Chapter 16: Tteok about Marriage

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[(Recap) The story so far... Yongsun first met Byulyi after she broke up with her ex-boyfriend in her tteokbokki tent bar. She caused Byulyi so much trouble, puking all over her, stole her bike, and all that trouble costed Yongsun to work part time in the tent bar, which also didn't last long due to Byulyi's overprotective nature when a customer harassed Yongsun. They had a cold war until Byulyi caught a cold  and Yongsun took care of her health, and later her studies as her tutor. They made a bet if Byulyi is top in class, Yongsun would reward her which she did achieve and they had a date... The story continues the day after their date...]

"So, you're saying... You're palpitating rapidly that you felt like dying?"

I nodded intently, nervous as to what my doctor has to say about my diagnosis. My eyes were focused from her clicking of pen and taking notes, eventually peering her eyes through the top of her glasses where our eyes could meet.

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is a serious case. I'm afraid there's no cure." She replied as she shook her head. I could feel myself breaking a cold sweat that God knows my skin complexion would match with Casper's.

"I-I could give up on coffee, really. I'll start today, right now." I negotiated my will to live.

"Oh, no no no. I'm afraid that's not going to help either."

"Then... How much time do I have left to live?"

She tapped all her fingers simultaneously on the desk, dreading the conversation knowing all too well I am dying to know. I watch her fingers crawled and took off to ruffle my hair as she laughed, "Aigoo... You're in love you silly goose!"

"Aishhh Da Hee eonni! You scared me to death!" I pouted while I run my fingers along my hair to comb the ruffled hair neatly.

"Sorry, you're just so adorable." She said, now assisting to tidy my hair neatly, "So, tell me, who's the lucky guy?"

"There wasn't any guy." I replied as I sighed, taking a sip of tea she served me earlier.

"Oh!... So, who's the lucky girl?" she asked the second time which made me spit the tea that has yet to enter my throat, "Ah!!! Byul-ah, that's so dirty!" She took sheets of tissue and starts to wipe around her desk while I was lost in thought cause the moment she mentioned 'girl' all the images that came to mind is none other than ssaem.

Eonni looks at me carefully which made my heart throbs even more. She then stood in front of me and hugged me tightly, "Byul-ah. It doesn't matter who you love, guy or girl. Us eonni will love and support you no matter what, got it?" I nodded slightly at the same time fighting back my tears.

She returned to arrange a few paperwork on her desk then tapped the papers together on the desk as she seemed to remember something, "Oh. Byul-ah, do you have time after this? Dad wants you to visit him."

I tilted my head in confusion because that man never liked me ever since I joined the family, which to this day I still don't know why. I pondered for awhile before asking, "eonni, will you be there?"

"Aww... Is my baby sister being clingy to her eonni?" she clumps both fists together making an aegyo.

"Never mind... You're probably busy with surgeries and stuff."

"Aish... I'm just kidding, Byul-ah. Of course, I'll be there. Elijah would be home for dinner as well. We know it won't be a simple meal of father and daughter when it comes to you. We'll be there to support you." She held my hand, stroking it with her thumb. I've never felt so assured with a simple act of hers.

I hate to admit, although I'd hate myself for troubling Da Hee eonni to accompany me since she is the Head Surgeon in the hospital with numerous uncalled emergencies, but I'd choose to be selfish in this instance. Anything is probably better than being alone with that man.

She drove us to the Lee household where all the butlers and maids bowed to greet us as soon as we arrive. We were led towards the dining table immediately where Dad is seated at the centre of the table and next to him was Elijah eonni who waved at us with her usual warm smile.

We sat and ate in silence until the peace was broken with my knife screeching on the plate when Dad broke the news, "Byulyi, you are getting married." Both sisters dropped their silverwares and jaws as they confronted, "Dad! What are you saying? Byulyi is only in high school."

"I know. That's why she'll get married after she graduated high school next year." He answered coldly, as he cuts his steak and took a bite.

"Dad, what's the rush? Neither me nor Elijah is married yet, why does Byulyi has to get married first?" Da Hee eonni tried to reason with him.

"You are the head surgeon of Korea's number one hospital, Elijah is a teacher in Korea's best high school. Byulyi runs a small tteokbokki tent bar. Tell me, as a businessman, why should I sacrifice my two biological and successful daughters?"

"No." was all I could think of, "No, I don't want to get married. The tent bar just is just starting to take off-"

"No? I don't think that was even an option for you. You do as you're told. We've raised you all this time, it's about time you repay the favour." He cut me in a stern voice before he sighed and relaxed his tone to try and convince me, "Don't think too poorly of me, the family you're marrying into is one you're familiar with."

The last sentence caused a bulb to light up in my mind. It didn't take long for me to figure out which household since I don't have many friends to begin with. He took a sip of wine before he set it down to confirm my guess, "That's right, you seem to have figured it all out. You're marrying into the Nam family."




(End of Chapter 16)


Hewo! It's been awhile, thank you for your patience. Tteok to my Heart will resume its weekly update, every Saturday. Thank you all for the support <3!

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