Chapter 29

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I just really want it thank all of the nice comments I've gotten. Honestly guys it makes my day so much better to read all the comments you leave😊. Thank you and enjoy:)

Not my art

Every student in the room watched the clock in anticipation as the last hour of the year ticked by. Lancer went in and on, painfully unaware that no one was listening and wouldn't start listening anytime soon. Danny was flicking his pencil back and forth in his hand, 28 minutes left. He looked over when a tiny paper ball hit his shoulder. Dash smiled at him and made a kiss gesture and blew it. Danny pretended to catch it and put it on his lips.

"Barferific", Sam grumbled, watching the two. Danny looked back at her and stuck his tongue out at her. He flinched when a spitball hit his cheek. Kwan was laughing with a snarky face and a straw. Dash reached over and kicked the leg of his chair. Seeing as Kwan was leaning back in his chair, this of course made his chair slide out from under him and cause him to crash onto the floor. Lancer looked back and sighed heavily, "Mister Lee, I know the school year is nearly to an end but I would greatly appreciate it if you would not nap on the floor." That earned giggles in the classroom, "and to keep your chair on all four legs yes? Get up," he said and turned back to the board.

Kwan got back up and glared at Dash. Dash only smirked in return though, "Why don't you leave him alone and pay attention though paying attention now won't help your sunk grades," he snarked. Kwan growled at him and turned his attention back to Star. Danny snickered and kissed his cheek, "Thank you Dashy." Dash blushed at the nickname and smiled, "Anything for you baby boy."

The bell rang, making every teen jump up and rush for the door. "Single file please!" Lancer yelled. Dash grabbed Danny's hand and walked out the door with him. "Hey guys," Valerie smiled. "We still on for the water park tomorrow?"

Danny nodded, "Definitely," he smiled brightly.

"Awesome. Happy birthday by the way," she smiled at Dash.

He smiled back, "Thank you."

"Seventeen right?" She asked.

He nodded again, "Unfortunately my parents are out of town until Thursday night buuut," he said quickly seeing the sympathetic face starting, "This beauty is coming over to make dinner tonight," he kissed Danny's cheek, making his face light up at the name.

"That's sweet," she smiled. "Well, we should get going. We need to hit the store and he's the driver so," Danny smiled.

"Maybe you should get your license," Dash laughed, "And don't say you're still young because you turn seventeen next week."

Danny crossed his arms, "Actually I was going to ask why I need to drive when I can fly."

Dash hummed, "What about when you can't fly?"

"Why wouldn't I be able to fly?" He cocked a brow.

"Just say you couldn't. What then?" Danny rolled his eyes, "I'll get it, now are we going or not?" He huffed.

"So sassy. Alright, let's go. Bye guys," he waved and snaked his arm around Danny's waist as they headed out of the school. "So what are you making for me tonight?" Dash smiled.

"Your favorite," Danny grinned.

Dash hummed, "Pizza and chili fries?"

"Pizza and chili fries," Danny nodded with a grin.

Dash laughed and kissed his face a bunch, "I love you." Danny laughed and jumped in the passenger seat. Dash shut the door and got in himself, "To the store."


Dash flopped down on the bed next to Danny, eating a piece of pizza, "Damn baby boy, you are a good cook. You know that?"

Danny laughed and snuggled onto his chest, "Glad I can make you happy."

Dash smiled down at him and kissed him softly. Danny smiled into it and kissed back. Dash pulled away and smiled, "You make me happier than I've ever been in my life. I never want to let you go."

Danny smiled brightly and cuddled back up to him, "I never want you to let me go."

They sat in his room for hours, eating pizza and chili fries. They watched movies and exchanged kisses all through the night. Dash smiled at him after the fourth one ended, "What now?" Danny suddenly looked very nervous and took a breath before sitting up. "Danny?"

Danny turned to him and smiled, "I have a present for you."

Dash smiled, "Oh yeah? Can I have it?" He asked.

Danny nodded, "You can, if you want it. You don't have to though obviously, if you don't want to. But I would like to say, I would like it if you did.... take it. You're the only one I would want to take it."

Dash sat up, realization dawning on him. "You mean..."

Danny blushed and nodded, "I want to go to the next level with you Dash. Only if you want to though," he said quickly.

Dash blushed and smiled, "Of course I do. Are you really sure about this?"

Danny smiled back and nodded, "Just be gentle okay?"

Dash smiled more and pulled him close, "Always."

He pulled off Danny's shirt and laid him down. He then threw off his own shirt and leaned down, kissing Danny softly. He broke from him and started laying kisses down his neck. He reached a spot on Danny's neck that brought a moan out of the smaller male which surprised even Danny. Dash grinned and grabbed his legs, pulling them up higher and sucking on that spot all while rolling his hips on Danny.

Danny gasped and grasped onto his shoulders, "Oh my god, Dash," he moaned. Dash hummed happily and fumbled to get Danny's pants off while still managing to grind on him. Danny was starting to pant lightly, "Get them off please," he almost begged. Dash pulled them off, Danny already getting hard in his underwear.

Dash moved his hand down to rub against Danny in a gentle way. Danny gasped again and was nearly clawing at him. "T-Take your pants off now," Danny said softly, panting heavily now. Dash pulled away from his neck and moved down to kiss his inner thighs. "Dash!" He yelled but it came out in a moan.

"Just relax love," He smiled and laid loving kisses on his thighs. "I've got you," he took off Danny's underwear. He came back up to his face and kissed him, wrapping his hand around him and giving him a bit of friction. Danny let off a tiny gasp that broke the kiss. Dash smiled and reveled in watching his partner come undone just with the softest touches.

Danny's hands moved along Dash's chest, making their home on his shoulders. Dash's hand moved a bit quicker, making Danny moan under him. "Feel good?" Dash kissed the spot on his neck again, making Danny shiver in pleasure. His eyes opened, glowing bright green. Dash gazed at him in amazement and love. "Definitely doing something right," He kissed his lips softly. He then moved back a little and took off his own pants.

Danny smiled happily, ready to give everything to this man. 

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