Chapter 21: Tteok Pain Tteok Gain

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"S... Sorry, Byulah..." said ssaem, while gently stroking my puffy cheek, "Are you... okay?" she asked with a concerned look on her face, but I kept my silence and didn't respond to her.

As much as I wanted to say I'm fine, but this is the first time she spoke to me since that day, and of course, minus the drunk talk. So, I've been fighting to hold back my emotions and put on a 'poker face', pretending to be mad just so that she'll continue talking to me like this. Never knew the day would come where I miss her chatter.

But hell, it was tough putting on a strong front when she is so close to me right now that I could smell the scent on her hands that's touching my face. We're only a few centimetres apart since she was observing her handprint on my right cheek closely... These makes my heartbeat throbs ferociously that I just want to embrace her right now. Fortunately, I was saved by a knock on the door.

"Eonni... Here..." So-Hyun entered ssaem's room and handed me two ice packs for me to press against both of my red-handprinted-cheeks. Ssaem looks to me puzzled at first, since she only remembers slapping one side of the cheek.

So, she held my chin and carefully turned my face to the other side, then slowly pulling down the ice pack away. Ssaem was surprised to discover another handprint on the other side of my cheek, "B-Byulah! What happened to this one?"

It was as though a crow was cawing as it flew across the awkward silence room. So-Hyun and I looked at each other and we both sighed loudly. Ssaem turned to her then to me, back and forth before she finally connected the dots, "Please don't tell me I did that too..." and we simply nodded in response.

Ssaem then covered her face in embarrassment, but it didn't last for long before she uncovers and shook my arm asking for forgiveness, "Byul-ah... Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry... Please forgive me. Hm?"

I looked away from her because now it's getting so tough, that I'm on the brink of smiling. But I eventually lost it when she proceeds to hug my arm, swinging it while begging in a cute voice, "Aaah~ Byul-ah~ forgive me, pwease? Pwease? Pweaaaaase?"

In that instant I almost died laughing while So-Hyun gave her sister a disgusted look, "Ew... Eonni. How old are you?"

"Hello?! I'm still in my earlier twenties, mind you!" ssaem replied.

So-Hyun held her chest and pretended to puke, "Eugh... I can't deal with this. I'm just gonna leave you two lovebirds alone." As soon as she left the room to us, I faked a cough and barely regained my composure. Although the awkward silence is back, but not for long.

"So... Do you forgive me?" ssaem asked. I paused for a bit before I nod, still not talking. Just then she squished both my cheeks, "Ya! Answer me properly!"

Though I was taken by surprise by the sudden act, I still manage to reply, "Y-Yes! I forgive you, ssaem... And does that mean... we're even now?"

She looked at me, seemingly trying to register the past events and finally recalled that she was supposed to ignore me but instead of acting cold all over again, she pulled my head towards her and embraced me, "You silly girl... You know I didn't mean to do that to you. It was all because you sided with him."

I was enjoying the comfort of her warmth until she interrupted by pulling me away, "Wait, does that mean you believe me? That oppa of yours are up to no good?"

I nodded in response, and she put me back to the sweet, warm embrace of hers and quickly pulled me away the second time which got me pretty annoyed by now, "So how did you know I'm telling the truth? Did he really take your recipe?"

"Aish... Ssaem, you really talk too much." I tried to revisit that embrace, but instead she pinched my cheeks that hasn't recovered from her slap, "Ya Moon Byul Yi! You still haven't explained to me what happened last night, why am I naked..."

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