Chapter 41 : Kissing Monstteok

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A van was parked next to the apartment where Yongsun and So-Hyun lives. Secretary Kwon got off the driver seat, walking towards the back of the car where Byulyi, Yongsun and So-Hyun awaits, while stretching and swinging their arms, all warmed up and ready to unload. Byulyi gasped at the moment when he unlocks the trunk, revealing tower of boxes and luggage fully stacked up, "W-Whoa... A-Are these all your stuff...? You must be kidding me, you've only been away for what, like a week?"

"Oh, come on! Don't exaggerate." Yongsun pouted.

"It looks like you're moving into a new country... Don't you agree, Secretary Kwon?" Byulyi looked towards his direction, but he turned away to avoid answering her question. She then attempts to find another supporter by looking at So-Hyun, "Don't you agree?" Again, she failed when So-Hyun also looked away. It was as if replying to Byulyi is a huge taboo.

True enough, when she looked at Yongsun, she didn't look pleased. Yet again, she strained herself to smile and said to Byulyi, "Babe, stop talking and start moving if you want to go on a date as soon as possible, okay?"

Byulyi gulped and nodded silently then both Secretary Kwon and So-Hyun returned her look while sighing as if to say, 'told you to keep quiet....' They spent the next hour keeping the elevator busy by moving up and down, running few lapses back and forth, until Byulyi removed the last one from the trunk and Secretary Kwon bid his farewell there and then.

Upon arrival at their apartment with the box, Byulyi set it down and exhaled loudly, "Phew... FINALLY! All done! Now let's-"

"Oh babe, can you pass me that box cutter, please?" asked Yongsun, pointing to her direction.

"Seriously...? Please don't tell me you're planning to unbox all of this now." Byulyi grunted, "At this rate, we won't have time for our date- *chup*" Yongsun interrupted her with a kiss on the lips, while picking up the box cutter next to Byulyi, "That's okay, I've got it babe, thanks!"

Byulyi face-palmed herself, moving her hands from her forehead all the way down to her chin, sighing loudly. Looking at the piles of boxes surrounding their area, she knew it'll take at least half a day to unpack everything. She pondered for a while thinking of a plan before ushering So-Hyun to come over.

So-Hyun obliged and carefully walked over several boxes towards Byulyi where they whispered softly to each other, unbeknownst to Yongsun who had completely immersed herself with organising her belongings in her own room.

After what seemed like a brief discussion, Byulyi lifted a box and starts to cut it open. The sound of cellophane tape on the box being slashed open, unloading its content pleases Yongsun's ears. She clapped in joy as she walked out of her room to compliment, "Baby, are you helping me to unload? Thank- AHHH!"

Her excitement quickly dived down to horror at the sight of Byulyi holding a bra in her hands while staring back at her with her most innocently clueless look, "AHHH!!! W-What are you doing with my bra?!" Yongsun who are feeling embarrassed tried to snatch away her bra from Byulyi but was struggling to even walk over with all the obstacles of boxes in her way.

"Owh... This yours, babe?" Byulyi grinned, then pressed the cup of the bra against her face.

"AAAAAA!!!! NO! STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Yongsun yelled while picking up her pace, kicking and pushing boxes away desperately as she watches Byulyi taking a full whiff of it and exhaled blissfully, "Ahh... Smells like you, Yong."

"No!!!!!" Taking a final leap forward, Yongsun successfully snatched it off her hands and land a blow on Byulyi's head, "Y-Y-You, pervert! Moon Perv Yi!"

"Ouuuch... What's wrong with sniffing my own girlfriend's bra? You wear one, I wear one." Said Byulyi with a pout while rubbing her head where the damage has taken place.

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