Chapter 43 : Intteoknational Date

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The doorbell only had to chime for the very first time before opening, to reveal a casually dressed Byulyi holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands, "Whoa...!" gasped So-Hyun who answered the door. She sticks her head back in the house rushing her sister, "Eonni! Your date is here, hurry up don't keep her waiting!"

"Shhh! Alright, alright! I'm ready!" a voice calls out from a room inside the house, as she emerges, walking towards the door with a contrasting attire than Byulyi. From her head where it's clearly evident that she had spent hours on doing her hair to the cold shoulder top, pairing it with long skirt, emitting nothing but perfectness.

In that instant, Byulyi felt like her heart is being tugged by the cupid as she was lovestruck, "Babe? Is everything okay?" asked Yongsun, waving her hands in front of Byulyi's face. Snapping herself out of trance, her face blushed as she handed her the bouquet of flower, "I-I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful I can't take my eyes off you."

"Oh, really? So, am I only beautiful today?" Yongsun challenged with her taunting eye.

"What? No! That's not what I mean..." Byulyi felt flustered at the sudden trick question.

Eventually Yongsun put down her wall of pretence and giggled, "Heehee... I'm just kidding, babe! You should look at your face. Oh... I can't" she lightly dabbed tears of laughter off her lower eyelid, then took the bouquet off Byulyi's hands so she can wipe off her sweat of averting a crisis.

Taking a whiff, Yongsun had the sweetest smile on her face, but it wasn't for long as her eyes turned serious as she looked at Byulyi, "Where are we going today? I seriously hope you wouldn't ask me to drive again. I've spent hours to do my hair and- *chup*"

Byulyi cut her off mid-sentence with a kiss, assuring her, "No babe, I promised you I'd never make you drive anymore for the rest of the week. Come on, let's go." Said Byulyi, opening up her palm for Yongsun to place her hand on top of it to hold. She held her hand gently and kisses the back of her hand, "Allow me to take you through a magical journey, princess."

"Shall I bring the flower with me too?"

"You can leave it at home, but..." Byulyi scanned Yongsun's outfit once more, "Babe, you're beautiful but please tell me you're not going to wear just these in winter, are you?"

Yongsun sighed loudly as she went back into the house, hastily retrieve a thick overcoat, and showed it to Byulyi, "Happy?" She reacted by nodding then takes the coat off her hand and draped it over Yongsun's shoulders, covering her nice and warm. Only then did Byulyi hold her hands as she guided her downstairs where a limo awaits them.

Although Yongsun appeared to be unfazed by the limo, but in reality, she's freaking out in her mind, 'What the? A Limo? Are we going to fancy high class venue?' She then looked down at her own attire and exhaled in relief, 'Phew... Fortunately I'm well-dressed enough for such event... But wait, why is Byulyi dressed so casually? She looked so comfortable in that long-sleeved sweater and baggy pants. Not to mention it goes well with the baseball cap. Or am I actually overdressed?'

While she was busy prancing about in her thoughts, the limo came to a halt and the driver opened the door next to her seat. Byulyi is now standing in front of the door, placing her hand beneath the roof of the door while the other hand is hung out for Yongsun to hold, "Awww... Thank you, babe. With you, I always feel like a princess."

"Well, you are my princess." Chuckled Byulyi.

Yongsun stepped out of the car with ease and surveyed her surrounding to identify their destination, "Babe, is this Incheon airport?" she asked, to which was responded with a simple nod. Before she could enquire any further, two air stewardess approached them and bowed, "We've been expecting you, Ms Moon, Ms Kim. Please, come this way."

They were guided inside the airport walking past the bustling ticketing and check-in booths, towards a secluded area, where the VIP lounge rooms are located. After taking a seat on the sofa, no time were wasted in taking their orders too, "May we offer you any drink to start with?" While Yongsun looked like cats got her tongue, struggling to answer, Byulyi calmly ordered for them, "A coffee and hot chocolate would be nice."

"Most certainly, I'd be back with your order." Said the staff, retreating after a bow.

Yongsun waited until they're alone in the room before bursting out her thoughts to Byulyi, "Babe... Where are we going? I didn't bring my passport with me, much less luggage." Byulyi stared at her blankly, then reached inside her pocket and flapped 2 books of passport, "Y-You... Is that my passport? Where did you get that?!" Yongsun slightly raised her voice, so Byulyi had to shush her to tone it down which she did, whispering, "Where- How did you get it?"

"I asked So-Hyun last night and she handed it to me this morning just before you came out of your room."

"Aish... That little... What other belongings of mine did she give you?"

"Hmmm..." Byulyi closed her eyes, seemingly deep in thought before replying, "Your bra?"

"Ya, you!!!" Yongsun stood up, waving her fist in the air.

"Shhh..." Byulyi shushed her again, realizing they're not the only travellers in the area. Yongsun bowed apologetically for her behaviour and sat back down. Needless to say, she had even more question now than before. Byulyi also noticed her feeling antsy, so she held her hand, assuring her, "Hey... Relax. This is supposed to be an enjoyable date."

"I know, I just have too many things on my mind right now." Said Yongsun.

"I'm sure you do..." Just then, Byulyi was interrupted briefly when the staff set their beverages on the table. They thanked the staff politely before she continued, "Feel free to speak your mind. Ask me anything."

"Okay, I just want to know where we are going? For how long? Do I need to bring my clothes? How much are all these gonna cost? What about YongKi? Where is she? Is anyone going to take care of her when you're away?"

"Whoa... Okay, slow down, babe." said Byulyi as she sipped on her coffee. Yongsun on the other hand crossed her arms and tapping her finger, waiting for an explanation. Byulyi then set the cup down and went into every detail, "We're going to Hong Kong. 2 Days 1 Night trip. You don't need to bring any clothes because So-Hyun has already packed it when we went camping then I had someone pick up the luggage. It costs nothing because it's Nam's private jet. YongKi is with Min oppa, living the best life as the 3 Michelin Star chef designed a special canine menu for her."

Yongsun looked satisfied with her answer, nodding her head and finally be at ease enjoying her hot chocolate, "Hm... Seems to me you're getting used to the life of high society. The chauffeur, limo and now a private jet! You're different now."

"Now, now. I may be part of Nam family, but I still stay rooted to my origin. None of this wealth can change the way I am. Besides, good things are meant to be shared, no?"

"Hm... Fair point. That's why I fall in love with you." Yongsun giggled, causing Byulyi to blush. Soon, they were asked to board the plane. Despite all that talk, Byulyi was equally feeling tensed to be using Nam's privileges. However, she's just a fantastic actress keeping her composure with her poker face on.

As soon as they stepped into the plane, they were greeted warmly, served drinks before it takes off. The tension that they had quickly died down when Byulyi started showing pictures of YongKi to Yongsun. All they ever talked about throughout the flight duration is their child. They arrived at Macau by noon, just the perfect time for them to fill their stomach.




(End of Chapter 43)

Tteok (떡) to my Heart (MoonSun AU)Where stories live. Discover now