Chapter 20

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Not my art. 

Sam walked down the street to her house in the dark after departing with Tucker. Things felt... different lately. She and Tucker were pretty close when their relationship started but over time they didn't kiss as much, didn't hold hands as much. She worried their relationship was becoming nothing. And now she was feeling her stomach twist and flutter at the same time at the thought that Ember was back. The girl with the stunning blue flamed hair, her small black outfit, her beautiful eyes..... Sam shook her head. She's with Tucker and she definitely doesn't like girls... right?

'Seriously!?' She thought furiously, 'She's a main source of new-aged bubble gum trash!' She nodded to herself and crossed her arms. She nodded to herself, time to put Ember out of her head.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard Tucker scream down the street. She spun on her heels and ran to where she left him. She gasped when she came face to face with none other than the ghost she was trying not to think about.

Ember whisked around to look at Sam, her flames leaving a beautiful trail behind her. Sam shook her head, she was only imagining that Ember looked that stunning.

Ember swayed over to Sam and grinned, "Hello Sam."

Sam tilted her head, "You know my name?"

Ember rolled her eyes, "Of course, I know your name, you're the only one of your trio that didn't drive me up the wall. The only one not affected by my music either."

Sam gasped quietly when she gently touched Sam's cheek, "The cutest one too," She whispered, making Sam blush. She winked "Later Darling Darkness," she smiled and flew away.

Sam stepped back, "What the hell just happened?" She asked herself before she heard a groan. She looked down and realized she didn't notice the most important factor here, Ember turned Tucker into a girl too. She put a hand over her mouth so as not to laugh as he woke up. She helped him up, "Are you okay Tucker?"

He looked at her then down at himself and shrieked, "Not me too!" Sam rolled her eyes and texted Danny then pulled Tucker to Danny's house.


Danny looked down at his phone and laughed hysterically.

"What?" Dash asked. His parents had allowed Dash to stay as long as they kept the door open.

"Ember turned Tucker into a girl! Not so funny now huh?" He laughed then looked at Dash, "They're coming over."

Dash laughed at his boyfriend's antics before he froze, "Is she turning all guys into girls?"

Danny laughed at his face, "Don't worry big guy, I won't let her turn you into a girl" he laughed right before he heard the doorbell. He smiled and ran downstairs, "Dani we need clothes for Tucker girl style!" He yelled.

"Kay!" Dani called back. He opened the door and laughed. Tucker's shirt had grown too tight while his shorts were now too baggy and his hair had grown to his shoulders.

Tucker glared at him, "Oh yeah not so funny now that it's you huh?" Danny laughed and let them in, "Go see Dani," he directed Tucker who nodded and climbed up the stairs.

Danny looked at Sam. He noticed that his goth friend looked flushed and fidgety. He crossed his arms, "Okay, what's up?"

Sam looked at him, "What?"

Danny gave her a look, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Sam smiled nervously, "Nothing happened. I'm okay," she lied.

Danny raised a brow making Sam sigh and motioned for him to follow her. They walked into the kitchen. She explained everything that happened with Ember earlier in the night with a blush on her face.

A Dash Of Hope (Dash X Danny)Where stories live. Discover now