Chapter 26

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"This time, you're finished!" Valerie yelled and pulled the trigger. Danny turned intangible but the shot still hit him, sending him crashing into one of many machines. Vlad obviously upgraded her again.

Danny got up, holding his head, "Valerie please, I'm not doing anything wrong," he pleaded.

"So ruining my life wasn't doing anything wrong!?" She yelled as she stomped over.

"I said I was sorry about that, he's not even my dog!" Danny backed away from her.

"You think sorry's going to fix things!?" She lifted her gun.

Danny raised his glowing hands, "I don't want to hurt you!" He yelled in a broken tone.

"That makes one of us," she pulled the trigger.

Danny dropped his hands and pulled his body apart so he didn't get hit. The blast shot a hole right through the wall. Danny scrambled up and flew out. Valerie dropped her now empty bazooka and jumped up, her board coming under her and flying out after him.

Danny flew quickly through the town, knowing fully well that Valerie was hot on his trail. As if to confirm his thoughts a blast shot past him followed by multiple more that he had to dodge. "What's the matter ghost!? Afraid to fight!?"

Danny whined lightly, "You have no idea." He yelled when one of the shots hit him and sent him spiraling into a roof. He turned over on his back just to see Valerie flying directly at him. He reluctantly raised his hands and shot the board. It malfunctioned and sent her swerving into another rooftop.

Danny got up, "Ah," he winced and grabbed at his side. His suit was torn and green blood dripped from the graze. He gasped in pain when two knives were thrown at him, one sinking into his arm. He looked at the roof Valerie had landed and saw her grabbing for more knives. She wasn't messing around today. He gritted his teeth and pulled the knife out quickly before taking off into the air again.

Valerie growled before pushing a button on her suit. Danny looked back when he heard the sound of spitting fire. Valerie's feet were the source, letting her fly after him. "Oh great, now here feet are on fire?" He groaned and turned around in the air. He lifted his hands again and sent a barrage after her. Valerie skillfully maneuvered to dodge most of them.

One hit her directly and broke her face plate. Her angry and growling face scared Danny beyond belief. His eyes turned blue and he shot ice at one of her feet. "Ahh!" Valerie screamed as she tried to keep herself up but it was futile with only one boot. She brought herself down to the ground as gracefully as she could manage then brought up her shoulder cannon. She aimed and shot, hitting Danny dead on. He went down like a crashing plane, creating a crater in his wake.

Danny laid there for a minute, eyes closed and rubbing his head. 'I need more training' He thought in his moment of silence. That is until he heard Valerie's battle cry. His eyes sprang open and he moved just before Valerie swung her tasing staff at him. He moved around every swing she threw but his wounds would only let him move so much before causing him excruciating pain. 'If I could just get away from her and transform back' he thought urgently.

He accidentally left himself open and Valerie hit him in the chest, tasing him in the process. He yelled out in pain and fell to his knees, head down. Boots stopped in front of him. "Look at me ghost" Valerie hissed.

Danny shook his head, "Please," he pleaded, "All I want to do is help" he said weakly. "Valerie please stop" his voice broke.

"Too late for that," Valerie spat and pulled his head roughly to look at her. Both had taken a substantial amount of damage but Danny's was obviously more so. "All ghosts like you will know that I am coming after them" she hissed.

Danny was breathing hard, eyes half-lidded. He honestly looked like death. Valerie grinned, "Looks like I finally got you," she said and pointed a gun at him. Danny had no energy left, no more fight in his body. All he could do was close his eyes and wait for the inevitable 'I love you, Dash'.

Valerie suddenly gasped and backed away from him. Danny opened his eyes and looked at her shocked expression. He then looked at himself and realized, he was no longer Phantom. In the midst of him losing all energy he changed back, having no more power to sustain that form.

He looked up at Valerie. She had a look of utter betrayal and disbelief, "No. You can't be," she mumbled.

Danny gave her a sad look, "Val.."

"No! You ruined me and you still pretended to be my friend!" She yelled.

Danny stood the best he could, "No! Valerie, you're my friend! I feel completely guilty about what happened but I can't change it! Please Val.." He reached out.

Valerie backed away with a steel face. Her board came to her, "Forget it Fenton...Phantom... whatever you are," she hissed and hopped on. She looked down at him, "I'll let you live but..... don't talk to me got it?" She growled and flew away.

Danny's hand stayed stretched out in her direction as he fell to his knees, head down. He stayed there for what felt like forever. He was beaten and broken. Heartbroken. He and Valerie had gotten so close. He could be himself with her. Almost anyway. Tears slid down his cheeks. Now she's gone.

A car pulled up not too far from him not long after the fight. Dash and Jazz got out. They had followed the trail of wreckage to find him, getting more anxious as they did.

When Dash saw him he ran over instantly, "Danny!" He slowed down when he saw his motionless form. "Danny?" He knelt down, "You're hurt," he stated as he looked over him. He tilted his head down to try and look at him, "Danny?" He moved his face up to look at him gently. His heart broke when he saw Danny's sad eyes with silent tears running down his face.

"Oh baby boy," Dash sighed and pulled him close. Danny cried freely, shaking in Dash's hold. Dash looked at Jazz who looked just as heartbroken to see her brother in the state he was in. She ran back to her car to get the medical supplies. Dash rubbed his back soothingly, "Everything's going to be okay," he said quietly.

"How do you know?" Danny cried.

"I don't. But I have hope."

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