Chapter 3

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Art is not mine!

Danny stormed himself down to the office, his steps meant with angry purpose. "I gave them an opportunity! I gave them an out! And they...they.." he slowed down, "Why? Why'd they hide it? I mean... yeah it would've hurt and it would've been a surprise but... it hurts more knowing they've been hiding it," he looked at his shaky hands and sighed. "I need to move on," he said quietly.


Danny spun around to see the lunch lady charging at him at full speed. He gasped and turned intangible before she could make contact. The ghost went flying into the wall, smashing straight into the office. People fled out of the office screaming, heading to the front entrance.

"Guess we're done for the day," he mumbled and looked around, making sure no one else was around. "I'm goin' ghost!" He cried and transformed into Danny Phantom. He flew into the office, "What is it this time big and gruesome?" Danny asked, arms crossed.

"Someone changed the menu!" She shrieked.

Danny rolled his eyes, "We had tater tots instead of fries so what?" The lunch lady shrieked again and shot meat infused with an ectoplasmic strike. He dodged the first two but was hit with the last, sending him flying to the floor across the hall. He could hear the sound of the ghost alarm going off, something that was pretty recently installed thanks to the constant threat of ghosts in the school. Fondly called code green. Danny thought it sounded a little gross but he was hardly in charge. The sound of the Lunch Lady coming after him was prevalent by the sound of squinching meat.

"Danny!" He heard Sam and Tucker shout then the sound of mini ray guns firing. The Lunch Lady roared and turned her attention to the teens shooting at her.

"Hey, are you okay?" He looked up to see Dash looking down at him.

Danny blinked before sitting up, "Um yeah thanks," he said, brushing himself off.

Before he could leave though, Dash put his hands out, "Wait! Uhm please," he flushed, "did everyone make it out of the office okay?" He was looking toward the rubble of the office worriedly.

Danny looked that way, "I think so yeah," he nodded, not sure why he was so worried.

"You think? O..okay, there was a boy in there, Danny Fenton? You probably don't know him, he's a total loser and a nobody," he scoffed more for his own benefit. Danny frowned a bit but nodded him along. Dash flushed again, realizing he was rambling. "Is he safe?" He asked in the most vulnerable tone Danny had ever heard him use. His eyes were so full of worry, that Danny almost forgot to speak.

"Y-yes", he nodded, "yes he's safe. There's nothing to worry about okay?" He smiled. Dash, dropping his walls for a second, sighed in relief. Danny watched him with curiosity in his eyes. The roar down the hall broke him from it, however. "Now get to safety please," he ushered him on.

"Right. Thank you," Dash smiled and ran outside with everyone else. Danny seemed to be mesmerized in that spot for a moment. He hadn't ever seen Dash smile so genuinely before. It was amazingly bright. He hadn't even realized a green blush had spread itself over his cheeks.

"Hello? Earth to Danny" Sam's hand waved in front of Danny's face. "Huh? What?" He looked at his friends. "Dude, are you blushing?" Tucker asked. Danny looked away "What? No," he said.

A roar behind them made him turn around. Sam handed him the Fenton thermos. He nodded in thanks, "This shouldn't take too long, go make sure no one got hurt", he said to them. They nodded, "But then we need to talk," Tucker said. Danny looked at them, they both looked guilty and apologetic. He sighed, nodding, and took off after the lunch lady.


Sam and Tucker did a small survey of the areas that had been destroyed by the ghost and made sure there was no one still in there or hurt before going outside to the mandatory head count led by the teachers.

"Hey losers, where's Fentonio?" Dash asked, heading toward them as he came out of the crowd. He had his usual smirk firmly in place but seeing the two without Danny made his stomach sink. He still didn't truly understand this feeling and he hated it so.

"Why do you care?" Tucker asked. Dash thought for a beat for some form of cover, "....need someone to wail on" he raised his fist, "Unless you're volunteering," he smiled evilly. Tucker put his hands up in surrender, "No, no, I'm good."

"We don't know Dash but I'm sure he's fine," Sam said, getting a feeling it was more than just a wailing. Dash blushed lightly, "Uh whatever," he said and walked away.

Danny had landed in a bush near his friends when Dash had walked up to them. He came out and stared at Dash's retreating form. Something had changed between them in the last few days. Something in the foundation of their relationship had changed and he was one hundred percent sure he had no clue where it was going.

'He's worried about me' Something settled in his stomach as he thought that. Something fluttery.

Sam laid her hand on Danny's shoulder causing him to jump.

"Whoa sorry", she laughed. He smiled at her and Tucker. That smile dropped almost instantly when they smiled at each other. "Let's talk," he walked over to the football stands. Sam and Tucker swallowed nervously and followed him.

"You saw us yesterday right?" Sam said, voice full of guilt.

Danny looked at her, pain evident in his eyes, "Yes. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't either of you tell me?"

"We were afraid you wouldn't accept it and we would lose you," Tucker said quickly.

"Danny I know you have feelings for me and-", Sam started.

Danny whipped to look at Tucker, "did you tell her?" He croaked softly.

"No! I would never dude!" Tucker immediately protested.

"I already knew," Sam put in but that was the last thing Danny wanted to hear. That he was so pathetically obvious about his feelings. "Danny, I'm sorry but I don't", Danny put his hand up to stop her.

"I'd rather you didn't. I can handle rejection. It might hurt and it might feel awkward but I can handle it. I can handle you liking Tucker, and you liking Sam. It might really hurt but I can handle it. What I can't handle? Lying! You've been lying to my face! How long? How long was I meant to stay in the dark?" Tears started falling from his eyes at this point, "Do I mean that little to you?"

Sam jumped up and hugged him, "No Danny. I'm so sorry. You mean so much to us. We just got so scared".

Tucker hugged his other side, "We didn't want to lose you. We're so sorry."

Danny sighed, basking in their embrace. He thought about it for a moment before deciding he needed them too much, "You guys could never lose me. If you're happy then I'm happy," he said, hugging both of them. "Just don't keep things like this from me again. I'm serious," they nodded and released each other. Danny wiped his eyes, "I don't want to lose you guys either. So please be open with me."

Tucker nodded, "Absolutely. Won't happen it again." Danny nodded and took a breath to settle down then smiled.

Sam smirked at him, "So what's going on between you and Dash?" Danny's smile dropped and a little heat rose to his cheeks, the strange feeling returning to him.

"Nothing," he shrugged and got up and started walking down the bleachers.

Sam and Tucker got up as well, "No no no no, I see that blush! Something's changed between you two. I think he likes you. Like, like likes you" She grinned.

Danny turned bright red. Not her too. "That's ridiculous Sam. Why would he... like me?" He blushed more thinking about the way Dash had been looking at him lately. No way.

Sam grinned widely, "Danny. I think you like him too."

Danny looked at Sam, "I don't like guys, Sam," he said simply.

"Mm-hmm, we'll see Danny," she said, heading back toward the school with Tucker. Danny rolled his eyes and followed his friends.

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