

"Thank you, Byul-ah... And is that coffee?" she pointed at the cup on my other hand.

"Why are you even surprised?"

With both our hands warmed up in the grace of the hot drink, I held the coffee cup with my left hand and resting the other in my pocket and was a little surprised when a set of hand interlocked our fingers together. I looked to her who is now masking her smile by drinking and looking away.

In that moment... I felt my heart pounding hard. I think I'm going to die, I should really cut down on coffee like she said. 




(End of Chapter 14)

Anyone of you imagine this???

Anyone of you imagine this???

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