Chapter 46

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To say Danny was surprised was an understatement. He had been through so much lately, that he didn't know what to expect when his sister asked him not to freak out. But this truly did surprise him. He always pictured Jazz as a mom early on but not this early on.

"How far out are you?" He asked when he came back to reality.

"I'm like two minutes away. I knew something felt off so I went to my doctor and we did some tests. She just called me with the news," she said quickly, tears still running down her face.

"Jazz, take a deep breath, count to five then let it out slow," he said, smiling when he coils hear her doing just that. "Don't overstress yourself. I see your car," he waved.

Jazz wiped her eyes, "Your hair's gotten long," she commented.

Danny touched his hair, "Yeah it could use a cut. Maybe you can help me with that," he smiled.

Jazz smiled and pulled in. Danny came over to her and waited until she got out to hug her. The second she was in his arms, she started crying again. "What am I gonna do Danny? How do I tell Mom and Dad?"

Danny rubbed her back, "It's going to be okay Jazz," he looked up when he saw Dash heading to look out the window at them. He shook his head and pointed to his parents. Dash gave a thumbs up and went to keep Jack and Maddie's attention.

"I gotta ask. You know I gotta ask," Danny started, making her look at him. "Who is it?"

Jazz rubbed her cheek and blushed, "Do you remember... Spike?"

Danny blinked hard, "The... the goth kid Spike? The one you were helping in high school? That Spike?" Jazz just looked bashful and nodded. "I didn't know you guys still talked," Danny said simply.

"Well we ended up at the same school and ya know, we started talking again and then we started hanging out and well he's..."

"The guy. The guy you were casual with," Danny nodded.

"Yeah," Jazz rubbed her neck.

"Okay, so you just found out. Alright. I think he should know first. Besides me obviously," he hummed.

"But what if-" she started but Danny shook his head, "Don't ask what if. You do that and you'll chicken out. He needs to know."

Jazz sighed, "I know. Okay, I'll call him later and see if he's home yet. He should be home for the holidays soon," she hummed. She looked at him, "You're handling this really well too."

Danny smiled, "I'm actually kinda excited. I like kids. I hope Dash and I can adopt some eventually."

Jazz hugged him, "You will and you'll be the best dad and uncle," she smiled.

"And you'll be a great mom. Mom and Dad will be so excited, I just know it," he squeezed her a little.

Jazz sighed, "You're the best Danny."


"I can't get in contact with Wulf," Danny sighed through his watch, "Have you seen him?" He asked.

"No. Seems like everyone we send doesn't come back," Ember hummed unhappily.

"Don't I know. Not you though," he hummed, "What's the connection?" He paced around the lab.

Dash looked back from the project he and Jack were working on, "Danny, Baby, breathe."

"I am breathing!" He snapped, eyes going red then getting zapped. He took a big breath, "I'm sorry. I'm trying my best. Everyone says it's going to be okay but we've found no one," he sighed and rubbed his face.

A Dash Of Hope (Dash X Danny)Where stories live. Discover now