Chapter 12

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"Ghost child," came a deep voice above them. Skulker suddenly dropped to the ground in front of them. He smiled evilly, his eyes trained on Danny, "Your time is up," he growled. Danny started breathing rapidly, his emotions as chaotic as a kid's. He was terrified.

Skulker's hand switched to a gun. Danny screamed and transformed. He turned intangible and slipped from Dash. He then turned invisible and took off into the sky only leaving a gust of wind to indicate which way he went. Skulker laughed deeply, "Let the hunt begin," he said and took off. It took the three humans a second to process what just happened because it happened so fast. Sam slapped her forehead and started riffling through her bag, "Who was that?" Dash asked

"Skulker. He's a ghost that hunts down rare ghosts for his prize. He's been trying to kill Danny for a year," Tucker explained.

"Usually he can beat Skulker but I think he's going to need help this time since he got turned into a child," Sam said. "Okay, so how do we help him?" Dash asked determinedly.

Sam smiled at him and tossed him a small silver pole, "What's thi- Whoa!" Dash said as the pole extended into a staff with a taser at the end of it, the Fenton Works logo in the middle.

She tossed the wrist rays to Tucker and kept the Fenton grappler for herself, "We use these babies. His parents may not be the best at catching ghosts but they are fantastic at making weapons. Let's go."


Danny looked around the corner of the building he was hiding behind. "Did I lose him?" He asked himself. He felt extremely stupid for taking off from his friends, they could have helped him! But his toddler-like emotions didn't give him the blessing of reason. He had to get back to them but it was kind of hard with a cybertronic psycho on your trail. Danny stepped out onto the road and looked around. The streets were abnormally bairn today and that didn't help Danny's nerves any.

A net suddenly pulled Danny to the ground and entangled around him. "Haha you are so much easier to catch when you're a child," Skulker teased.

Danny looked up at him, petrified. Then it hit him, "Wait. What do you mean? Did you do this to me?!"

Skulker smirked, "Well no, not technically but when you get your hands on a very powerful magic ghost, hunting prey becomes quite easy."

Danny growled, "Are you kidding me!? Do you know how difficult it is to enjoy time with your boyfriend when you're five years old?!"

Skulker grinned, "So the ghost boy is gay huh?"

"Bi Skulker. I'm bi," his hands started glowing green. He grabbed the ropes and pulled them apart with ease, "I may be a child but I can still take you!" Skulker laughed, "Oh child, your pelt will be mine then maybe I'll track down this boyfriend of yours."

Danny glared at him and turned invisible. "Oh please," Skulker shifted his eyes to lock onto heat. Right as he did so, he saw a fist.


Skulker flew a good few feet into the nearest building. He climbed out of the hole his body caused and pointed his gun at Danny, shooting. Danny turned intangible but the net still managed to catch him. The net then sent an electrical shock through the boy, "AH!"

Skulker smirked down at his prey, "Done fighting boy? It'll be easier if you just come quietly."

Danny spit on his boots, "Over my dead body asshole!" He yelled.

"Ooo such language from such a small child," Skulker smirked.

"YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS!" Danny yelled in a fit of rage.

Skulker laughed, "Now about your dead body..." his hand turned into a long blade. He pressed it against Danny's neck, "How about you die for good?" Every bit of confidence Danny had before disappeared with the appearance of that blade.

Danny closed his eyes, he had no escape, no fight, and nobody to save him. The blade started to dig into his throat, green droplets of blood running down. But then the pressure disappeared altogether. Danny opened his eyes and saw Skulker had flown through another building.

"Danny!" Sam called as they ran to him. She pulled the net off of him and gave him a worried look, "Are you okay?" Danny nodded slowly and sat up. He looked to his right where Dash and Tucker were taking Skulker on.

Something flying overhead caught Danny's attention."Sam! Sam! Desiree! Make me me again! I'm not loud enough!"

Sam looked up at the genie, "I wish Danny was his normal age again!"

Desiree stopped in her tracks and scowled, "So you have wished it, and so shall it be!" The tingling sensation came back. Just like before, Danny started glowing pink then a puff of pink smoke surrounded him.

When the smoke fell Danny was back to his normal height and age "Thanks Sam. I have a cyborg to short out"

Sam smiled "The wail?"

Danny smirked "The wail. Mind getting them out of the way?" Sam gave him a thumbs-up and ran to the other two. She tackled them to the ground and pulled them behind a car "Sam what are you-"

Danny took a deep breath and released his ectoplasmic blast. The wail pushed Skulker into a wall. After a few seconds all of his systems started shorting out. Danny's features slowly turned into Fenton instead of Phantom. He stopped and fell to his hands and knees, breathing heavily. Skulker's head popped off and his real green form came out of the bottom, "Curse you ghost child!" he yelled. Danny rolled his eyes and pulled the thermos out. He sent power into it and it sucked up Skulker and his armored suit.

Dash ran over and helped Danny up, "You okay?" Danny smiled and kissed Dash's cheek.

He smiled, "I'll take that as a yes. It's good to have you back to your normal size."

Danny laughed, "I know right? Guess I missed a whole day of school," he shrugged.

"Um, they might call your parents," Tucker pointed out.

Danny cringed, "That's going to be hard to explain."

"Why don't you just tell them the truth?" Dash asked.

"I don't know how they would react. I mean what if they want me dead?" He asked.

"They already want you dead, technically" Tucker pointed out. Danny sighed, "Maybe," his ghost sense was triggered. He looked up and saw a ghost wolf jumping from building to building, "Really can't catch a break today. One right after another," He sighed.

"Need help?" Sam asked. Danny shook his head "It's just a wolf. I need to get rid of some pent-up aggression" he shrugged. "Okay. We'll see you tomorrow," She waved and took Tucker's hand, leaving.

Danny transformed and smiled at Dash, "You sure?" Dash asked.

Danny nodded, "I'll text you if something goes wrong, I promise." Dash pulled him close and tenderly locked their lips. Danny smiled into it and kissed back. He pulled away and smiled, "See you later," he said and took off after the wolf. Dash smiled and started home.

Danny flew after the ghost quickly, "Hey there moon moon, mind slowing down?" The wolf growled back in reply. "Yeah, I figured you'd say that," right as the ghost jumped over an alleyway metal tentacle-like arms reached up and grabbed the wolf, pulling him down into the darkness. Danny stopped and peered down into the abyss. Before he could even react the strange arms surged up and grabbed him. He clawed at the edge of the building, holding on for dear life. That didn't last long though, soon he was dragged down like the ghost prior to him. He hit the hard ground and shot up immediately. Rope ensnared his limbs and held him down. He could hear the whining of the wolf right before what sounded like a vacuum silenced it.

Danny squinted when a bright light shined directly on him. His eyes adjusted and what he saw before him scared him more than any ghost he's ever faced. Staring directly at him were the eyes of his mother "I finally caught you Invisobil."

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