Chapter 18: Speak of Tteok Devil

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"I'm sorry, Mr. Lee. I'm afraid I can't accept this arranged marriage." Goong-Min bowed in apology while facing his family members who gasped in disbelief while the three sisters (Byulyi, Da Hee and Elijah) heaved sigh of relief.

Gripping his fist tightly, Mr. Lee slammed it on the table, causing some of the tableware to clatter on the floor. Obviously, diners turned to be an audience of this event and Goong-Min ushered the floor manager to remove the spectators from his sight. But Mr. Lee was relentless and yelled, "Are you mocking me right now? I've prepared everything! You were supposed to lead the newly established Lee's Food Enterprise, are you expecting ME to toss it aside as if it never happened? AFTER ALL I'VE BEEN THROUGH GATHERING THE INVESTORS, HUH?!"

As if the suffocating room has run out of oxygen, Goong-Min allowed Mr. Lee to take one, two deep breaths before he slowly walked towards him. He stood next to his chair and placed both hands in his pocket while staring down at him menacingly. In the moment, Mr. Lee gulped in fear as it feels like a snake had slowly coiled around his neck constricting his movement as he froze in his seat, unable to look into Goong-Min's eyes.

Goong-Min, with both hands still in his pocket, lowered his head to whisper in Mr. Lee's ears, although not loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear, but it is loud enough for their table "Mr. Lee, with all due respect, One, Lee's Food Enterprise is YOUR plan, I never knew about it until you mention it now, I believe I'm allowed to refuse."

"Two, you may be an elder and living by Korea's customary, I am obligated to be respectful. But I should remind you that I'm also not one of YOUR employees, you're now in MY restaurant. I have every right to ask you to leave, for causing such a commotion and trying to embarrass me in front of all my employees thinking that their boss is some pushover."

"Three, I would only be married with someone who consents to my proposal, if Byulyi refuses, I'd never go through with it. Besides... Seems to me that you're more interested in me, what do you say we get married instead, hm?" As soon as he finished his sentences, he leaned closer and landed a peck on Mr. Lee's cheek before releasing a roar of laughter.


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Mr. Lee remained frozen and unamused, so Goong-Min took his time to regain his composure. "Hahahahaha... Aigoo, I seemed to have taken it too far that our honourable Mr. Lee here look so startled. Ohhh... look at this I laughed too much I cried tears of joy." Said Goong-Min, now dabbing his tears with the sleeves of his attire, "I'm sorry for being rude. I've been studying aboard for way too long, you know how the foreigners talk right?"

"Mr. Lee here is very understanding so he will forgive me, right?" he said it the second time except this time, he lightly placed his hand on Mr. Lee's shoulder, which made the latter flinched and shudder in fear, still avoiding eye contact, but barely muttered, "r-r-riight..."

"But what I said earlier is true, this marriage will not happen, unless Byulyi consents to it." Goong-Min said firmly to which Mr. Lee reluctantly replied, "O-Of course. W-We'll talk about this when she's ready-"

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