Chapter 33 : Tteok Promise

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The entrance wasn't heavily guarded this time. In fact, they opened the gate and let me in as if they were already expecting me. I entered with caution, even with the family butler showing me inside, leading me towards the study room.

The door opened to reveal Mr. Lee who sat comfortably on a couch with two familiar figures kneeling before him. As they turn to face me, I thought I could enter a contract to sell my soul to a devil to kill that bastard. The familiar faces that I've seen for the past 16 years, raising me with all the love they have, is now looking at me with bruises and battered face, staining the carpet with drops of their blood.

"S-Son... R-Run..." my father barely spoke with his mouth filled with blood and pain.

"That took you a while, I got tired of waiting. Since you took away my punching bag, I should take someone to replace, don't you think?" Mr. Lee smirked. I clenched my fist hard enough and was about to beat the soul out of his body, but the guard suddenly grabbed my parents by the hair and pressed a knife against their neck, "Déjà vu... Don't you think?"

"You coward... This is between you and me, why do you hurt innocent people?" I asked as I withdrew my fist, not wanting him to harm my family any further.

"Well, it was between me and my punching bag until you had to get involved. So... Not my fault. Blame it on yourself."

"... I understand." I gulped and took off my shirt and knelt before him, "In that case... I'll be your punching bag. Let my family and Byulyi go. As long as you promise not to harm them, you can hit me in their stead."

"Hahaha... Taking responsibility, I see. As you should. Well, if you can survive my beating, I promise to let your family and that orphan go." Said Mr. Lee as he signals his guard to hand him the baseball bat they were holding.

"N-No... Son... Don't..." my mother shook her head, but I looked away as Mr. Lee approached me with the weapon and swung it across my face. I stumbled at the immense pain, but I imagined if this is considered painful, what about Byulyi who took this beating every single day? I endured it as he laughed maniacally as he took a few swings and occasionally switching his weapon from a cane to a golf club.

It seemed that time has passed by for quite some time and I could barely open my battered eyes because the bruise on my eyelid was severe. But I managed to see him gasping for air, I knew that this won't last much longer. He sat back down on the couch and waved his hands to attract all the attention of his guard and pointed at me as if to tag them to continue.

I've never feared death this much until few seconds ago. With my built, I can withstand his attack, but I doubt I can survive if they continue for another minute. My father quickly stopped them from getting near me by hugging Mr. Lee's leg, "Mi-Mister Lee... Please, please spare my son. We apologise for not knowing our place. If you let him live, I promise you he will be a great asset to Lee Enterprise in the future...I- I'll send him to France, be a world-class chef and... then he can help your business... Didn't you mention you want to enter the food industry...?"

Mr. Lee rubbed his chin and contemplated for seconds before he smiled to my father, "Very well. I'll let him off the hook – for now. If you backed out on your words today, do know that this very scene will replay, and it will end the way I want it to. Understand?"

My parents pleaded by kowtowing their heads on the floor to beg for my life. I gritted my teeth on how helpless we are with the situation. Mr. Lee then heated the golf club with fire from the fireplace and strikes the back of my neck, causing me to black out completely.

That final blow has left a scar on the back of my neck to this day, yet it's not visible since I kept my hair long enough to cover it. As I'm strolling with Byulyi now at the present day, she noticed I was running my hands to the back of my neck and asked, "Oppa... Did you hurt your neck while in France? I notice you've been massaging the back of your neck quite often."

Before I knew it, it has become a habit of mine even though it no longer bears any pain. But whatever happened that day, I swore to myself I'd never let her feel guilty and I'll take that story with me to my grave, "Ah... Nothing. Just tired, you know you're not an easy rival." I smiled while ruffling her hair.

"So... What did you want to talk to me about?" she asked, reminding me of the purpose of this stroll in the first place.

"Ahhh... Say, did you know why I always call you Byulyi instead of Byul-ah, or dongsaeng?" I asked. She pondered for a bit and shrugged, so I instructed, "Try saying your name slowly."

"Byuuul...Yiii" I took out my phone and quickly took a photo when she said the last character of her name, "Ah oppa! Why did you take a picture of me?"

I then showed her the reason, "See? You're smiling. Whenever I say your name, I'll be smiling without trying. You bring smile to everyone around you, I just want you to know that."

"Ahhh... What is this? You're so cheesy!" she said, "Heol... Don't tell me you bring me all the way here just to talk about that?!" she complained. I snickered at how cute she looked when she pretends to be mad. I briefly rummaged through my pocket and took out a tiny box then handed it to her, "I believe this belongs to you."

She drew a blank until she opened the box to reveal two antique-looking rings. Although I've seen it numerous times, it still never fails to amaze me. Her facial expression tells me she will definitely misunderstand the situation, so I took the liberty to explain myself before she can say another word, "Now, before you say anything, let me just clarify this is from Grandmother Lee. Apparently, this is the Lee's family heirloom and she told me if one day we are getting married, she wants us to wear it on our wedding day. But she also mentions if we aren't together, she wishes me to give you my blessing on her behalf and make sure you and your spouse wear this on the big day."

"It's beautiful..." she said with a smile. Seeing her blissful, pains me a little when I thought of all the ordeals that I made her go through. Her facial expression suddenly changes and smacked my arm, "Oppa! Haelmoni asked you to give me your blessing, you've given me nothing but hurt me these past few days... aish!"

"Like what?" I asked cheekily and she pinched my cheeks while recounting the events, "Well there's one about the secret recipe..." I grinned as I recalled them as well. She proceeds to mention a few more until I had to stop her at, "and then there's the hurricane on day 2."

"Wait... Hold on. I take responsibility for all that, but I play no part in trashing both our tents on the second day."

"What? Then how do you have enough ingredients?" she asked, I can still sense doubts.

"As I mentioned that day, it's common practice in my restaurant to have back-up ingredients stored, to prepare us for the unexpected shortcomings." I'm not surprised to see suspicion in her eyes, but I'm sure to get to the bottom of this in order to clear my name.

After running through some thoughts in her head, there seemed to be someone who is most suspicious, someone who would benefit if we got married. We looked at each other and guessed in unison, "Mr. Lee?..."

But I quickly extinguished that idea as I remembered the call that I made at the end of day 1 was to meet a group of influencers and food bloggers, accompanied by Mr. Lee due to his vast influence in the food industry. He has a solid alibi because we're in an underground bar with no reception and he didn't have his phone with him when one of the food bloggers wanted to send him their picture together.

While we were both trying to figure out the culprit, I saw Eric from a distance, desperately sprinting towards our direction, "B-Byulyi... Hyung... This is bad... Ssaem..."

Byulyi seemed to get all worked up at the last word and prompted him to finish his sentence. He gulped while gasping for air before he managed to utter without a pause, "Principal Kim drove by and had a few men forcing ssaem and So-Hyun into his car."




(End of Chapter 33)

A/N :

Thank you all for taking the time to read. I'd like to take this opportunity to promote my latest series 'A Radish Odyssey', which I'll try to publish weekly. I hope it will bring you through an adventure of endless imagination. Love ya'll, tteok Care! <3

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