Chapter 24

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Danny walked into the school, smiling at everyone. He was honestly just amazingly happy this past week. He was able to see Dash every day, go on a few dates, hang out with his friends, and have fun with his family. Minus the occasional drone following that put him and Dani a little more on edge. They were currently looking into who was tracking them now. Regardless, he felt on top of the world and could honestly say he was completely happy. People gave him weird looks but he didn't care. He smiled brightly when he saw Dash. He ran down the hall and jumped onto his back.

Dash laughed and held him up, "Hey spider monkey, you're in a good mood today."

Danny laughed, "Well of course I am. How could I not be when I get to come see you every day," he beamed. The school was slowly becoming used to the antics of the couple in the mornings but they still got unbelievable looks. How could they not? When the last few years, these two spent butting heads and running from each other.

Danny's smile dropped when they rounded the corner and men in white suits littered the halls with scanners. "Stop stop stop," he said quickly, making Dash freeze.

He looked back at Danny, "What's the matter?"

Danny pointed to the men, "If one of those scanners come near me.... they'll know. Why are they here anyway? Damn, they must be the ones with the drones everywhere," He groaned.

Principal Ishiyama walked directly up to the man in charge, "Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" She crossed her arms.

The man turned to her and held out a government badge, "We're here on business ma'am. There has been an abundance of sightings of Danny Phantom. We have reason to believe that he dwells in this school," he explained.

"Oh um okay then," she looked very uncertain but her hands were tied. "Carry on but do not interrupt the students in their education, am I understood?" The man nodded curtly and went about his job.

Dash backed out of the hallway, "Crap" he cursed.

Danny's eyes widened when he heard a loud beep, "This way!" He heard a man call.

"Act normal," he said to Dash and turned invisible. Dash tried his hardest to just look like he was leaning on the wall with his usual 'test me I dare you' Dash face. The men stopped in front of him as their machines went wild. They looked him over.

"What?" Dash snapped. The men glared at him, "We're looking for inviso-bil," they said sternly.

"Do I look like that scrawny ghost?" The men hummed and moved along. Danny turned visible and glared at him, "You did not just call me scrawny."

Dash laughed, "It got rid of them, didn't it? And you're not scrawny, you're perfect." He turned back and kissed his cheek.

Danny blushed lightly and smiled. "Alright well let's go before they decide to come back." Dash nodded and hurried down the hall.


Danny sat down at their lunch table and looked around to make sure none of the men in white were in there. Sam sat down making him jump, "Hey jumpy. Relax, they're not in here."

Danny sighed, "That's not the only problem," he said just as people started screaming and running out of the bathroom followed by, "Beware!"

Sam couldn't help but laugh, "The Box Ghost is here?"

Danny groaned and nodded, "How he hasn't gotten caught is beyond me."

Tucker and Dash walked over, looking at the bathrooms where people fled. "Is he stupid?" Dash laughed and sat next to Danny.

Danny nodded, "Yes, utterly."

They jumped when the box ghost's face came through the table. "Beware ghost boy! For I am the Box-" he was cut off when Danny grabbed his face roughly, "Listen and listen good, there are government agents crawling around here and if you get both of us caught I will make you wish you hadn't got away from Pandora, do I make myself clear," he growled with a face that would scare any ghost. The Box ghost cowered back and nodded rapidly then disappeared. Danny huffed then realized his friends were all giving him shocked faces. "What!?" He crossed his arms.

Dash smiled and pulled him close, "We won't let them catch you," he said quietly.

Danny blushed lightly and smiled, cuddling up into him.


Danny was changing classes when he caught sight of one of his worst fears. Dani was near the school grounds in her phantom form, surrounded by guys in white. He sucked in a quick breath, dropping everything in his hands and running as quickly as he could to her. He looked around and saw the football players at practice but it seemed they were the only ones outside at the moment. He didn't have time to care though. He transformed mid-run and flew to Dani.

Dash's eyes widened when he saw Danny running. His panic only increased when he saw him transform in the open. Two of his teammates gasped, having seen the transformation as well. Dash looked around and saw no one else paying attention. "Sorry," he knocked their heads into each other. "Coach! We got men down!" He yelled. When the team came over quickly, he retreated to run after Danny.

Danny landed in front of his cousin and glared at them, "Back off," he growled and put up an ecto shield.

Guns were pointed at them, "We've got you surrounded inviso-bil!" One yelled. Dani attached herself to Danny, looking terrified.

He looked back at her slightly, "I told you not to transform without me," he said quietly.

"I didn't have a choice," She pointed to Vlad Plasmius on top of a building, grinning at them.

Danny scowled at him then looked back to the men, "Why are you after us anyway!?" Danny yelled. "All we want to do is help people!" He gasped when a device was shot at them, breaking down his ecto shield. They were suddenly engulfed in a glowing net that seemed to make them feel weak.

"Let the ghosts go! Let the ghosts go!" The men looked at a riot of students starting to flood out. At the front leading them was Jazz, Dash, Sam, and Tucker, all looking angry.

Principal Ishiyama herself came from the crowd. "Release them immediately and leave the premises," she snarled.

The men glared at her, "This is official gover-" they started.

She cut them off, "Don't even say it's government business because I called and they had no clue who you were. Now do I have to repeat myself or call the actual authorities?"

The men wavered before growling and looked at the two ghosts, "This isn't over," they said calmly before retracting the net and retreating.

The ghosts sat up and looked around at the students in amazement when they cheered. They stood and smiled, "Thank you, all of you," Danny smiled.

Ishiyama smiled, "Of course. We couldn't let them take the person who has saved us countless times."

They nodded and floated up, "Thanks a lot guys!" Dani waved happily. She laughed when all the boys smiled brighter and waved. Danny rolled his eyes and pulled her along.

They all met at Nasty Burger after the others were released from school. Dash sat by Danny who immediately leaned into him, "This day has been exhausting," he sighed.

Dash put an arm around him, "I know but now you can relax."

Danny smiled and moved closer to him. "Thanks guys, for back there" Dani smiled at them.

Sam waved it off, "You needed help and honestly It wasn't that hard to mold their tiny minds into doing what we wanted," she smirked.

"Says the girl who's got a major crush on the source of new-age bubblegum trash," Danny smirked.

Sam blushed instantly, "Danny!"

He laughed, "What? It's funny to make you blush."

Dash smirked and pulled him into a searing kiss. When he let go Danny was flushed and dazed. "And it's cute to make you blush," He laughed making Danny come back to reality and blush harder. He promptly shut his mouth and looked out the window quickly, making everyone laugh. 

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