Chapter 36

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Power sparked to life in the Fenton portal, emitting a bright light that made most cover their eyes. All except Danny who had his eyes hyper-focused on Sam. As soon as it looked like the portal stabilized enough for another body, he dove in quickly and pulled Sam out. He panicked internally as she went limp in her arms.

"Sam?" Danny held her close and listened for her breathing. He sighed in relief when he heard her breathing faintly. A gasp left him when she started turning intangible and falling through his hands. He laughed and held onto her. "She's okay," he smiled to the rest who relaxed at the news. Sam groaned and opened her eyes. She blinked and looked at her invisible hands.

"You see this too right", she asked in shock. Danny laughed and nodded. He helped her up and into a chair, making sure she was stable. He picked up his wristwatch and pulled a cord from a nook on it, plugging it into the portal. It started changing rapidly, showing different parts of the ghost zone. Pariah's Keep came into view and stopped.

Sam's eyes widened, "That's where they are? Isn't that where the king of ghosts lives?"

Danny rubbed his neck, "You could say that." He sent a message to them. Dash watched him closely, taking in all his nervous behavior.

Before he could comment on it though, Dani came flying through the portal, tackle hugging Danny. Slowly a boot stepped through the portal, Vlad coming through all the way. He looked around and smiled, "Good work Daniel." He stuck his hand back into the portal and helped Ember through. Sam perked up instantly and got up, "Ember?" Ember lit up and ran to hug her, "I missed you, Darling Darkness." Sam relaxed and hugged her tightly.

Skulker came through and looked at Danny, "I'll do a perimeter check for anything suspicious."

Danny nodded, "Be careful and stay out of sight." Skulker nodded and did a small bow before leaving. Danny inwardly cringed and looked at Dash who he knew was staring at him. Dash simply smiled and put an arm around his waist.

He looked down when his watch lit up. He made an exasperated face when Technus' face popped up on the screen, "I am Technus!" He bellowed, "And I-!" Danny made a whistling noise and he stopped immediately. "My bad Young Lord. I will now check on the suit," he jumped into the case with the suit Danny came back in.

Dash smiled lightly, starting to put everything together in his head. Seeing as Danny hadn't brought it up yet though, he turned his attention to Dani. He grinned, "You got so tall."

Dani puffed up proudly, "I know. I'm much stronger now too!" She flexed, making Dash laugh. She grinned then her eyes moved past him and lit up. Valerie smiled and came over to hug her, "Hey little Phantom."

Footsteps came down the stairs quickly. Jack and Maddie looked around in astonishment, "You got them all back," Maddie smiled.

Vlad transformed, "Your boy is brilliant when he actually puts his mind to it."

Maddie smiled and hugged him, "Oh Vlad. Welcome home." Vlad sighed happily and hugged her, his hands just a bit too low. Jack caught his eye and gave him a look. Vlad chuckled lightly and moved his hands back up. "Good to have you back Vlad man," Jack gave him a hardy clap on the back.

Skulker came back, "The area is clear."

Danny nodded, "Thank you." He looked at the ghosts around the room, "I'm going to let you guys do what you want but be careful and stay out of trouble," he eyed them. "Don't make me come get you," he said teasingly but sternly.

Skulker smirked, "I'll look forward to our next one on one. For now, though, I will keep the smaller pests under control," he put his hand on his chest, doing a mock bow before leaving.

Danny sighed exasperatedly as he left. Technus made the suit come to life with a metallic hum. "I, Technus, shall repair the damages!" The ghost bellowed as he moved the suit into position with the lab equipment.

Danny rolled his eyes and sat down by Dash, "You don't have to announce everything you do, Tech," he said, almost affectionately.

"Then how will the Young Lord know what I am up to, hm? I could use this to overpower the Young Lord," he said presumptuously.

Danny only laughed in mild amusement, "You can try," he stated calmly.

To this, Technus made a displeased noise, "Not again, no thank you".

"Are we going to talk about this 'Young Lord' thing? Or are we supposed to ignore it?" Sam crossed her arms.

Ember grinned, "Yeah Baby Pop, you gonna tell them?" She asked in a very amused tone. Danny eyed her, "Well..." he hesitated. "A lot happened in three years. It felt like so much longer in there" he hummed, smiling when Dash put his arm around him.

He paused when he heard rapid footsteps coming down the stairs. Tucker stopped at the bottom, nearly tripping over himself, "Danny," he said in huffs of breath. Danny got up and went to hug him.

"Dude," Tucker laughed as he hugged him, "You got ripped."

Danny laughed, "It's been a long time Buddy". Tucker nodded, looking a bit ashamed of himself, "It's been a very long time," he said and noticed the cross look from Sam and Dash.

Danny looked back at them then at Tucker again. He patted his arm, "Why don't we sit down and work this out?" He smiled then waved as Vlad went upstairs with his parents. Tucker nodded, looking confused about the friendliness shown towards the man.

"Hey guys," Tucker waved lightly. Dash looked a little less than pleased to see him, but Sam looked downright pissed that he was even in her presence.

"You son of a-!" She started then fell intangible right through her chair. Ember looked down at her in bewilderment and picked her back up.

Tuckers' eyes went wide, "Woah, what happened?"

"You get no information," she hissed at him and turned her look at Danny instantly because said boy was grinning ear to ear. "I'll teach you," he snickered.

Tucker rubbed his forehead, "I missed so much." Sam opened her mouth, but Dash got up and put a hand on his shoulder, "Yeah, you did. We'd be happy to fill you in, as long as you stay."

Tucker looked ashamed again, "I will. I'm sorry guys. I really am. I shouldn't have exploded like that. I shouldn't have."

Dash nodded, "We get that you have a life," he started.

"We just want to be a part of it," Sam finished. Tucker sighed and hugged them, "I'm so sorry." They smiled and hugged him back.

"When did jock man become so mature?" Dani whispered amusedly to Valerie who laughed.

"Okay, okay," Sam sat them back down and filled him in. She then looked at Danny, "Tell us everything." Danny smiled, where to begin?

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