Chapter 34

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All art belongs to Amethyst ocean.

3 years later

Dash sighed as he walked out of the school into the frosty air of October. "Dash!" Sam called as she came jogging down the sidewalk to him. "Jazz is coming home tonight," she pulled her long raven hair into a ponytail, "We're going over there. Are you?"

Dash scoffed, "I'm pretty sure I'm over there so often, they're getting tired of me," he laughed but there was a bitter undertone. "Our last attempt to get the portal working ended in all the fire alarms going off and a visit from the fire department."

Sam put a hand on his arm, "We'll get it back up and get him back soon. I can feel it." Dash smiled softly, "I hope so."

"Wait up you guys!" Tucker came running after them. "You were right behind me, what happened?" Sam blinked. Tucker grinned and showed a number on a piece of paper, "Ashley happened." Sam rolled her eyes, "What happened to Brittany?" Tucker shrugged, "She's got a thing for Kwan so time to move on."

Dash laughed softly, "Never thought I'd see the day when Foley has game." 

Tucker glared at him from over his PDA, "I heard that." 

Dash smiled, "You were supposed to." He said, fondly remembering how his boyfriend used to say that all the time.

Jazz got out of her car and smiled when Dash's truck pulled up beside her. The three got out, "Jazz," Sam smiled and went to hug her.

"Hiya," Jazz hugged her. "How's campus life treating you?" Dash smiled.

She smiled, "Pretty good, I'm having a lot of fun," she hummed, "Have we made any headway?" Dash only sighed and went into the Fenton Works building. "That good huh?" She sighed and went in with Sam and Tucker.

"Jazz honey," Maddie came over and hugged her. "Hi, Mom," Jazz happily hugged her back, "I'm home for the week and ready to help."

"Ata girl Jazzie pants," Jack hugged her. "Tell us about school before we start anything," Maddie smiled and sat them down to talk about her school life.

Dash was already downstairs running simulations on the computer of the many formulas he had written out. Dash, for the past three years, had done intensive studying of science and technology in school and with Jack and Maddie, all so he could get Danny back. It had improved his grades in school dramatically, however, he had dropped out of football altogether. That didn't really upset him though, seeing as his teammates and himself couldn't get along to run a decent play. Instead, he found himself happier working at the gym as a trainer and working with ghost technology.

He sighed in frustration as all of the outcomes came out as failures. Sam came over with more formulas to run through. Sam had spent the second most time at the Fentons. She desperately missed her best friend and was very eager to see Ember again. Over the years, Sam had managed to convince her parents into funding a small company for her to build as a graduation present. One that was focused on maintaining the environment around them and pushing movements to save and protect endangered species. This would all start after she graduated though so of course she had to maintain her grades until then. That was never a problem for her though.

Tucker was working on the next prototype of the ghost zone, fixing the wiring. While he cared about getting his friend back and did all he could to help, Tucker was focused mainly on his life. He was in the process of earning a scholarship to a nearby tech school. On the side, he was doing private tutoring. This earned him money and gave his social skills quite a boost. He had grown quite a social life but always tried to make time to come and help them.

Usually, Valerie would be with them as well and she tried to come help as often as possible. She was very busy, however, helping her dad build their security company that she would soon be taking over as soon as she was done with school. She was also helping the town with extra security measures with the technology she had advanced on her own. Most of this ate up her time and her friends understood.

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