Chapter 28

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"He's not here," Sam said through the Fenton phones as she looked around Nasty Burger.

"Not here either," Tucker said into his as he and Jazz looked through every store of the mall.

"Well, he's got to be somewhere. Don't give up kids," Maddie said through the Fenton Familly Ghost Assult vehicle radio.

"Come on, where are you, baby boy?" Dash mumbled as he drove all over town. He pulled over and laid his head on the steering wheel, "Think, think. Where would Danny go if he wanted to be alone?" He sat in thought for a minute or two before looking up quickly. "I know where he is," he said quietly. "What?" Sam asked. "I know where he is! Meet back at the house as quick as you can!" He said quickly and pulled onto the road and sped back to the Fenton house.


"Dash this is insane," Sam exclaimed as Dash climbed into the Specter Speeder. "Think about it Sam, he went somewhere he knew we couldn't find him, he has to be in the ghost zone."

"Exactly! Where we can't find him! He knows the ghost zone! You'll just get lost!" She yelled.

"Wait, didn't we make a map?" Tucker asked then started looking around the drawers.

"Here!" He pulled the map out and brought it to Dash.

"Thank you," he smiled and took it.

Sam sighed, "Alright. Scoot over, we're coming with and I can drive it better than both of you," She said as she climbed into the driver's seat. Tucker and Valerie got in on the other side and closed it up.

"You kids be safe," Maddie called from the door. They nodded and opened the ghost portal, shooting in.

"Woah," Dash and Valerie said in sync, looking around the ectoplasmic world in fascination.

Valerie stiffened a bit at the ghosts that flew by. She instinctively went for her weapons but Tucker pulled them away, "Nu-uh, we don't want a fight in their territory." Valerie growled but didn't reach for them again. She hated to admit it but he was right, they really couldn't risk a battle in ghost territory. They looked around for hours and even started going in doors and different portals.

"Ugh, this is useless! This place is huge! It's going to take days to find Fenton!" Valerie exclaimed.

"I don't care! I will find him if it's the last thing I do!" Dash said back with a determined look that hadn't wavered through all the hours they spent looking.

"We're not giving up," Sam shook her head and hit the thrusters through another portal.

"Woah," Tucker said as they looked around the floating islands in wonder. The speeder suddenly stopped and trembled as the floating islands rumbled with a ghostly howl. All four covered their ears quickly. "That's Danny's wail!" Sam yelled over the wail.

Dash perked up at the green ecto rings that came with the wail. "That way!" He pointed. Sam hit the gas that way.

Their eyes widened at the sight of all of the ghosts surrounding Danny. They were all Walker's goons trying to get ahold of Danny. Ghosts went flying left and right at the wail, all being blown in different directions. Danny fell to his knees as the wail receded. He looked up just to see more surrounding him. He shot back up to knock the ghosts trying to apprehend him away. He gasped when one grabbed his arms behind his back.

Sam landed quickly and got out. Valerie held out her hand to Tucker. Tucker grinned and put his hand in hers, "Don't worry Val, I'll protect you."

Valerie scoffed, "Yeah right Foley, not your hand, my weapons moron!"

"Oh," Tucker let go sheepishly and gave Valerie her weapons. Dash bolted out with the Fenton bazooka and started shooting ghosts left and right, trying to move closer to Danny. He finally made it over once Valerie joined in and started taking them down all over the place.

"Danny! Are you okay?" Dash helped him up.

Danny looked up at him with an insecure look, "How did you find me?"

Dash smiled, "We've been looking for you for hours. Danny, I know Paulina showed you that video but you have to believe me, that was way out of context. I would never say something like that about you."

Danny looked like he wanted to believe him but still looked insecure and looked away. "Hey," Dash made him look up at him, "I love you with all my heart okay? Nothing is going to change that. I don't ever want to lose you and today, not being able to find you, scared me so bad. I thought I would never see you again. If I have to tell you every day how much I love you, I will. You are my world okay?"

A smile ghosted his lips as a little tear ran down his face. Dash smiled and wiped it away, "Please come home."

Danny nodded happily, "Okay. Let's go home." Dash hugged him and looked around and saw each of them being surrounded by walkers goons.

"Okay," Danny pushed off of him and took a breath. Dash covered his ears quickly. As did the others when they saw Danny. He released the most powerful wail he had ever before. It sent all the ghosts flying but was harmless to his friends. He let it die off then fell straight to the ground, shifting back to himself. "Danny!" Dash picked him up quickly and held him close. "Danny?" He pushed some hair out of his face but he was out cold.

"He's fine lover boy," Sam smiled, "he's just drained."

Dash hugged him close, "Let's go home." They nodded and all piled into the speeder. Dash just held Danny close with a small smile.

Valerie smiled at them, "You really do love him don't you Baxter?"

Dash nodded, "More than anything in this world. I regret ever being so mean to him. I wish I could take it all back," he kissed Danny's head.

Valerie smiled, "Well he is a pretty great guy isn't he?"

Dash nodded and looked at her, "He does whatever it takes to protect the ones he cares about."

She sighed, "Alright Baxter, I get it. I'll talk to him when he comes to." That made him smile, "Thank you."


Danny opened his eyes slowly and blinked once before looking around. He was in his room on his bed. He smiled when he felt Dash's arms around him. He looked up and saw his sleeping face, 'he's so cute', he thought. He looked up when the door opened slightly.

Valerie looked in, "Can I talk to you?" She asked quietly. He nodded and pulled Dash's arm off gently. He went to get up and Dash pulled him back down, still asleep. Danny let out a little oomph and laughed quietly, pulling his arm off again. He got up quickly so not to get caught again and followed her out. He shut the door quietly and looked at her. They stared at each other for a minute before she spoke up, "I can't forgive how my life has become because of you-..... that dog."

"He's not my dog," Danny said.

She nodded, "Yeah that's what I've heard. Look, maybe I was too harsh. Your boyfriend gave me a serious talking to and made me realize that you have always been my friend no matter the circumstances. So maybe I can do the same," she smiled a little.

He smiled back, "So are we okay?"

Valerie nodded, "Friends", she offered a hug. Danny smiled wider and hugged her back.

She let go, "Alright, go get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled and opened the door, "Bye", she waved and he waved back before slipping back into the room.

Dash was sitting up sleepily and yawning, "Where'd you go?"

Danny smiled, "To talk to Val. Thank you", he climbed back onto the bed.

Dash smiled, "For what?"

Danny pushed him down and curled up on his chest, "Talking to her. I love you".

Dash put his arms around him and kissed his head, "I love you too. I always will, no matter what," he rolled over on his side and held Danny close, "I'll always love you," he whispered. Danny smiled and closed his eyes. 'My home is in your arms'.

Have a lovely day my ghosties❤️👻👻

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