Chapter 24: Double Tteokble Couple

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I believe I've lived my whole life earnestly, honestly, kindly, sincerely, so why, why, why... Is God punishing me this way. I've been walking with this brat to a place where we can brainstorm and prepare food, which she claimed to be, "it's only few minutes away." But God, I've checked my watch every 15 minutes and it's almost an hour now.

First quarter elapsed, "Won't be long." she said.

Second quarter elapsed, "It's just around the corner." she claimed.

Third quarter elapsed, "Almost there." she promised.

It takes three strikes to kill every single 'patience cells' of mine. The moment I laid my eyes on a bench I just took a seat and took a few deep breaths trying very hard not to lose my temper. She only walked three steps ahead of me before noticing I've stopped following her.

After our eyes met, she smiled and ran off somewhere, but I really couldn't be bothered at this point. Thinking of Byulyi hak seng's situation, part of me feels guilty for not even trying. As I got up to find where that brat has gone off to, she showed up right behind me, "Nurse Jung, here! I got you a drink."

"Oh. Thanks." I accepted it with both hands and a light bow. I gripped the bottle cap and tried to twist it but couldn't get it open. With more frustration built up, I exerted every ounce of my strength while she watches me in awe. After seconds of struggling, I shove it back to her, "Hyejin hak seng... Did you do something to this bottle? I can't get it open."

"Ah... Um... Okay." She took it off my hands and twist it open easily then gave it to me with a smile, "Hehehe... You're welcome." She has a facial expression like a puppy waiting to be praised for helping its owner. But there's no way I'm praising her over this.

After we had a peaceful rest on the bench, I got up first, "Let's go, it's getting late."

"Are you sure you can walk? Do you want to hold my hand?" she reached out her hand for me to hold but I slapped it instead, "No thanks!"

"Then... How about I carry-"

"I said NO THANKS!"

"Sheesh... Beautiful women are so hard to please." she puffed up her cheek and pouted but quickly dialled her phone. I could hear her talking about picking us up so I'm guessing she called a cab. As expected, it didn't take long before a black Chrysler parked next to the sidewalk and the driver came out to open the door for us.

I didn't think much at first until I got on and saw the luxurious interior of the car – the bottled water and candies placed right in the middle of the backseat, spacious legroom, tinted windows with mini curtain. It feels like I'm riding in the car of important people like the President, or the Minister, basically people in high society.

"Why are we taking the premium cab?! I can't afford this. No, WE can't afford this!" I whispered to her while giving her a death glare. She only does whatever she wants, no discussion, no planning! This is why I hate brats like her.

As soon as the driver returned to his seat and strapped his seatbelt, I stopped him from moving an inch, "Sir, we must've ordered this cab by mistake. We'll pay for the cancellation fee. Sorry for the inconvenience."

I was ready to leave but the door won't budge open, so I repeated my request, "Sir? We're getting off, we'll pay for the cancellation fees. Please unlock the door."

The driver looked at Hyejin hak seng next to me, through the rear-view mirror as if waiting for further instructions from her. She shrugged and to my horror, she ordered him, "Let's just go." I was literally screaming internally, frantically search for my wallet while also trying to locate where the meter is at.

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