Chapter 38 : Humiliatteok

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"Our dear daughter, are you ready? We don't want to be late!" Eomma's distant yelling could be heard from my room.

"Ready!" I called out to reply before making my way downstairs, "How do I look?" I flaunted like a model posing for pictures at the end of the runway. My family responded similarly by placing their hands to cover their mouths, except their expressions were slightly different.

Eomma and Appa gasped in horror, Min oppa was speechless and Eric was just trying to hold his laughter until he reached his limit bursting out a roar of laughter while clutching unto his stomach, "Pfft... HAHAHAHAHA! You look like a freaking gold bar that Mr. Krabs from Bikini Bottom would love to cuddle to sleep!"

I felt flustered, barely trying to cover up my outfit with my hands, wondering if it's THAT bad. Min oppa tried to smoothen things out by complimenting, "Now, that's no way to speak to a lady!... Let's just say she looks... Like Belle maybe? From beauty and the beast?"

"More like the beast! Pfft... I- I can't! HAHAHA!" Eric was wiping his tearful joy away, while Eomma and Appa regained their composure from the earlier shock. Despite being embarrassed at this whole situation, I still justified myself, "I just want to look... luxury...?"

"Well, you DO look expensive, for sure." Eric pointed out, who's finally finished laughing.

"Honey, I know you're trying to give the best first impression, but..." Eomma walked up to me and turned my body around facing up the stairs, ushering me back to my room, "Come on, let me help you..."

Opening up my wardrobe, Eomma picked out several clothes, laying it all out on the bed while explaining, "Byulyi you have a great figure you'd look good in anything you wear. But you don't have to look expensive to look luxurious." She carefully matches a suit and a tie along with trousers and handed it to me, "Try them on."

I get changed immediately and was surprised with my appearance on the mirror. Eomma was right, anyone could tell these outfit comes with a heavy price tag even though there isn't a speck of gold on it, "Whoa... Eomma I looked..."

"Handsome. You're welcome." She smiled in satisfaction.

"But how...?" I asked.

"How?... You do realise I raised 2 boys, right?" she pointed out that fact while turning my whole body 360 degrees like admiring a piece of artwork that she had just skilfully crafted, "One last thing..." She spotted my badly worn tie and fixed it, "There! All done!"

We walked down the staircase together, where Appa and my brothers watched me with their mouths open. Instead of in shock, they're in awe, "Daaamn! Are you a CEO of World Bank?" Eric commented. We laughed at his silly comments and waste no time to depart from home.

Upon arrival at Kim's residence, we were guided inside to wait in the living room where my family and I were seated along the stretch of sofa. Although I can't help feeling antsy and jittery, I didn't think it was that bad until Eomma mentioned to Appa, "Omo... Yeobo, is there an earthquake? I'm feeling a tremor."

Min oppa applied a pressure on his hands against my knee to stop my legs from shaking, "Oi... Calm down, Byulyi. At this rate you'll give Eomma a heart attack with the fake earthquake you're creating."

"Ehehe... Sorry, Eomma..." I sheepishly replied. Soon, footsteps can be heard from a distant as they entered the room one by one. First to arrive is So-Hyun, then Ssaem followed by a familiar face who followed right behind them, but no sign of Principal Kim yet. Facing us, I had a clearer view of the graceful woman which sparked the lightbulb in my head, "S-Samonim?" I asked hesitantly.

She clasped her hands together in delight upon seeing me, "Ah! Hak seng! We just met yesterday!" I nodded my head swiftly while trying to figure out several possibilities in my head, but she resolved it by clarifying her own identity, introducing herself, "I'm glad we're finally able to meet like this. I'm Yongsun and So-Hyun's Eomma."

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