Chapter 7

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"Well, I think I'll leave the new couple alone. Ciao babies," she waved and disappeared in blue flames, her laugh echoing.

"New couple?" Dash asked in confusion. He jumped when Danny's arms wrapped around his waist. He looked down, "Um are you okay?" He asked. Danny looked up at him with soft eyes, "I'm fine as long as I'm with you."

Dash pulled him back by the shoulders and looked at him, "What's wrong with you?" He asked, looking Danny in the eyes.

Danny only smiled, "I love you, Dash. I have for a long time and it took me this long to realize that," Danny confessed openly.

Dash stared at him, shocked. He noticed everyone around them began to stare, "Maybe we should talk about this later okay?" Danny smiled happily and nodded, flying away.

Dash looked around to see people staring in his direction. He facepalmed and left quickly with Sam and Tucker right behind him.

"What just happened?" Dash asked no one in particular.

"Well it turns out a ghost is in love with you," Tucker said bluntly.

"And he's liked you for a long time apparently," Sam said.

Dash stopped and turned around to them, "I don't even know him that well!" Dash exclaimed. "What did Ember do to him anyway?" He asked.

"Well-" Tucker began explaining all the scientific terms for everything that happened but it all sounded like a foreign language to him. "Get it?" Tucker asked when he was done.

"Uh-" Dash started, looking confused.

"Tucker. English," Sam interrupted.

Tucker sighed "Ember's a ghost. She used the power in her guitar to amplify Danny Phantom's love hormones and direct it at the person he loves most," He explained, getting an "O" noise from the two.

Sam snorted, "Danny's gonna have fun with this one," she said, forgetting Dash was there.

His eyes widened, "Oh crap! I don't need him showing up and flirting while I'm with Danny!" He exclaimed.

Sam looked at him, "What- Oh yeah t-that's what I was talking about," she said and Tucker facepalmed.

Dash sighed, "I'm going home. See you guys tomorrow," He waved at them before he left.

Sam sighed, "You do realize we have to keep Danny away from Dash until we can fix this right?"

Tucker looked at her, confused, "Why?"

Sam rolled her eyes, "If Danny Fenton acts as in love as Danny Phantom, someone's going to notice," she explained.

"Oh. Yeah, we gotta do that," Sam rolled her eyes again.


The next morning, Danny walked into the school with a smile plastered on his face. He turned the corner and nearly squealed when he saw Dash down the hall at his locker.

"Da-" A hand covered his mouth and pulled him into a classroom. He turned around to see Sam and Tucker. "Hi guys, I was just going to see Dash," he smiled.

Sam shook her head, "No, you're acting as you did as Danny Phantom. People like Dash would put two and two together and figure out your secret," she explained.

Danny frowned, "But what if I want Dash to know?"

Sam and Tucker stared in shock before Tucker shook his head, "I'm not sure we can trust him yet," he said causing Danny to pout.

Sam grabbed his wrist, "Nu-uh. No pouty face. We have to get to class," she said, dragging him to class and away from Dash.

It was the last hour of the day and Danny was determined to see Dash. They were currently sitting in the library. Danny was tapping his feet against the plush carpet impatiently but he knew his chance was coming. Inevitably Sam and Tucker became too engrossed in their conversation to notice when Danny slowly turned intangible and raced out of the room.

"You don't need a new PDA," Sam sighed. Tucker just shook his head and tapped at his PDA again and only got static in return.

He sighed and looked up, "It keeps buggin'. I need- where's Danny?" He asked, noticing they were missing a friend.

Sam looked around and gasped, "Oh no!"


Danny sprinted to the football field, stopping by the bleachers. He caught his breath for a moment before looking to the field. The whole team was practicing but Danny's eyes only followed Dash. He chewed on his bottom lip, his feelings overwhelming him like a pot boiling over.

They practiced for a while before the coach blew his whistle. Dash slapped high fives with some of the players and then noticed Danny by the bleachers, who waved eagerly at him. Dash smiled and jogged over to him, "Hey Danny, what are you doing here?"

Danny smiled brightly at him "I need to tell you something important."

Dash smiled "Okay what is it?" He said, slightly looking around to make sure Phantom didn't show up.

Danny took a deep breath, "I'm just going to be blunt. I love you Dash. Like a lot. I wasn't ready to accept that before but now I am," he said.

Dash let off a small breath before a wide smile spread across his face. His smile dropped a little as he really looked at Danny, his mind putting two and two together. He mentally scolded himself for really not seeing it before. He took Danny's hand and led him behind the bleachers.

"Ooo what are we doing back here?~" Danny asked. Dash rolled his eyes and turned around, stopping Danny.

Dash looked down at him, "Can I ask you a question? You can trust me so please be honest."

Danny nodded confidently, "Anything for you."

Dash looked at him wearily, "Are you Danny Phantom?" Danny was silent for a second before nodding. Dash just stared in shock before groaning, "So you're under Ember's spell," then realization hit him, "All those times Danny Phantom saved my life.." he looked at Danny who was smiling lovingly at him. "You saved my life even though I was such a jerk to you?" He asked in a small voice.

Danny nodded, "I couldn't let you die". Dash felt warm hearing him say that yet so guilty. Dash suddenly hugged him, catching Danny off guard. "Thank you and I'm sorry."

Danny smiled and hugged back, "I'll always be there for you Dash."

Dash let go and smiled at him then frowned, "We need to get this spell off of you".

Danny still smiled, "No spell can change the love I have for you," he sighed in a dreamy way.

Dash laughed a little, "Alright Romeo," He said then saw Sam and Tucker running toward them.

"Do they know?" He asked Danny who nodded in response. Sam and Tucker came to a stop in front of them. Danny waved happily.

Sam inspected the two and sighed, "You told him didn't you?"

Danny shook his head, "He figured it out."

Sam looked up at him, "You'll keep quiet right?"

Dash nodded, "Of course" He answered.

"Good then you can help us take Ember down she has a concert tonight at midnight," Tucker said.

"Don't you love Ember?" Dash asked. Sam gave him an evil glare.

Tucker looked nervous "Heh...uh...I love and fear Sam more," Danny scooted closer to Dash, away from Sam.

Dash smiled at him then looked at the two, "Alright what's the plan?"

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