Chapter 22

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"Danny Danny Danny Danny!" Sam yelled as she ran to her friend in the mall food court.

"What what what what?" Danny asked like her.

She slid into the chair next to him and showed him her phone. A red spiral came on the screen and a Gothic ringmaster came on. "I... am Freakshow, ringmaster of the Circus Gothica..." A skeleton came on juggling skulls. Freakshow came back "...where your nightmares come alive. Circus Gothica..." A gloomy clown with sharp teeth came on, howling with demented laughter, but while still frowning. "...where the clowns never smile." A heavily pierced man in an iron mask came up. "Circus Gothica. Come and get your freak on... with real freaks. Circus Gothica! Coming to Amity Park. Cross over... to the dark side." He came close wielding his red spiral staff.

A dazed look came over Danny, "Cross over to the dark side..." he mumbled.

Sam grinned, "Isn't it cool!? They just came in last night!" She beamed.

"Cross over to the dark side..." Danny mumbled again.

Sam looked up at him "Danny?" She put the phone down.

Danny blinked, "Sorry, musta got a little spacey," he rubbed his eyes, "But we seriously have to go to that!" Danny said excitedly.

Danny looked up when Dash leaned on the back of his chair, "Go where?"

Sam and Danny both grinned at him, "Circus Gothica," They partially hissed.

Dash and Tucker both made a freaked out face. "That doesn't sound appealing in the least!" Tucker exclaimed. Dash nodded and pointed at him.

"Pfft. Chickens," Sam snickered along with Danny.

"Call us chickens all you want but we're not going," Dash crossed his arms.

Sam laughed, "That's cool. I only have two tickets anyway," she held up the two black tickets. "They have a showing today but we're going to sneak in early," she said proudly.

Danny looked at her, "We are?" She gave him a look. "We are" he confirmed and stood with Sam.

Dash sighed, "Just be careful and don't get arrested."

Danny grinned, "No promises," he leaned up and kissed Dash's cheek before taking off with Sam.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Danny whispered.

"Of course I am, now shush or we'll get caught," Sam whispered back as the snuck into the big tent. Danny sighed but followed her nonetheless. "Oh! There he is!" Sam said excitedly as she pulled back a flap to the center ring.

The ringmaster was talking to a camera, swinging his staff around "Creatures of the night, unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica!" He exclaimed.

Danny's eyes became that of the swirling red in the staff, "Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica," he mumbled as his eyes changed back and his irises red.

"Hey! What are you two doing back here!?" They looked up to a big man. Danny's eyes changed back at the sudden noise.

They laughed nervously, "Just leaving?" Sam tried. The big man scowled.

He threw them to the dirt, "And stay out!" The man yelled and walked away.

Sam sat up and glared in the man's direction. Danny sat up, "At least we didn't get arrested" he pointed out.

Sam sighed and got up, pulling him along, "Yeah yeah. Luckily they open the up soon." She pulled him around the front where a massive crowd of dark teens was. She grinned, "My people."

People looked at Danny weirdly as they walked through the crowd. He looked around, "Why is everyone looking at me like that?"

Sam smiled, "Probably because you're the brightest dressed person here," she pulled her spider bag from her back and opened it. "Here, put these on," she handed him a black shirt, black pants, and boots.

Danny rolled his eyes and went into a porta-potty. He came back out in the clothes, "This is weird." Sam laughed, "But you look good."

The big man from before came out of the tent, "Alight, go in. No commotion!" He yelled. The teens nodded and filed in. The man eyed Danny and Sam as they passed. They took their seats, "This is gonna be great," Sam beamed.

The crowd hushed as the light went out. A spotlight focused on the middle of the ring. Freakshow looked up "Greetings, fellow outcasts. I am Freakshow, your master of ceremonies. Are you ready to smile, relax, and forget all your troubles amid the pleasant diversions of the circus?" He smiled. Boos and nos erupted from the crowd. Freakshow grinned "Then you've come to the right place! Prepare to be disturbed and appalled by a small sample of the bizarre and abnormal world of Circus Gothica!" He yelled and gestured to the train car in the back.

An arrow tied to a rope launched across from the car and embedded itself in a pole. A woman emerged, crawling on the rope much like an insect, the crowd gasped. A man balancing on a ball and juggling skulls rolled out, a heavily-pierced woman within an iron, spiked wheel followed, and an incredibly tall man in a skeleton suit emerged last. The crowd cheered. Freakshow grinned maniacally, "Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica," he waved his staff.

"Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica," Danny mumbled, his eyes changing to match the orb on the staff. A nasty grin formed on Danny's lips as he stared at the staff. He opened them and his irises were blood red.

"Danny?" Sam looked at him wearily. Danny laughed almost as maniacally as Freakshow only quieter. He sent a devilish look in Sam's direction before phasing through the stands.

"Danny?!" Sam jumped up and made her way off the stands and behind them. She looked around wildly but never caught sight of him. She whined slightly to herself and went behind the curtains where they were prior and looked around. "Danny?" She whispered.

"What are you doing back here?" Sam looked up to the ringmaster himself.

"Woah! Freakshow! This is so cool! Focus.. Uhm, I'm looking for a friend of mine who was acting kinda weird," she tried to explain.

"Oh, that narrows it down to, oh, everyone in this tent! HA-HAW!" Freakshow laughed.

"Right, sorry. I'll just um.." she pointed to the stands and left quickly. Frekshow rolled his eyes and smirked.

"We have a problem," Sam said into the phone as she walked out of the dark tent.

"What kind of problem?" Tucker asked wearily.

"A Danny problem," she said simply.

"What?! What happened? Is he okay?!" Dash suddenly yelled in the phone. Sam held it away from her then brought it back.

"Dash! Calm down!" She yelled.

"What happened? Start from the beginning" Tucker said calmly. Sam nodded "Okay so..."


That night, at the Circus Gothica fairgrounds. "Slaves! Center ring!" Freakshow yelled. The tall man in the skeleton costume pulls off the outfit. It's actually the dwarf ghost on stilts. The juggling man became the large ghost. The spider woman leaped down and became the eye-patched ghost. The heavily pierced woman revealed herself to be the tattooed ghost by pulling her septum ring up. "For generations, my family has controlled ghosts with this," He held up his staff. "Untold power and all they could think to do was to entertain the masses, whereas I have found a much more profitable use for you minions." He ran his hand through a massive pile of gold. He grinned, "And now that we have our latest member of the cast this entire town is mine for the taking." Freakshow laughed maniacally as Danny appeared from the shadows in his ghost form.

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