Chapter 11

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"Danny come on! Talk to me!" Jazz said as they walked out of the house. Danny huffed and turned around, "What do you want to know Jazz?"

She smiled, "What was that thing yesterday at school?" "We don't know," Danny hummed.

"Is it still alive?" She asked.

"Yes. Dani's looking for it now," He nodded.

"Okay last one," he sighed again but she just smiled, "What's going on between you and him?" She asked, looking over his shoulder. He turned around and saw Sam, Tucker, and Dash walking toward his house.

Danny smiled but didn't turn to her, "He's my boyfriend," he walked down the stairs.

She gasped, "What? Since when are you gay?"

He turned to her, "Bi Jazz. I'm bi." She shook her head and smiled "When did this happen?"

"A few days ago," He smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She crossed her arms.

"Because you would've butted in," he said sassily, putting his hands on his hips. Dash couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend's sassy nature.

Jazz rolled her eyes but they soon widened "Danny!" A white tentacle wrapped around Danny's waist and pulled him into the air "Danny phantom," the giant white squid hissed.

Danny groaned, "Why me huh?" The squid looked taken aback. Danny crossed his arms, "Can't I get one day when you guys leave me alone?!" He went on. The squid looked a little flustered. Danny smirked and took the opportunity to transform into his ghost form. He turned intangable and slipped through the ghost's tentacle. He grabbed its other tentacles and pulled, flipping the thing over his head and smashing it into the ground, "Sam!" He called. She nodded, got into his discarded bag, and took the thermos out, throwing it to him.

Danny caught it and flicked the cap off. He pointed it at the squid and sucked it up quickly. He put the cap on and sighed.

"That thing said your name," Dash said as he walked over to him. Danny nodded, "I have a lot of enemies. It's kinda dangerous being with me. Are you sure you want to-" Dash cut him off by pressing his lips to Danny's. He pulled away, "I knew what I was getting into from the beginning" he smiled when Danny's face reddened. In the midst of the surprise kiss Danny had shifted back to Fenton, "O-okay" he smiled.

Jazz walked over and between them. She looked back and forth at them and nodded, "I approve of this but," she grabbed Dash's shirt and pulled him to her with a surprising amount of force, "If you hurt him in any shape or form, I will crush you like a bug under my foot," she growled with a deadly glare. Dash nodded quickly, "Got it" She smiled sweetly and let go, "Good then let's go" she walked away.

Danny laughed at Dash's shocked face and grabbed his hand, "She's a lot stronger than anyone gives her credit for."

Dash smiled and nodded, "No kidding. Are all the females in your family terrifying?" He asked. "Well, Mom..... yes they are," Danny finally came to that conclusion. Dash laughed as they started following their friends, "You must get it from her because I've seen your dad," Danny smiled and looked at him, "You think I'm terrifying?" Dash nodded, "If I knew how much you could kick butt we wouldn't have picked on you. How long have you had these powers?" He asked. Danny thought for a moment, "Nearly a year." "How did it happen?" Danny smiled, "That's a long story," Dash shrugged, "We have time," Danny smirked and started at the beginning.


"Oh so it's Sam's fault," Dash concluded as they walked up the the school.

Danny laughed "Yup!"

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