Chapter 22: I Can See Your Tteok Colour

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"Byul!" Eric shouted across the hallway as he sprinted towards the classroom to find me, "You've got to see this. Let's go outside, now!" I felt my stomach churned for some reason, I had a very bad feeling about this.

As soon as we stepped out of the school ground, there is a food truck right in front of the gate. It was bustling with student lining up, but there's also reporters and a full fledge media team surrounding it.

"Here we are live with Chef Min right in front of MooMoo High. Chef Min, would you please tell us what you are doing here?" the reporter asked with a microphone in her hand.

My eyes widened even more after hearing the word Chef Min. I didn't want to believe it until the man in front of the crowd stepped out of the truck and took the microphone from the reporter, "Yes, good afternoon, everyone. I'm Chef Min, head chef and owner of Min Bouche. When I first opened the restaurant, most of my patrons are very wealthy people and I feel a little detached from the Korea community, it makes me sad. So today, I decided to do something a little different. I bring you, a pop-up tteokbokki food truck where everyone can afford and still enjoy my cooking."

"Ahh...! Our Chef Min is so thoughtful and considerate. Don't you all agree?" asked the reporter. Needless to say, the crowd readily agreed, "Yes!!! We love you, Chef."

"Speaking of love. Everyone couldn't believe that you are still single! Is that true, chef?" I saw Min oppa nodded shyly at the reporter, while she continued to interrogate him, "For someone so kind, talented and perfect, has anyone ever managed to capture your heart? Any plans for marriage?"

He seemed to notice Eric and I standing right at the end of the crowd when our eyes met. Then, I saw him smile widely, warmly like he always does. Turning to the reporter, he gave his reply, "Yes, there is someone. I'm just waiting for her to give me an answer." He winked at me, which causes shrieking and squealing from the crowd. Fortunately, we're so far out no one would suspect he's directing it towards me.

"Thank you all for gathering here today to support my pop-up store, today, everything is on the house!" he declared and everyone cheered for him. The food was then passed down along the line until it eventually reaches us. At one look, I gulped because the smell is very familiar... I didn't want to think much so Eric and I took one bite of it, along with everyone else in the crowd including the reporter.

Everyone was humming a tune at the delish of this simple dish, yet so rich in flavour. The reporter commented, "Hmmm!!! This is amazing! Chef Min, what is the secret behind this sauce?" I froze in place the moment I put it in my mouth, then I looked at Eric who looked like he's about to snap any minute – Yes, this taste similar to Tteok Tokki, and I prayed hard what comes out of his mouth next doesn't confirm my suspicion.

"The secret? It's Himalayan Pink Salt." he dropped the bomb. We stood in silence until the crowd completely fades as the night fall, and all that's remaining is Eric, Min oppa and I. Eric lunges forwards and grabbed his brother by his collar, "How could you do this, hyung?! Don't you love Byulyi? Why are you doing this to her, huh?! ANSWER ME DAMN IT!" he proceeds to punch Min oppa in the face, hard enough to make him fall.

Min oppa simply chuckled and got up while patting the dust off his chef attire. Although Min oppa didn't retaliate, he stood taller than Eric and bellowed, "It's precisely loving her, that I'm doing all this. I want to show her the true colour of her so-called lover."

As if on cue, ssaem walked out of the school gate after a faculty meeting and saw the three of us together. She quickly ran in front of me to block Min oppa from getting anywhere near me, "Y-You. What did you do this time?"

Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now